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JFJ demands a Beheading

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  • JFJ demands a Beheading

    ... no Chainsaw required

    JFJ calls for Blair's head
    Jamaica Observer
    Wednesday, December 28, 2011

    HUMAN Rights group Jamaican for Justice is calling for Political Ombudsman Herro Blair to resign from that post.

    In a release to the media the group said Blair's recent comments from the pulpit on the controversial buggery issue has eroded the perception that he is politically impartial.

    "Political impartiality and the clear perception of impartiality are essential to the role of Political Ombudsman. Reports of comments recently made by Bishop Herro Blair have eroded the perception of his political impartiality, and in light of this, Jamaicans for Justice (JFJ) is calling for his resignation from the position of Political Ombudsman," the release said.

    President of the People’s National Party Portia Simpson Miller had said during the recent political debates that she would review the Buggery Law sending of an ongoing debate and the issue has become the subject of political campaigning as politicians hustle for votes.

    "It is reported that Bishop Blair took a clear position on the issue, encouraging voters to support his declared position. Whereas both in his personal capacity and as a Bishop in his church, Bishop Blair is absolutely entitled to hold and voice his opinion on the issue and to encourage persons to support that position, this action would erode his ability to be seen as an impartial adjudicator in his role as Political Ombudsman," the release said.

    "The content and tone of some of his comments would make it difficult for him to continue to speak out against inflammatory language coming from political candidates and political platforms," the JFJ said.

    JFJ is calling on Bishop Blair to do the right thing and resign from his position as Political Ombudsman with immediate effect.

    Read more: http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/lates...#ixzz1hs2lUq4V

    Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

    D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007

  • #2
    Portia has certainly stuck her neck out there!

    btw - I wonder exactly what Hero Blair said?
    ..did he encouraged his flock and others to vote JLP?
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


    • #3
      Here is what Blair was alleged to have said...

      but he said he was misquoted or rather his quotes were taken out of context by the newspaper, said he would rather JFJ listen to the entire tape of his speech first.

      JFJ hit back by saying the story has been out there for more than 36 hours and he never made any attempt to get a retraction by the newspaper and it is only now when they are talking out he is claiming to be quoted out of context.
      Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
      Che Guevara.


      • #4
        ...does not seem to be anything to get all hot about.

        Rev. Al now (as reported by the press)?
        ...appears to be acting in a consistent manner as of always in 'Lost his mind' mode!
        "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

