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See all the forum hypocrites a galang deh

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  • See all the forum hypocrites a galang deh

    As I posted before, Portia was trapped by a pharisee question. Regardless of the answer she gave, she would have been in trouble. She needed to have had the wisdom of Solomon or Jesus to have evaded and to have satisfied everyone with her answer. Contrary to what many post, I do not think Portia was showing that she was enlightened when she gave her response. She knew that everyone knew that folks with alternate lifestyles had been in PNP cabinets for years. She was simply trying to justify the past and the future because it could not be denied.

    Now let us not be naive, if it had been Labourites having known mantus in their cabinets, Portia would have attacked them just as the Labourites are attacking her and the PNP now. When all the bogus stuff about black man talk was going on, many here thought it was fair game but it was silly. Reality is that under both parties rule, black people advance simultaneously with color prejudice rearing its head.

    The PNP really needs to account for the JPS deal and many here dont want to talk about that. That deal continues to be a major shackle for Jamaica.

    For all the PNP circus around Dudus case, PNP has yet to explain how Dudus got so powerful while they were in power. What was KD's portfolio during many of the Dudus power years? They have yet to explain many of the scandals including Trafigura and they dont intend to and many here dont care. But they care about JLP scandals.

    JLP with this Mantu biz is using tactics that the PNP has used effectively against them. They see that the masses care more about Mantu than to understand that Audley Shaw scored a big victory by keeping the government from paying 20 to 25% interest rates on its debt. PNP would rather argue about IMF stuff which pales in comparison to the PNP's ridiculous loan shark debt rates.

    So the leaders of both parties are just the same. They dont lead. They play to the masses by telling them what they want to hear. While I lean to JLP, I see the ills of both parties. Unfortunately, many here can only see the ills of one side and even when they start to see a little blemish on their own side, they are quick to defend or explain away.

    Next election will be no better, it will be about revenge and how to get lower into the gutter.
    "Jah Jah see dem a come, but I & I a Conqueror!"

  • #2
    For all the PNP circus around Dudus case, PNP has yet to explain how Dudus got so powerful while they were in power.

    u nuh see what happened every time they went in..........the JLP protest etc.....remember Buce in 05, and before in 1997 and 2001


    • #3
      So, you are leading the government and you are going to tell the people that you allowed someone to become the biggest criminal because the opposition opposed your efforts to bring him to justice? How was he able to get huge government contracts during that time? The reality is that people on both sides were complicit. The sooner we face that and stop giving excuses, the sooner we will remove this type of shackle from our country. Did Mr Seaga not warn the government about him?
      "Jah Jah see dem a come, but I & I a Conqueror!"


      • #4
        How was he able to get huge government contracts during that time?

        is not "excuse"

        it is just the reality if u are me or anybody going to do work in a garrison or close to it

        u more than likely have to employ people from the garrison worse when them POWERFUL like tivoli was



        note u a do work in or next to a garrison, that police cant patrol and when/if the police go in THE JLP POLITICIAN them bawl

        answer mi


        • #5
          He was doing big business across party lines, not just in his garrison. He was getting huge contracts and facilitating all kinds of business for PNP folks. The PNP should have been more prinicpled and stopped that enterprise.
          "Jah Jah see dem a come, but I & I a Conqueror!"


          • #6
            LOL... the DayWalking Vampiya, Creator & Nurturer of the Mother of All Garrisons & GodFather of Tribalism...im ah di hero... he "warned the government"... Kiddoes!! ..in the immortal word of Assasin

            Or...if yuh eva si mi dyin trial as mi beloved Grandma used to seh

            Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

            D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


            • #7
              yes they should have...................but they had to for example do work on the HOSPITAL and important roads etc....

              again answer the question I asked above


              the contracts he got were in places he controlled


              • #8
                Did Mr Seaga not warn the government about him?

                that must be the biggest foolishness ever

                DONT REPEAT IT.................... pls


                • #9
                  !t is undoubted that the PNP acquiesced to the lunacy of supporting criminal enterprises with taxpayer funds

                  To argue otherwise is itself lunatic behaviour

                  Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                  D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Westman View Post
                    Now let us not be naive, if it had been Labourites having known mantus in their cabinets, Portia would have attacked them just as the Labourites are attacking her and the PNP now. When all the bogus stuff about black man talk was going on, many here thought it was fair game but it was silly. Reality is that under both parties rule, black people advance simultaneously with color prejudice rearing its head.
                    this is with respect, as i always show the forumites... dont want this to descend into a willi/exile personal misperception display...

                    westman, you don't know that... and neither do i or anyone for that matter... we can only go by what is evident... what is evident is, the pnp has been taking the principled and responsible position during this election campaign... any reasonably intelligent objective person can see that the jlp's attempt to make gays and gay rights a central issue in these last days wreaks desperation on their part and it is rooted in bigotry...

                    now, the election on december 29, 2011 will determine if portia's response brought trouble to her party... in my humble opinion, i do not think it brought any trouble to her, and contrary to your opinion, i think she demonstrated enlightenment... your disagreement and failure to give her credit for being enlightened, again my humble opinion, suggests a biased viewpoint... i'm not surpised given your previous sentiments on portia and the pnp in general...

                    if we are to throw out the hypocrite label, i think all of us should be wearing the tag, you and i included... that makes us all the same...
                    'to get what we've never had, we MUST do what we've never done'


                    • #11
                      Controlled? That is my problem. They ceded those areas to him. Regardless of who he was or who objected, he should have been rooted out. He did not get powerful overnight.
                      "Jah Jah see dem a come, but I & I a Conqueror!"


                      • #12
                        but as I said above... every time the POLCE go in

                        WHAT HAPPENED?

                        AND ANSWER MI ORIGINAL QUESTION pls


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Baddaz View Post

                          if we are to throw out the hypocrite label, i think all of us should be wearing the tag, you and i included... that makes us all the same...
                          You are all one!! Sing It!!...Kumbaya ma Lord.. Kumbaya...

                          Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                          D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


                          • #14
                            I look at other issues that Portia and the PNP have used against the JLP and that is what I used to make my inference. I do have a party preference but I see non-sense and hypocrisy on both sides.

                            I respect your reasoned opinion and how you present it. I just disagree with it.
                            "Jah Jah see dem a come, but I & I a Conqueror!"


                            • #15
                              He did not get powerful overnight.

                              true........him inherit it from his father who got big in the 80s(under the JLP)

                              WHATS UR POINT HERE?

