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Nah boast nor nutten but mi

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  • #16
    Ha ha...yu no have much leave...yu tink is High School dis?? This is yu real education! There may be a likkle hope...we know how to deal with slow learners...don't worry...just come to school everyday...work hard and you may even get in a cabinet..down by Courts.


    • #17
      She did say that we should do away with the Queen of England so we can have our own Jamaican Queen, This was early in the debate and she looked a bit nervous so I am sure this was a slip of the tongue or she was just joking. At any rate she started out pretty shakey, but after this point she really started coming into her own.

      While it was the most boring of the three and there were no concrete answers as far as the economy is concerned, I felt that PSM gave a pretty good account of herself. AMH was too evasive in most of his answers and while his eye contact was good his words rung hollow. The panel used up all their follow-up questions on him.

      PSM edged him out when she asked her question to him and rebutted his response. She also gave a good answer to his question to which he gave a dismal rebuttal.

      While I did not expect AMH to be a Obama or Clinton, I was very disappointed that he did not give a better showing of himself. You could see that he was himself quite disappointed too.


      • #18
        who is 'we'.. ???


        • #19
          yuh realize seh wi nuh tek di Comrade commentary serious.. right ?

          Tap waste time trying to sound analytical..

          Just seh.. MAMA 'P'.. wi want MAMA !


          • #20
            PSM dileberately said the Jakan queen. It was a ice breaker once it drew chuckles from the crowd, her nervousness went and she gained confidence as the debate wore on.

            Andy said he is young, new and different but stuck to the rehearse script. He didn't improvise, he should have done this once he saw how PSM aced the trafigura question (which surprised me; she jumped at it as if she couldn't wait). He should have moved out of script and hit PSM with another "kryptonite" At the same time PSM held out and never took the bait for corruption to throw in the Dudus issue until the end.

            Debates are about covering your flanks and not giving openings to your opponents. At the same time one must have the ability to spot weakneses and work on them. You can't say you are young, vibrant and ready to lead yet you shrink from questions. PSM used experience against Andy.


            • #21
              keep repeating.. yuh might eventually actually start to believe it after enough times !..


              • #22
                Confirmed: Opposition PNP Leader Portia Simpson-Miller issued a release today regarding the Leadership debate yesterday in which she recanted on her call for a "Jamaican Queen." Simpson-Miller stated, "I am also thankful for those who understood mY reference to Jamaica having it's own queen as a jest meant to underscore crowning of a recent Prince."


                • #23
                  Yuh bit touchy today. Wonder why? Wha di main course neva come? It come but ah nuh your kind ah food? Ben things are moving fast, the world is changing. Do you really think PSM was going to sit around waiting to embarrsed by you guys?

                  Now who is the silly one now?

                  MDMEX it's okay you can show your face; PSM got nothing but love for you.


                  • #24
                    You lost 3 nil. get over it


                    • #25
                      The forum. Duh! Sorry...slow learner...lol


                      • #26
                        The Forum ?

                        oh... for a second I though you were being serious..

                        Rum Bar nuh qualified..


                        • #27
                          may your imaginations comfort you in the tough times ahead..

