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RJR right to suspend Portia tracing ad

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  • RJR right to suspend Portia tracing ad

    RJR right to suspend Portia tracing ad

    If the Gary Allen-led Radio Jamaica (RJR) Group had not suspended that distasteful television tracing commercial featuring Mrs Portia Simpson Miller, pending possible editing, we would have called for it ourselves.

    And we cry shame on the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) advertising crew who seem to believe that pandering to the lowest common denominator is acceptable. In fact, we are disappointed because that same crew has produced some classy print ads that would have carried their message appropriately.

    It may well be that the people who produced the ad are getting desperate. Many people have been commenting that the radio and television advertising campaigns of the two major political parties have fallen flat, lacking in excitement and imagination, and comparing them unfavourably to previous campaigns.

    To be fair to the RJR Group, they have suspended commercials submitted by the People's National Party (PNP) as well, on the same basis that there were issues that needed adjustment to meet their broadcast standards. This approach applies equally to general ads and is nothing new.

    But if it is believed that ads such as the Portia tracing commercial was the answer to this dirth of creativity, then the JLP has made a sad, very sad mistake.

    Jamaicans have been clamouring for a new type of politics and wanting to put behind them the nasty, hurtful campaigning that ended up solidifying the ugly tribal divisions that have characterised our politics. This is borne out by the spontaneous celebration-like atmosphere that marked the recent Nomination Day activities, when supporters of the Opposition PNP and the ruling JLP -- clad in their party regalia -- danced, sang and mingled together without the customary fights and mayhem.

    Naturally, the Portia ad would have been tempting and the JLP, unwisely, yielded to temptation. Indeed, the JLP ad script writers might want to argue that Mrs Simpson Miller did rant and rave from a party platform in 2007.

    But they can't have it both ways. JLP leader Mr Andrew Holness, the undoubted trump card in the JLP's deck, has campaigned on the basis of a new politics, saying he represents the renewal that Jamaicans have been longing for. As the first post-Independence party leader, he has promised civility and decency and to take the high road.

    That ad is inconsistent with that position and cannot stand. It may even suggest that the producers are hardly better than the thing they hope voters will abhor in the opposition leader.

    The people will judge Mrs Simpson Miller as to her character, as they did in 2007. The JLP needs to have a little more faith in the good sense of the Jamaican voter.

    Read more: http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/edito...#ixzz1h4WNpkkO

  • #2
    Ah di Newsletter this?


    • #3
      Seems so..do you agree with it though?


      • #4
        By and large yes.

        Not for the same reason as U though. I think the propective leaders DONT need powdering, but at the same time, we have to raise the game.

        Less of this, or musings telling people that we aggo run outta money in Jan or chasing off FDA food ispectors with bogeyman claims.

        In general, it would be nice to see a higher form of politics being practised.


        • #5
          It is ironic when there is yet another Clovis attack on PSM on the same page
          Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
          Che Guevara.


          • #6
            No need to speculate. I didn't even say if I agreed with the article. Thanks for the response. I can see where you stand...or sit for that matter...


            • #7
              Maybe that one slipped past the Editors..
              Last edited by Exile; December 20, 2011, 09:11 AM.


              • #8
                I didnt speculate. I read your posts yesterday and for weeks before.


                • #9
                  I made no posts on suspending ads. You are speculating.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Exile View Post
                    Maybe that one slipped passed the Editors..


                    • #11


                      • #12
                        Brickie..really...what did you have for breakfast this morning? Chill out man...
                        Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
                        Che Guevara.


                        • #13
                          Thanks. Don't start something you can't finish though. Just don't have the time for it today...


                          • #14
                            Conveniently "busy" again huh?


                            • #15
                              Wheaties...& a scliff...

