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Ben please give your thoughts on

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  • Ben please give your thoughts on

    this article. I know your wisdom knows no bounds, hence it's automatic to ask you. Please give objective counter arguments, where you see fit. Thanks.

    <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=1 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD><SPAN class=TopStory>Why financial markets require regulation</SPAN>
    <SPAN class=Subheadline></SPAN></TD></TR><TR><TD>Dennis Morrison
    Sunday, February 18, 2007
    <P class=StoryText align=justify>I am flabbergasted that people who hold important positions in the body politic and who should know better have been guilty of outbursts castigating our financial regulators for turning their faces against money handlers operating outside of the law.

    <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5 width=70 align=left border=0><TBODY><TR><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD><SPAN class=Description>Dennis Morrison </SPAN></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><P class=StoryText align=justify>There ought to be no doubt that a modern economy hinges fundamentally on its financial system. Without a sound financial system, confidence to undertake any transactions by investors, savers, and the population in general would disappear. This is why so much effort is made by countries to have their financial systems properly regulated.<P class=StoryText align=justify>Money serves as a store of wealth/savings, which means that financial assets and those who manage them are of great importance. This is why financial institutions and their managers are licensed, and there are criteria that are applied. One notable criterion is that of fit and proper person. There can be no compromise in applying the rules and regulations governing our financial system, since it is the guardian of monetary transactions in Jamaica. Moreover, we would soon find ourselves disconnected from the rest of the world were we to allow our system to get out of control.<P class=StoryText align=justify>Internally, the willingness of individuals and companies to do business with each other without resort to cash or even barter rests upon the confidence in our financial system. The same thing applies externally in terms of our trade with the rest of the world. Jamaica has had brushes with failing institutions and the drying up of credit for international transactions. From these experiences, we should have come to appreciate the merit of vigilance on the part of regulators.<P class=StoryText align=justify>The banker, securities dealer, the stockbroker, money market broker, the commodity trader, and so on, all act as agents of other people, be they depositors, investors, or other clients. In other words, they take deposits from the public or money to invest on their behalf, or they undertake to carry out trades. This feature sets them apart from ordinary business people. In the words of David Ricardo, "The distinctive feature of the banker begins as long as he uses the money of others; as long as he uses his own money, he is only a capitalist".<P class=StoryText align=justify>That is the fundamental distinction that is being missed by those who say it is okay for anyone to set up shop, take funds from the public, and invest them in foreign exchange or any other trading activity, including commodities. All will be well where super returns are made, but the autoclaps comes when people lose their money. Invariably, the state gets drawn into the picture and the losses are socialised. Recognising the risks of moral hazard, financial authorities worldwide have therefore to be rigid in licensing and regulating dealers in the various markets.<P class=StoryText align=justify>Where business people choose to invest their own funds they face the risks and they stand to lose their money put into foreign exchange or other trading, whether online or not. But even in these cases, there can be risks to the system, depending on how the funds have been sourced. For

  • #2
    RE: Ben please give your thoughts on

    My only question to Morrison is "How much you have in OLINT"

    Him better careful since certain people have access to certain info.. hope him smart and using one of him friend dem dat is a member.

    Jawge, I have no respect for this guy, his job is to tell you that the ship is not sinking..

    Why do you keep posting stuff from him ?

    Hold on, I will try to get Eddie to speak on the matter...then we can discuss further.


    • #3
      RE: Ben please give your thoughts on


      "There is widespread perception that Government never seems to build anything on time or within budget. Consequently, based on that record, risking private funds in this manner would have been foolhardy. Hence that clause in the Heads of Agreement.<P class=StoryText align=justify>From the tone of his column, Mr Morrison is beginning to sound like someone who is desperately singing for his supper. Yet it is an issue far greater than anyone's supper. It goes to the heart of what we have cherished in this country. It is indeed the thin edge of the wedge. The Prime Minister and the Cabinet Secretary must act to protect the civil service order from this wanton attack by Mr Dennis Morrison.<P class=StoryText align=justify>Mr Morrison is the latest public servant to compromise himself, following the Information Minister, Mr Colin Campbell who misled the country with his honky dory report on the Whitehouse audit. How will the country be able to trust the words of these men in the future?<P class=StoryText align=justify>For the sake of civil service integrity and the honour of this administration, Mr Morrison should resign forthwith or be relieved of his public responsibilities."<P class=StoryText align=justify><P class=StoryText align=justify>


      • #4
        RE: Ben please give your thoughts on

        If you follow the various reports on that hotel...it appears that there is some truth in what Dennis Morrison wrote.

        There were changes in design. There were cost overruns that can be attributed to each party.
        "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


        • #5
          RE: Ben please give your thoughts on

          Ben, I asked for objective counter arguments and all I

          get is slander. Ben did I ask you what Eddie said? I guess if eddie said build your banks operate outside of the law it's okay. I checked with a source in finance in JA and I got a nervous response. What I did hear though is that it's mostly church people who are investing with this guy. They said God sent him :P My source told me that the information came to him from someone who attended a prophetic church meeting and was told about this man. The person said they are now getting good returns. A guy here from JA said he did some digging and this guy is hailed as genius in KGN, di govt. ah fight him cause dem cyaan eat nuh food out of it. The guy here said the OLINT man got approved from the FBI so he is legit to operate. I said to myself why would the FBI approve him? It's different branch of the FEDs that would do that (treasury dept.). I thought you would come better though Ben. I guess I will remain poor. Now we are seeing a different black market springing up in JA. BTW is licensed to trade USD and by which govt.? US or Jakan? thanks. Oh one more thing Ben; can you explain the concept of exponential growth?


          • #6
            RE: Ben please give your thoughts on

            You asked for an objective counter argument where I see fit...

            What slander are you referring to ?

            What do you mean license to Trade currency ? I was not aware that you needed a license to Trade currency to participate in FOREX.. please enlighten me.


            • #7
              RE: Ben please give your thoughts on

              The tactic of a con man is to inserta little truth....


              • #8
                RE: Ben please give your thoughts on

                Ben don't tell me that I can

                just enter Ja, set up a brokerage and start trading. Quick question why isn't Cayman, Brbabados et al copying the OLINT group and giving 10% a month? I am sure you would encourage the populace to go out open stores and start giving 80:1 for USD. You guys are real jokers anything to royally F the island. You don't have to respond.


                • #9
                  RE: Ben please give your thoughts on

                  What is your major defect ?

                  If you don't want to allocate a 10% of your portfolioto High Risk investment then don't. There are many that will and OLINT currently provides that avenue. Nothing is stopping people from investing their other 90% in other vehicles that you approve of.. well nothing except the fact that your comrades have failed to position Jamaica as an investment friendly environment even after 17 years.

                  Save your tizzy fit for the next PNP General Meeting.


                  • #10
                    RE: Ben please give your thoughts on

                    JAWGE yuh feeling okay? Your objections to OLINT are simply irrational.


                    • #11
                      RE: Ben please give your thoughts on


                      Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


                      • #12
                        RE: Ben please give your thoughts on

                        jawge...mek i try understand yuh....tekking it step by step...should "pardner throw" be regulated?

                        Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


                        • #13
                          RE: Ben please give your thoughts on

                          Jawge (2/19/2007)Ben don't tell me that I can

                          just enter Ja, set up a brokerage and start trading. Quick question why isn't Cayman, Brbabados et al copying the OLINT group and giving 10% a month? I am sure you would encourage the populace to go out open stores and start giving 80:1 for USD. You guys are real jokers anything to royally F the island. You don't have to respond.
                          You are not guaranteed 10% a month.

                          He sets stop loss points at 80% par.

                          You don't need a liscence to enter the FOREX market.

                          You don't need a liscence for your investment club.

                          No one is being forced to enter and it isn;t advertised.

                          It is stated that FOREX is a risky market.

                          He was previously doing the same thing for JMMB, so why is it now a pyramid scheme?


                          • #14
                            RE: Ben please give your thoughts on

                            Me you can chime in on this as I answer

                            Gamma. Gamma I expect better from you. You know that "pardner" is very different and it stimulates the economy (Cameroon can tell you about that) "pardner" is an African way of using money and it has helped Jakans immensely in the states in a period when your skin colour would determine your mortage. I knew of "pardner" that caused Jakans who worked at a nursing home to buy homes in a nice neighborhood upstate (30K). This trading is going to force the govt to go for capital gains taxes (the absence of capital gains was what was pulling me to JA) How so much peopleis going to make money without paying taxes? The trading is USD based therefore we are again bypassing the banking sytem to make short term money. I can recall in when I was in Ja; the dollar was 2.50:1USD, we all ran to the black market and bypassed the banks for 5.00:1USD did this help Ja in the long run? When the govt. issued bonds (barrowing from the people) I heard the clamour how the rich is getting richer. Now a guy is out there making fast buck, he is sent from GOD. Yes hemay do it for JNB but hey I'm sure they have assets as insurance to cover a meltdown. Forex tells you there is no insurance and it's your captalist investment. Guess what there is nothing out there to cover you. Okay I'm not bright and this money thing is too advanced for me. I am not a gambler, I have lived here in the states for years and has never been to a casino (turned down numerous invitations), the day you see me in one is when I own one :P or have shares in one. I'm not stopping you or anyone, I guess I will just see the news where an island of 2.6 million with half its population as millionaires (being risky and smart investors) and here sits irrational Jawge saying I could have been one of them. May the Lord bless and keep everyone in these endeavours.


                            • #15
                              RE: Ben please give your thoughts on

                              thanks for the history on pardner...i'm not sure you answered my question though....i like to take baby steps first...you expectations from me...account for nil though...sorry...i deal with things as i see fit...NOW

                              should pardner be regulated or not....yes or no....make it unequivocal...if you can!

                              Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine

