Originally posted by Mosiah [URL

Like it or not, these women and men in the YouTube video are our people – not Bajans or Trinis or St Lucians or GTs, but Jamaican women and men! Truthfully, every time I see scenarios like this, I search deep inside and realize that maybe education attainment and property ownership should be the primary criteria for voting in our nationwide elections. So, Down with universal adult suffrage mi seh!! Up with ghettoism and our beloved dancehall culture!
But wait, are the elected representatives any different?? I’m gettin’ a bit confused now. (Why does George Orwell’s “Animal Farm” keeps popping into my -- to steal from Shakespeare’s Macbeth, Act II -- “heat-opressed brain”? -- Is it a result of the remnants of last night’s tequila? Damn, it can’t be. I have never tasted tequila in my life! Breasts, yes, but never tequila!!)
But back to the topic at hand: Forward Jamdown! Forward eva, backward neva!!
And thank you for this post, Mo (as an unapologetic breast man, Il ove the breast shots in particular)! Now, where is my damn t-t-t-tequila?!
