Portia or Andrew? - Who killed Father Christmas?
Franklin Johnston
Friday, December 16, 2011

LAST week we wondered why Norman Manley's PNP did not dominate elections. It was the only party at one time with Bustamante a member - PNP against the Empire. Some were "chawing fire" at my fine brushstrokes of both men. A CV does not a hero make. Hero is an accident! Henry VIII, founder of my church, is no role model either; to form a church so as to divorce his wife and marry his woman - a despicable hero. Love Bustamante, cane, top hat, cool ruler! He spent his best years abroad - the first diaspora, dual politician - came back almost 60 years old - right place, right time! Mr Clarke, then "Alejandro Bustamante", changed his name to Alexander. Manley went to war, studied - no dilly-dally abroad - came back to help people. The walkabout man is hero just like the man who stays and works with poor people all his life. You can't toil to be a hero, it's the verdict of history. And so I was mugged in my own inbox last week as "it's not the time to say these things; it will influence voters". That's my plan, people! PNP and JLP have their own; my canvass is people who think and the uncommitted. If election is not the time to write on politics, when is? I had Christmas columns but "oono ban it dis year". As a Christian, I am revulsed at Andrew's election date decision. To straddle the Christmas season with election is wicked. Jamaicans abroad usually return now as "all is calm, all is bright" - no gunshots! I am shocked that the churches take this calmly. Our new leaders may not keep up Christmas, but we do. They blur the boundaries between politics, state and religion and ride roughshod over traditions. What next? Parish council elections at Easter? We sleepwalk into danger! This is not about the Adventist Church - I admire and respect it as Adventist relatives saw to that - progressive, educated, ethical, caring, cake-baking workaholics. It's about power. Power makes men feel that what they want or think is what everyone wants and thinks. And fools tell them, "Yes, baas, yuh is a genius!"
We are not a theocracy as Iran or the Vatican. Church does not rule public policy here. I was in Miami airport gestating a column on the overcooked Progressive Agenda, fuming that I had no "Capitalist Agenda" to compare. After 60-odd years the JLP disrespects the nation - what does it stand for? The leader makes it up as he goes. Bustamante was an autocrat - "el Jefe". Seaga's Cabinet was not for the fainthearted; Bruce? Won't go there; Andrew is unknown; does he have a "little green book?" The JLP shape shifts to fit a leader. To continue, I was on a flight call when I heard gloating "...the GG and now the PM", second voice " the country next..." I smiled, JLP lads flexing. When they spoke of an "elder", I blinked. Who the hell is called elder in the JLP? So I peeked; these were not "green men" but guys in white shirts with tracts. I did not know my own PM was Adventist. Not crucial, but if he was Muslim or Jewish, I want to know. Suddenly, all the e-mails clicked! - affirm when new PMs swear, state functions on a Sunday, no Saturday meetings in diary, gospel concert and as your kids do not do Christmas, screw our kids, no Santa, have elections instead. Conditioning is funny. Take away our culture bit by bit, no one connects the dots - soon Saturday is locked down and Christmas is dead! Elections any day but Saturday as Christmas does not count in their church. (Another reason for fixed election dates.) If a head of state and head of government are ad idem, who protects the majority from minority agendas? Our way of life is fun-loving; we sin, repent, God forgives. With powerful men of an assertive faith in Cabinet, state and legislature at the same time, mischief happens. Very subtly, private faith leaches into public policy. Andrew disrespects other churches, Jamaicans abroad, fun-lovers and kids. Better we see it now than after. Christmas is our respite after a year of hassle — grand market, cool out - no politics! He puts us all in harm's way. It's hard to be in curfew or shot at Christmas! To screw us over Christmas and ask us to vote for you on December 29. Bad politics! You live among us? Even slave masters did not upset our Christmas jonkunno culture. Granny says, "Please yuhself last, mi son!" Your insensitivity may be your memorial.
Andrew and Portia
What of Andrew and Portia? On the third Sunday in Advent, Mrs Chin See announced elections for the church committee. The Rev Major has criteria: "strong financial management, time, ability to look down the road (vision)". Wow! Years now I bawl out for specs and job description for MP, minister, candidate. Cabinet has none for men to manage $billions of our taxes, but the church has for men to manage collections - blow wow! Party leaders need not apply! The perspective of history as regards Andrew and Portia is vital. Seminal leaders - Manley, Manley Jr. Seaga and Patterson would be and are proud of both party leaders. Well-matched rivals; same genotype, different phenotype. By varied routes both now arrive at the same spot. We are not prosperous; we are crime-ridden, corrupt, still poor, but nice people are sprouting in our troubled land - Andrew and Portia made it to the top of the pile.
Andrew: middle-class, metrosexual, good dad, husband; a shoo-in for the leader's job; son, speak from your diaphragm; bright but boring. Makeover? needs a few Savile Row suits from Jamaican tailors there and to wear shirtsleeves. His politics is old-style male; if he has ideas they are a well-kept secret. He has the gravitas of Norman. Portia has the charisma and "street cred" of Bustamante. What irony: an inverted reprise of the 1940s.
Portia: feisty, fit, overcooks the roots stuff; be calm, lower the decibels, breathe deeply, love the logical empowerment product of our four prescient leaders. No cakewalk to the leader's job; she makes history, yet a few don't celebrate her breaking the class and gender ceiling for all women; snide sexist remarks as "time of month" and mood swings persist; yet a flabby, lazy male snores in the House, does whatever else he might wish and it's OK. Paradox of politics: leaders fight 49 years for class, gender and human rights and when it's here they can't hack it. The dog chases the car, catches it; what will it do? JLP, PNP and media tell us a leader is key. Captain Portia and Andrew don't bat, bowl or keep wicket, but both talk well; so which one can guide a good team from the outfield? Debate, shebate folly! If a leader is important to the nation, why is he chosen by a couple of party delegates? You must focus on the person you vote for. More to come for you uncommitted and thinking voters. Stay conscious, my friend!
Dr Franklin Johnston is an international project manager with Teape Johnston Consultants currently on assignment in the UK.
Read more: http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/colum...#ixzz1gmoxSWMc
Franklin Johnston

LAST week we wondered why Norman Manley's PNP did not dominate elections. It was the only party at one time with Bustamante a member - PNP against the Empire. Some were "chawing fire" at my fine brushstrokes of both men. A CV does not a hero make. Hero is an accident! Henry VIII, founder of my church, is no role model either; to form a church so as to divorce his wife and marry his woman - a despicable hero. Love Bustamante, cane, top hat, cool ruler! He spent his best years abroad - the first diaspora, dual politician - came back almost 60 years old - right place, right time! Mr Clarke, then "Alejandro Bustamante", changed his name to Alexander. Manley went to war, studied - no dilly-dally abroad - came back to help people. The walkabout man is hero just like the man who stays and works with poor people all his life. You can't toil to be a hero, it's the verdict of history. And so I was mugged in my own inbox last week as "it's not the time to say these things; it will influence voters". That's my plan, people! PNP and JLP have their own; my canvass is people who think and the uncommitted. If election is not the time to write on politics, when is? I had Christmas columns but "oono ban it dis year". As a Christian, I am revulsed at Andrew's election date decision. To straddle the Christmas season with election is wicked. Jamaicans abroad usually return now as "all is calm, all is bright" - no gunshots! I am shocked that the churches take this calmly. Our new leaders may not keep up Christmas, but we do. They blur the boundaries between politics, state and religion and ride roughshod over traditions. What next? Parish council elections at Easter? We sleepwalk into danger! This is not about the Adventist Church - I admire and respect it as Adventist relatives saw to that - progressive, educated, ethical, caring, cake-baking workaholics. It's about power. Power makes men feel that what they want or think is what everyone wants and thinks. And fools tell them, "Yes, baas, yuh is a genius!"
We are not a theocracy as Iran or the Vatican. Church does not rule public policy here. I was in Miami airport gestating a column on the overcooked Progressive Agenda, fuming that I had no "Capitalist Agenda" to compare. After 60-odd years the JLP disrespects the nation - what does it stand for? The leader makes it up as he goes. Bustamante was an autocrat - "el Jefe". Seaga's Cabinet was not for the fainthearted; Bruce? Won't go there; Andrew is unknown; does he have a "little green book?" The JLP shape shifts to fit a leader. To continue, I was on a flight call when I heard gloating "...the GG and now the PM", second voice " the country next..." I smiled, JLP lads flexing. When they spoke of an "elder", I blinked. Who the hell is called elder in the JLP? So I peeked; these were not "green men" but guys in white shirts with tracts. I did not know my own PM was Adventist. Not crucial, but if he was Muslim or Jewish, I want to know. Suddenly, all the e-mails clicked! - affirm when new PMs swear, state functions on a Sunday, no Saturday meetings in diary, gospel concert and as your kids do not do Christmas, screw our kids, no Santa, have elections instead. Conditioning is funny. Take away our culture bit by bit, no one connects the dots - soon Saturday is locked down and Christmas is dead! Elections any day but Saturday as Christmas does not count in their church. (Another reason for fixed election dates.) If a head of state and head of government are ad idem, who protects the majority from minority agendas? Our way of life is fun-loving; we sin, repent, God forgives. With powerful men of an assertive faith in Cabinet, state and legislature at the same time, mischief happens. Very subtly, private faith leaches into public policy. Andrew disrespects other churches, Jamaicans abroad, fun-lovers and kids. Better we see it now than after. Christmas is our respite after a year of hassle — grand market, cool out - no politics! He puts us all in harm's way. It's hard to be in curfew or shot at Christmas! To screw us over Christmas and ask us to vote for you on December 29. Bad politics! You live among us? Even slave masters did not upset our Christmas jonkunno culture. Granny says, "Please yuhself last, mi son!" Your insensitivity may be your memorial.
Andrew and Portia
What of Andrew and Portia? On the third Sunday in Advent, Mrs Chin See announced elections for the church committee. The Rev Major has criteria: "strong financial management, time, ability to look down the road (vision)". Wow! Years now I bawl out for specs and job description for MP, minister, candidate. Cabinet has none for men to manage $billions of our taxes, but the church has for men to manage collections - blow wow! Party leaders need not apply! The perspective of history as regards Andrew and Portia is vital. Seminal leaders - Manley, Manley Jr. Seaga and Patterson would be and are proud of both party leaders. Well-matched rivals; same genotype, different phenotype. By varied routes both now arrive at the same spot. We are not prosperous; we are crime-ridden, corrupt, still poor, but nice people are sprouting in our troubled land - Andrew and Portia made it to the top of the pile.
Andrew: middle-class, metrosexual, good dad, husband; a shoo-in for the leader's job; son, speak from your diaphragm; bright but boring. Makeover? needs a few Savile Row suits from Jamaican tailors there and to wear shirtsleeves. His politics is old-style male; if he has ideas they are a well-kept secret. He has the gravitas of Norman. Portia has the charisma and "street cred" of Bustamante. What irony: an inverted reprise of the 1940s.
Portia: feisty, fit, overcooks the roots stuff; be calm, lower the decibels, breathe deeply, love the logical empowerment product of our four prescient leaders. No cakewalk to the leader's job; she makes history, yet a few don't celebrate her breaking the class and gender ceiling for all women; snide sexist remarks as "time of month" and mood swings persist; yet a flabby, lazy male snores in the House, does whatever else he might wish and it's OK. Paradox of politics: leaders fight 49 years for class, gender and human rights and when it's here they can't hack it. The dog chases the car, catches it; what will it do? JLP, PNP and media tell us a leader is key. Captain Portia and Andrew don't bat, bowl or keep wicket, but both talk well; so which one can guide a good team from the outfield? Debate, shebate folly! If a leader is important to the nation, why is he chosen by a couple of party delegates? You must focus on the person you vote for. More to come for you uncommitted and thinking voters. Stay conscious, my friend!
Dr Franklin Johnston is an international project manager with Teape Johnston Consultants currently on assignment in the UK.
Read more: http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/colum...#ixzz1gmoxSWMc