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Give a dog a bad name

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  • Give a dog a bad name

    I am as politically neutral a person as they come. In fact I am so jaded by Jamaica's political culture, that if it weren't for the legacy of the tremendous struggle, especially for people of colour that our forefathers and others throughout the world have gone through for the priveledge of voting , I would say "To hell with it".
    However, my late mother used to have a saying, "Give a dog a bad name....and everything that goes wrong is the dogs fault. " In that context I would like to remind our prime minister that if you spout inaccuracies to embellish your position it may come back to haunt you, as even the truths you speak will then be viewed with skeptisism. Much has been made already of those inaccuracies in his speech on Sunday, so I will not revisit them but suffice to say that if you are looking for the vote of the uncommitted voter like myself, you will best be advised to keep the facts factual and hype up the opinions. The great thing that his youth brings to the table is the hope for fresh ways of doing things in this country but that hope is not fostered by old style manipulation of the truth.
    Be reminded that it is the loss of credibility by his predecessor that has made him rise to claim the throne, he will be well advised to be mindful of his if he wants to keep it.

  • #2
    a good talk that!

    it is always interesting to me, in business especially, when people give you incorrect information based on what they want from you not knowing that you have the factually accurate information firtshand .... that is a definite crdibility buzz kill!!

    Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


    • #3
      My point exactly. The funny thing is, perhaps had they just stuck to the facts and presented their case in the most positive manner they may have stood a better chance of getting what they want


      • #4
        not to stray

        A U THIS?

        LETTER OF THE DAY - The PM's Political 'Brilliance'
        Published: Thursday | May 20, 20106 Comments
        The Editor, Sir:

        Now that the dust has settled and we all have the benefit of hindsight with regard to the prime minister's fine oratorical performance on Monday night, a number of things come to light that should alter at least one commonly held perception.

        This perception, indeed one in which I previously subscribed to, is that the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP), and in particular its leader, Bruce Golding, for all his diplomacy and seemingly reason, lacks political savvy when compared to his People's National Party (PNP) counterpart and some of his predecessors. This perception should surely be laid to rest this past week when Mr Golding produced a stroke of sheer political genius, the likes of which the P.J Pattersons and D.K. Duncans of this world can only look on in envy and admiration.

        What was seen as a huge political blunder by most, citing a disconnect between what was uttered at the press conference in St Ann by the party chairman and the general secretary on Sunday, and the penitent, remorseful display by the prime minister on Monday, was all a part of one of the most brilliant master plans ever crafted by a politician in this country.

        Knowing full well that the country is not willing to accept the PNP as a viable alternative at this time, even against a backdrop of most of civil society calling for his head, by sending out two of the most senior members of his party, one also being the deputy prime minister, Mr Golding was able to let Messrs Samuda and Baugh do to themselves what his predecessor, Edward Seaga did to him, without the nastiness of a public spat. In one fell swoop, he allowed them to demonstrate to Jamaica that there was no viable alternative for leadership within the JLP at this time. So Jamaica "Yuh betta stay wid me cause nuh better nuh deh!" And who seh dis man don't know politics?

        Going forward however, I make one request of the prime minister though. I need him to define clearly when it is that government officials may wear their party hats? Is it that one can give but not receive as a party man? Or is it when we deal with figures of US$40,000 as opposed to US$31 million that form the line of demarcation? This would be handy information for the nation as well as the Speaker of the House to have going forward to prevent any confusion on matters of order.

        Walk good Jamaica, the best is yet to come.

        I am, etc.,




        • #5
          Yes that was me


          • #6
            Skeng D wich part yuh werk...CIA?

            Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

            D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


            • #7

              after him a promote the DJ
              Last edited by Skeng DX; December 6, 2011, 01:02 PM.


              • #8
                yuh might want to make that figure JA$31m

                Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Skeng D View Post
                  MI JUS GOOGLE D NAME N IT 1ST COME UP

                  after him a promote the DJ

                  then him seh him fair
                  den whey yuh tink CIA duh?

                  Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                  D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


                  • #10
                    no man......... mi did a check out him son music n run into it


                    • #11
                      If one promotes a product or an artiste that then means that person is unfair? Ok I understand how it works now. As for me being fair, I made no such claim, what I do claim to be and will continue to maintain is that I am politically neutral. As to working with the CIA, I am really not certain how that came in or its relevance to all of this but seeing as I am not too bright I will concede that to your greater knowledge.


                      • #12
                        Additionally , you are quite correct, the 31m should have been J$ but the point is the same


                        • #13
                          that is not addressed to me, is it?

                          Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


                          • #14
                            Welcome Peter. Everybody come pon yah neutral until them paint themself inna corner or somebody paint them. LOL
                            • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


                            • #15
                              So true. Very good observation. Where your paint set? lol.

