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Youth is no guarantee for political success

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  • Youth is no guarantee for political success

    Youth is no guarantee for political success

    Everton PRYCE

    Saturday, November 26, 2011

    Read more: http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/colum...#ixzz1ep7pfNfe
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

  • #2
    Stop ! Please do not compare Holness with Joshua. Holness might be young and all but where is his vision and plan? Joshua was called the "man with the plan" . The whole youth and middleclass of Ja resonated with Joshua in the 70s.

    What is now pitfour and catherine hall was started and developed by Joshua. The aim was to provide low income housing for many that were just paying rent ( in short peasants to fuedal system set up by an elite) in Mobay. Joshua was very, very serious about education. When Jsohua came to power more than half of the Jakan population was illiterate (a plague that still echoes in the society).

    Joshua encouraged farming; where started a land lease program, Joshua had the youth core, Joshua gave out small low interest loans (via workers savings and loan bank) for those who wanted to start their own business. PJ under Joshua's guidance set up JUTA (where buses and cars were imported to transport tourists around the island). I will stop here for now. In short you will hear that Joshua wrecked Ja.

    Joshua's mistake was to align himself with Cuba (a proxy of the Soviet Union at the time). TDowl here is the matrix I promised: The Cuban agenda was to get the bauxite (stop thinking that it's because you are neigbours and brotherly love. This mindset comes about because of our weak education system) with the expertise given by the Soviets they would turn it into aluminium (a strategic metal) This did not fit with the US agenda hence no matter what Joshua was doing for 2.5 million it did not matter in the over all picture of the US's agenda. At the same time a certain group was dissatisfied with what Joshua was doing for the masses (surprisingly everyone is calling for the same to be done now) hence he was branded a communist (ofcourse some with leftist dreams were within the PNP but Joshua being a communists was far from the truth).

    Holness cannot and will not make the bold and revolutionary moves to push Ja out of ignorance and poverty (the mark of a great leader), because it will not be in the inetrest of those behind the scenes.
    Last edited by Jawge; November 26, 2011, 12:00 PM.

