Politics debate, bah humbug!
But your lawbreaker MP makes the laws
Franklin Johnston

Friday, November 25, 2011
OUR debate about debates is much ado about nothing. Another attempt to distract voters from serious matters. We copy America but our context is not the same. Debates are part of US democracy as voters elect a president in a process which exposes his virtues and vices.
Our prime minister is chosen by a party, we have no say. We have no chance to question his CV and his life, so this debate is a nicety, an ego trip; fodder for gossip, abuse and animosity – a costly irrelevance. It occupies the media, but we want to hear JLP and PNP plans for our prosperity after 2012. Still, we need certain debates. Which ones should we have?
Andrew Holness is the beneficiary of a system for which Portia Simpson Miller fought.
Portia Simpson Miller

The Jamaica Debates Commission says there is no agreement about the number, venues, topics or format of debates. A “Commission” for this is risible; parody, at best hyperbole. The issues which haunt us are not leadership, finance and social. No more history please, we want debates on JLP and PNP prosperity strategy for the next 10 years.
This debate is not relevant. Why? (a) it is a debate between two MPs voted in by 12,000 people, so 1.2 million voters have no say. (b) We do not elect a PM so debate is to give us a sense of gravitas – it's a joke. (c) The topics are soft, not incisive. Each will say he is a leader, will spout finance jargon but we know neither has the experience nor qualifications. Let the gurus who wrote the briefs for them debate and we will listen. (d) Some want public questions to dilute rigour and have a slanging match. The leader who wrote and spoke on finance, social issues, etc, before he was MP should be a worthy debater! We don't want to hear muppets!
This debate does not assure free or fair elections or proof of skill to build prosperity. The debate will show who can debate – end of story! To speak copiously and fluently is a good skill. We had mellifluous Michael, gravitas of Norman, homespun Alexander, acerbic Edward Philip George, telling epithet of PJ's “the law is not a shackle”. The best is behind us or ahead. Our priority now is an executive to manage our affairs and lead us to prosperity.
They say this debate has a sinister quality. Word is, it may embarrass Portia and boost Andrew – JLP love it, PNP hate it; some wish to limit Portia's exposure, prefer a team and public input for her to shine. Truth is, Andrew is a product of our free education system. Portia got degrees on the run; not privileged to go straight into university from school, join debating clubs, etc. He is beneficiary of a system which she fought for. Andrew is Portia's legacy. He must be a great debater or she toiled in vain. This debate is a cockfight, a party grudge match. It is not for voters to learn more about their strategies – I pass!
Simpson Miller
Portia should not debate. It will feed only prejudice. One emailer told me it will show who can speak abroad to make us proud. My pride is in a crime-free, prosperous country, not a UN speech written by technocrats. If speech was the solution, Michael would be king. When we can vote directly for a PM, ask him about his life and work then we can have that debate. But we should debate. What type of debate? National and constituency debates.
National debate
A national debate must be for voters to judge party tactics and teams. First, each party must publish its manifesto detailing strategies to give effect to Vision 2030. This is the core of the debate. Next, debaters (a) defend their strategies (b) punch holes in the others' (c) show off the competence of their teams who will implement. Next, the moot is framed to get answers as: Will you make basic and primary schools free for all?
Cut costs by reducing the public service and MPs? Get 100 per cent increase in food production in three years? Make infrastructure projects labour-intensive to create jobs? Approve Republican status? Term limits? Fixed election date? (PM Holness cruelly taunted us with the election date just like the old boys before him. He did not break with the past, he chose to carry on this stupid one-man power play.) Give the OCG teeth in 2012?
Give tax reform and breaks for firms which export 70 per cent-plus of their output? Innovate in crime fighting? How will you secure the IMF buy-in to this strategy? Next, the debaters must be guided by professionals who keep them on topic; no rants, abuse, or divisive flashbacks. If next day people are not discussing the new ideas, just who diss whom, the debate failed. Next, the public should vote for the winner by text in a two-hour window after the debate. LIME (C&W) and Digicel can do it using the mobile phone unique ID – no double voting – cheap, easy, even illiterates can do it!
Constituency debates?
The crucial debates are where we vote for our MP. Vetting and voting for your MP is vital to democracy as he may have the following serious tasks:
Your MP is your voice in Parliament. He should meet with you often, be intelligent, experienced, well read so he can argue issues and defend them in constituency and in Parliament. He should not tell you one thing and vote for another. Do you know how your MP voted on hanging, ganja, Caricom or any other serious issue? Do you care?
When you elect your MP you make him a lawmaker. A big responsibility to give a man in exchange for a curry goat. Do you know him? His experience? Is he well read? Did he speak or write on any issue before politics? Was he fair and consulted by the district? Do you trust him to make laws? Did you and 12,000 other voters foist a monster on the nation?
Your MP may become a minister – the CEO of a ministry. Executives are men who manage public or private sector bodies. Can he manage money, workers, processes? How effective is he in the constituency? You voted him in and he will manage a billion-dollar ministry. Can he do it? When you do not get food, good health care, schools, jobs, houses, remember you are the one who put him there. No party leader will change because he lost a debate, but it may affect your vote for an MP. Press for constituency debates. When your MPs have no time to meet you, when they pass oppressive laws, when they don't deliver schools, health care and jobs, just remember you gave him the job! Stay conscious, my friend!
Dr Franklin Johnston is an international project manager with Teape-Johnston Consultants currently on assignment in the UK.
Read more: http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/colum...#ixzz1ejWeUwuy
But your lawbreaker MP makes the laws
Franklin Johnston

Friday, November 25, 2011
OUR debate about debates is much ado about nothing. Another attempt to distract voters from serious matters. We copy America but our context is not the same. Debates are part of US democracy as voters elect a president in a process which exposes his virtues and vices.
Our prime minister is chosen by a party, we have no say. We have no chance to question his CV and his life, so this debate is a nicety, an ego trip; fodder for gossip, abuse and animosity – a costly irrelevance. It occupies the media, but we want to hear JLP and PNP plans for our prosperity after 2012. Still, we need certain debates. Which ones should we have?
Andrew Holness is the beneficiary of a system for which Portia Simpson Miller fought.
Portia Simpson Miller

The Jamaica Debates Commission says there is no agreement about the number, venues, topics or format of debates. A “Commission” for this is risible; parody, at best hyperbole. The issues which haunt us are not leadership, finance and social. No more history please, we want debates on JLP and PNP prosperity strategy for the next 10 years.
This debate is not relevant. Why? (a) it is a debate between two MPs voted in by 12,000 people, so 1.2 million voters have no say. (b) We do not elect a PM so debate is to give us a sense of gravitas – it's a joke. (c) The topics are soft, not incisive. Each will say he is a leader, will spout finance jargon but we know neither has the experience nor qualifications. Let the gurus who wrote the briefs for them debate and we will listen. (d) Some want public questions to dilute rigour and have a slanging match. The leader who wrote and spoke on finance, social issues, etc, before he was MP should be a worthy debater! We don't want to hear muppets!
This debate does not assure free or fair elections or proof of skill to build prosperity. The debate will show who can debate – end of story! To speak copiously and fluently is a good skill. We had mellifluous Michael, gravitas of Norman, homespun Alexander, acerbic Edward Philip George, telling epithet of PJ's “the law is not a shackle”. The best is behind us or ahead. Our priority now is an executive to manage our affairs and lead us to prosperity.
They say this debate has a sinister quality. Word is, it may embarrass Portia and boost Andrew – JLP love it, PNP hate it; some wish to limit Portia's exposure, prefer a team and public input for her to shine. Truth is, Andrew is a product of our free education system. Portia got degrees on the run; not privileged to go straight into university from school, join debating clubs, etc. He is beneficiary of a system which she fought for. Andrew is Portia's legacy. He must be a great debater or she toiled in vain. This debate is a cockfight, a party grudge match. It is not for voters to learn more about their strategies – I pass!
Simpson Miller
Portia should not debate. It will feed only prejudice. One emailer told me it will show who can speak abroad to make us proud. My pride is in a crime-free, prosperous country, not a UN speech written by technocrats. If speech was the solution, Michael would be king. When we can vote directly for a PM, ask him about his life and work then we can have that debate. But we should debate. What type of debate? National and constituency debates.
National debate
A national debate must be for voters to judge party tactics and teams. First, each party must publish its manifesto detailing strategies to give effect to Vision 2030. This is the core of the debate. Next, debaters (a) defend their strategies (b) punch holes in the others' (c) show off the competence of their teams who will implement. Next, the moot is framed to get answers as: Will you make basic and primary schools free for all?
Cut costs by reducing the public service and MPs? Get 100 per cent increase in food production in three years? Make infrastructure projects labour-intensive to create jobs? Approve Republican status? Term limits? Fixed election date? (PM Holness cruelly taunted us with the election date just like the old boys before him. He did not break with the past, he chose to carry on this stupid one-man power play.) Give the OCG teeth in 2012?
Give tax reform and breaks for firms which export 70 per cent-plus of their output? Innovate in crime fighting? How will you secure the IMF buy-in to this strategy? Next, the debaters must be guided by professionals who keep them on topic; no rants, abuse, or divisive flashbacks. If next day people are not discussing the new ideas, just who diss whom, the debate failed. Next, the public should vote for the winner by text in a two-hour window after the debate. LIME (C&W) and Digicel can do it using the mobile phone unique ID – no double voting – cheap, easy, even illiterates can do it!
Constituency debates?
The crucial debates are where we vote for our MP. Vetting and voting for your MP is vital to democracy as he may have the following serious tasks:
Your MP is your voice in Parliament. He should meet with you often, be intelligent, experienced, well read so he can argue issues and defend them in constituency and in Parliament. He should not tell you one thing and vote for another. Do you know how your MP voted on hanging, ganja, Caricom or any other serious issue? Do you care?
When you elect your MP you make him a lawmaker. A big responsibility to give a man in exchange for a curry goat. Do you know him? His experience? Is he well read? Did he speak or write on any issue before politics? Was he fair and consulted by the district? Do you trust him to make laws? Did you and 12,000 other voters foist a monster on the nation?
Your MP may become a minister – the CEO of a ministry. Executives are men who manage public or private sector bodies. Can he manage money, workers, processes? How effective is he in the constituency? You voted him in and he will manage a billion-dollar ministry. Can he do it? When you do not get food, good health care, schools, jobs, houses, remember you are the one who put him there. No party leader will change because he lost a debate, but it may affect your vote for an MP. Press for constituency debates. When your MPs have no time to meet you, when they pass oppressive laws, when they don't deliver schools, health care and jobs, just remember you gave him the job! Stay conscious, my friend!
Dr Franklin Johnston is an international project manager with Teape-Johnston Consultants currently on assignment in the UK.
Read more: http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/colum...#ixzz1ejWeUwuy