Look like when I talk people listen.
This arrogant SOB had to go! His type has no place in a modern workplace.
Yuh a gwaan well Holness! However, the buck should at least stop with the minister.
I will await the Ombudsman report on the TG Massacre to see what you will do about that fiasco.
FIRED! - Patrick Wong sacked from NWA
Holness strips Henry of JDIP
Sunday, November 20, 2011
PATRICK Wong was yesterday sacked as chief executive officer of the National Works Agency (NWA) and Transport and Works Minister Mike Henry stripped of all responsibilities for the multi-million-dollar Jamaica Development Infrastructure Programme (JDIP) as Prime Minister Andrew Holness applied damage control measures to an issue that could stain the Government ahead of the impending general election.
According to a release from the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM), Henry requested, received, and accepted Wong's resignation, which took immediate effect. It added that a replacement will be named shortly.
Yuh a gwaan well Holness! However, the buck should at least stop with the minister.
I will await the Ombudsman report on the TG Massacre to see what you will do about that fiasco.
FIRED! - Patrick Wong sacked from NWA
Holness strips Henry of JDIP
Sunday, November 20, 2011
PATRICK Wong was yesterday sacked as chief executive officer of the National Works Agency (NWA) and Transport and Works Minister Mike Henry stripped of all responsibilities for the multi-million-dollar Jamaica Development Infrastructure Programme (JDIP) as Prime Minister Andrew Holness applied damage control measures to an issue that could stain the Government ahead of the impending general election.
According to a release from the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM), Henry requested, received, and accepted Wong's resignation, which took immediate effect. It added that a replacement will be named shortly.