Avoid the political hype
Published: Monday | November 7, 2011 Comments 0
Supporters of the Jamaica Labour Party wave their green flags at People's National Party supporters in Leith Hall, St Thomas, last week. The PNP was on a tour of the parish. - Ian Allen/Photographer
Steve Lyston, Contributor
Right now, the number one focus for everyone is survival. Statistics show that there is an increase number of persons now living below the poverty line.
Interestingly, the majority of persons who elect a government are the poor. Yet, for the past five years, most of the laws that have been passed globally have to do with moral and gender issues.
Nothing much has been done for the poor; and the poor, who suffer severely because of lack, don't seem to have a voice.
Many people are fighting for power today. It is so sad that based on the set-up of our political system, those who have a good heart for the poor and are genuine in their quest to help the poor, are denied the political access they need to make the change in favour of the poor.
So, there are serious economic challenges that lie ahead and only a coalition government drawn from different political sectors, coupled with God's intervention, can make a difference.
The unprecedented disasters that have been affecting the economies of the world have made it more difficult for leaders to be effective.
Approximately 70 per cent of the world is covered by the ocean. We have been seeing more land disappearing because of the floods.
Now most of that water is salted - approximately 97 per cent, hence three per cent of the water is fresh; with the sun getting hotter, and more melting and flooding taking place.
Soon, fresh water will be the new gold! Are we building on areas that have precious groundwater?
Setting up housing projects to boost the economy or to facilitate the rapidly growing population is going to cause a grave problem.
We must recognise that we cannot separate the economy and environment. The environment existed a long time before the existence of man. Similarly, we cannot put laws in place that exclude the poor and the family without grave repercussions. Families make up a nation.
The prime minister or president of a nation is, indeed, the head of the family - the national family.
Contingency Measures
During hard times, land, water and food are key resources. Individuals must know that the temptation will be there to sell their land for survival, much like they are treating gold now. We must hold our land. Don't sell!
Start planting fruit trees such as coconut, mangoes, soursop, oranges, grapefruits; and also other plants such as pineapple. Spices are also good investments.
Further to this, Jamaica being the land of wood and water, we can invest in planting cedar.
Don't be fooled by political or economic forecasts and fluff. Take your future in hand, individually and as a nation.
Only take loans for house expansion or to secure an education for your children. Dig wells and preserve them.
Don't get caught in the political hype. Regardless of who wins locally or globally, there are serious times ahead. Until we all recognise that God is the one who gives the power to get wealth. (Deut. 8: 18)
Taking care of our household will be the utmost key to individual survival.
Ensure that there is no printing money to send into circulation in an attempt to stabilise the economy.
There needs to be an audit to ensure that all the money that enters circulation has gone through the right channels.
Ensure that there are enough seeds and seedlings for the purpose of replanting, in order to ensure food supply is maintained. Most of our investors diverted their investments from food and livestock to the money market; and now, they are shifting away from the money market. Are they now seeing the importance of investing in food and livestock once more?
All the indigenous resources in each region across the world exist where they do for a reason; that is, to build the nations in those regions and we must be wise and ensure that we don't lose it.
Finally, in order to have unity and show love and political maturity, why not have both parties unite and call the general election on February 14, 2012 - Valentine's Day!
We can all wear the colour red to show love, zeal, unity and enthusiasm - looking forward to a better Jamaica. After all, at the end of the day, we are all Jamaicans.
Apostle Steve Lyston is a Biblical Economics Consultant and Author of several books, including 'End Time Finance' and 'The New Millionaire'.
Published: Monday | November 7, 2011 Comments 0
Supporters of the Jamaica Labour Party wave their green flags at People's National Party supporters in Leith Hall, St Thomas, last week. The PNP was on a tour of the parish. - Ian Allen/Photographer
Steve Lyston, Contributor
Right now, the number one focus for everyone is survival. Statistics show that there is an increase number of persons now living below the poverty line.
Interestingly, the majority of persons who elect a government are the poor. Yet, for the past five years, most of the laws that have been passed globally have to do with moral and gender issues.
Nothing much has been done for the poor; and the poor, who suffer severely because of lack, don't seem to have a voice.
Many people are fighting for power today. It is so sad that based on the set-up of our political system, those who have a good heart for the poor and are genuine in their quest to help the poor, are denied the political access they need to make the change in favour of the poor.
So, there are serious economic challenges that lie ahead and only a coalition government drawn from different political sectors, coupled with God's intervention, can make a difference.
The unprecedented disasters that have been affecting the economies of the world have made it more difficult for leaders to be effective.
Approximately 70 per cent of the world is covered by the ocean. We have been seeing more land disappearing because of the floods.
Now most of that water is salted - approximately 97 per cent, hence three per cent of the water is fresh; with the sun getting hotter, and more melting and flooding taking place.
Soon, fresh water will be the new gold! Are we building on areas that have precious groundwater?
Setting up housing projects to boost the economy or to facilitate the rapidly growing population is going to cause a grave problem.
We must recognise that we cannot separate the economy and environment. The environment existed a long time before the existence of man. Similarly, we cannot put laws in place that exclude the poor and the family without grave repercussions. Families make up a nation.
The prime minister or president of a nation is, indeed, the head of the family - the national family.
Contingency Measures
During hard times, land, water and food are key resources. Individuals must know that the temptation will be there to sell their land for survival, much like they are treating gold now. We must hold our land. Don't sell!
Start planting fruit trees such as coconut, mangoes, soursop, oranges, grapefruits; and also other plants such as pineapple. Spices are also good investments.
Further to this, Jamaica being the land of wood and water, we can invest in planting cedar.
Don't be fooled by political or economic forecasts and fluff. Take your future in hand, individually and as a nation.
Only take loans for house expansion or to secure an education for your children. Dig wells and preserve them.
Don't get caught in the political hype. Regardless of who wins locally or globally, there are serious times ahead. Until we all recognise that God is the one who gives the power to get wealth. (Deut. 8: 18)
Taking care of our household will be the utmost key to individual survival.
Ensure that there is no printing money to send into circulation in an attempt to stabilise the economy.
There needs to be an audit to ensure that all the money that enters circulation has gone through the right channels.
Ensure that there are enough seeds and seedlings for the purpose of replanting, in order to ensure food supply is maintained. Most of our investors diverted their investments from food and livestock to the money market; and now, they are shifting away from the money market. Are they now seeing the importance of investing in food and livestock once more?
All the indigenous resources in each region across the world exist where they do for a reason; that is, to build the nations in those regions and we must be wise and ensure that we don't lose it.
Finally, in order to have unity and show love and political maturity, why not have both parties unite and call the general election on February 14, 2012 - Valentine's Day!
We can all wear the colour red to show love, zeal, unity and enthusiasm - looking forward to a better Jamaica. After all, at the end of the day, we are all Jamaicans.
Apostle Steve Lyston is a Biblical Economics Consultant and Author of several books, including 'End Time Finance' and 'The New Millionaire'.