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Commonwealth electoral provision is an Ass & a Shackle..

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  • Commonwealth electoral provision is an Ass & a Shackle..

    So stupid... anedda vestige of a colonial past that should be done away with forthwith..either allow any dual-national or none

    Gwaan Danville!

    Danville Unveiled
    Published: Monday | November 7, 20115 Comments

    Erica Virtue, Senior gleaner writer

    Walker demands American citizens be allowed to serve
    Four years after the dual-citizenship drama threatened to collapse the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) government, former Director of Elections Danville Walker says he wants the entire matter to be "fixed" urgently and that a Commonwealth dual citizen should have no greater right to enter representational politics than any other.

    Walker, who on Friday demitted office as commissioner of customs, resigned from his post as director of elections because he held citizenship not allowable under the Jamaican Constitution.

    Walker was the second casualty in the affair after Daryl Vaz was booted as parliamentary representative for West Portland because he held non-Commonwealth citizenship. Vaz later won a rerun of the election against the People's National Party's (PNP) Kenneth Rowe.

    Walker said the constitutional provision against non-Common-wealth citizens holding certain offices was unfair to American citizens who want to serve the country.

    "What is so bad about dual citizenship?" Walker asked during a press conference called to unveil him as the JLP's candidate in Central Manchester.

    "When I joined the electoral system, I wasn't aware that this was an issue. When you go to a job, people would have to tell you that; no one ever told me that," he said before pointing to what he labelled the hypocrisy of the situation.

    "What I had a huge difficulty with was when they reran West Portland, they took a Canadian citizen (Rowe) and ran him against Mr Vaz. If it is wrong, it is wrong in principle, not by basis of country," Walker declared.

    "It is a finer point that the lawyers don't understand. America is no more alien than Canada is. So you are telling me that if I went and got citizenship in Pakistan, I could become prime minister in Jamaica, but because I went to the United States, a country that gives us so much aid and support ... ," Walker added before he was reminded that it was a constitutional matter.

    Canada and Pakistan are both members of the Commonwealth.

    "So, therefore fix it. Has anything been done about that? No. And I tell you when the next election is called, I will be asking the Electoral Commission, 'Are the candidates properly nominated?' Because that's all I said, that they are properly nominated because there was nothing wrong in what I said ... ," Walker argued of his conduct as director of elections during the 2007 general election.

    The PNP's West Portland candidate in that election, Abraham Dabdoub, took Vaz to court and forced the rerun of the election after Vaz was disqualified. Walker's press release stating that Vaz was properly nominated was cited in the judgment as influential.

    Billed as a "proven performer", Walker said he had an enviable track record before his dual citizenship - a status given by his parents, who wanted their children to have options - became an issue.

    He will contest the Central Manchester seat against PNP General Secretary Peter Bunting.

    In 2007, Bunting narrowly defeated the JLP's Sally Porteous but Walker, credited with overhauling the country's electoral system, said he loves a challenge and believes he has something to offer the constituency.

    "Central Manchester to me presents opportunities that can be developed. It has universities, it has declining bauxite industries. In the next 20 years or so, bauxite will be over. So I figure I want to be in a place that needs my industry and intellect to solve the employment issues, crime issues and the development of this place," he told The Gleaner.

    "Central Manchester has tough issues and I know I can work on them because, as you know, I love a challenge."

    Noting that he could have always negotiated "some easy seat", Walker said he instead chose the seat with the largest constituency of returning residents in Jamaica.

    He said he was a proud returning resident and would take on their issues with passion as Jamaica has not made it easy for individuals to return home.


    Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

    D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007

  • #2
    were there or have there been other returning residents? is patrick atkinson a returning resident?

    Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


    • #3
      you gwaan talk. look how much a them run before with dual citizenship but nobody willing to talk about that. How could they have hired Danville to look over the election. If it was so important, then nobody nuh ask him if he had a US citizenship? and nobody run a background check? Man a sweep street and background check a run pon him.
      • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


      • #4
        Not even the scrap metal "law" was a shackle to the goodly gentleman!



        • #5
          True, Sass. But I also find it very strange that Danville did not wonder about his own illegal status.

          And as for that declaration that they were all properly nominated...smacks of a brucegoldious nature.



          • #6
            i definitely wa'an fi hear more 'bout DAT!

            Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


            • #7
              Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
              Not even the scrap metal "law" was a shackle to the goodly gentleman!
              As Miss Lou wudda seh..Scrap Dem!!

              Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

              D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


              • #8
                yeah but who you blame??? How can you pass all the parlimentary committees and all the civil servant committees as well. So many of our politicians before 2007 went unchecked.

                It was simply not a concern for any organization in Jamaica. How many Dual citizens have ever been denied to run in an election Ja and mi know both JLP and PNP had them in the past.
                • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


                • #9
                  NOT BECAUSE THE wrong thing was done in the past makes it right

                  what is the solution?

                  I think they should update this 1962 law

                  by just allowing people who are citizen of Jamaica ONLY to be PRIME MINISTER or cabinet ministers

                  but not as strict as the USA where you have to be born on American soil


                  • #10
                    Daddy Bush was not born in the USA, neither McCain!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Willi View Post
                      Daddy Bush was not born in the USA, neither McCain!

                      yuh know the use embassies, base etc....... are considered US soil?

                      BTW mi av a beef wid u from the oda day enuh, the forum have 3 diff view mode

                      Linear Mode
                      Hybrid Mode
                      Threaded Mode

                      mi use d 1st one MI cyaa help u n ur so called "difficulty"


                      • #12
                        so, let mi get this straight...because it wasn't an issue in the past, we must continue to look the other way?

                        a yes or a no will suffice. thanks!

                        BLACK LIVES MATTER


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Don1 View Post
                          So stupid... anedda vestige of a colonial past that should be done away with forthwith..either allow any dual-national or none

                          Gwaan Danville!
                          Sorry Don1, but I can't agree. Danville is just preying on the typical ignorance and insularity of the Jamaican public.

                          It's not stupid, nor is it a vestige. For those who don't know Commonwealth citizens are allowed to vote AND stand for election in Britain without needing British citizenship. In fact I'm sure there is a Labour MP in Parliament now from Jamaica who got there via that law (though she is probably a British citizen by now). I know the same applies for some other places in the Commonwealth (although with variations). I know Jamaicans can definitely vote in say...Mauritius, Malawi and New Zealand without needing citizenship.

                          Now I'm sure some will say "but that's Britain" or "they owe us" or some other such tripe. But such arguments avoid the uncomfortable truth that it is only FAIR unless we are comfortable with ourselves be no better than mendicants who expect handouts from others without even so much as extending common courtesy to others. If so then I want no part of it as I'm not a beggar and have enough pride that I can welcome a Briton to run for election in this country just as easily as their country would allow me to run for election in theirs (additionally the Commonwealth reference to citizenship and being able to stand for election is directly tied to the fact that in the Constitution you are barred from running if you have run afoul of the law in any part of the Commonwealth - in essence it prevents people from seeking immunity from prosecution by running away to another Commonwealth country and getting into Parliament there. Note that this measure has never applied with non-Commonwealth countries becuase non-Commonwealth countries have never had it as part of their law (with regards to Commonwealth countries or each other). That is why Alberto Fujimori could carry out corrupt acts as President of Peru and then flee to Japan where he attempted to run for parliament (the Japanese Diet). The fool got caught though when he left Japan).

                          As for those JAmericans wanting to run.....well, I can see why they would want to run in Jamaica with it's lax enforcement of laws..and I can also see why they seem to shy away from politics in America. After all not a single one of them could EVER become President no matter how long they've lived there as long as they weren't born there or born to American parents. I've yet to find any examples of dual nationals in Congress (though if there are any I would be shocked if any were dual Jamaican-American citizens or dual Mexican-American citizens....dual Israeli-American citizens in Congress wouldn't shock me though). Yet we have some of these people wanting to have their cake and eat it too.

                          The best comment I've seen on Danville's stance is found in the comments section to this story (http://jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20111107/lead/lead1.html), but I will copy it here in full because it deserves to be read as the author sums exactly what is wrong with Danville's argument and the right way to go about the issue:

                          Ace Itizen 11 hours ago
                          Sorry Mr. Walker, but the Constitution & by extension, the law, forbids non-Commonwealth citizens from holding public office. These are the rules in play at the time you wish to enter the game of politics, and these are the rules you must abide by. If you think them ridiculous, then do not enter politics and form a lobby group to change it, or make your contributions to nation building in another way.

                          The USA has a rule that no person born outside the US is allowed to become President, despite the first 5 or 6 Presidents were born in England! This was necessary to preserve the nation after the original founding fathers had died: men who had fought and shed blood to divorce themselves from British tyranny, because the fear was that someone born in another country after the US Revolution would not remember the sacrifices made to establish the nation and might not serve its best interests.The adage that no man can serve two masters is valid & time tested - there are few individuals in history who can do this, so few that I can't think of any immediately.

                          I am a dual citizen, courtesy of an American born father and I want to make a contribution to the betterment of Jamaica as this is where I was born and raised. However, the ease of travel that my US passport allows me means more to me than running for public office: instead I will make my contributions to the public good by sitting on the boards of NGOs, donating my time to schools etc. I recognize the rules of political life in Jamaica and choose not participate - if I did, I would have to give up my US passport and not whine about the unfairness of the rule.

                          At most I could see an argument for tweaking the law to allow reciprocity so that rights granted to Jamaicans in other countries would be reciprocated on nationals of those countries, but to allow all or none in terms of dual citizenship is the simpleton way out.


                          • #14

                            Mine is poke or chicken yuh have.

                            How yuh manage post correctly now, den?

                            My work here is done on that account. LoL

                            Yes, I know about bases etc, but is still farrin territory.

                            There was talk of changing the rules to allow Arnold "Dat" Scwharzenegger to run for Prez.

                            BTW, lighten up. I enjoy your "impartial" posts. really. Yuh add suppen suppen to di Forum.


                            • #15
                              Mozambique was never a colony, but they have recently joined the Cwealth. Do you think a Mozambican, ordinarily resident in Jam for 1 year, should be qualified to become PM?

                              I say allow all duals or exclude all to sit in parliament.

