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One word: Elegance!

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  • #16
    Fuss of all, learn to use the forum!

    If yuh answering me, then in a threaded view, you answer should fall below in a nested manner. Yu all ova di place. A mess.

    Next, yes Bill Gates is smarter dan all him employee dem. He is exceptional.Sorta like Zuckerberg...dem sorta autistic savant.

    You seem to be mixing up intelligence with book learning. Go back and investigate the difference.

    Finally, which of any of those people you mention are lazy????

    Man done with the platitudes and try and think CLEARLY.


    • #17
      Yu sound just like Lazie now...bout keeping it real...lol. You have just made some serious allegations that are clearly subjective and clearly hearsay. I'm sure there are qualified people to address those statements so I'll leave it alone. Saying that there 'others' on the other side do no justify your statements. So is Rhodes Scholarship the new standard?


      • #18
        I'm sure your goats have 'Road' scholarhip. Never knew you were a Goat Farmer. Do you rear them for the milk, meat, skin or for otherpurposes?


        • #19
          Where did he diss the Ivy league? He said you didn't need a Ivy league degree to be political leader.


          • #20
            Thank you sir. You were busy, hence absent a week or so. Cannot begin to tell you what happened. Quite possibly it's because Willi now speaks more than one tongue (I really hope that's the reason).


            • #21
              Originally posted by Exile View Post
              I'm sure your goats have 'Road' scholarhip. Never knew you were a Goat Farmer. Do you rear them for the milk, meat, skin or for otherpurposes?
              No he just rears them

              Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

              D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


              • #22
                It is metaphorical, I could have said rocket scientist...not to be taken literally, clearly.

                If Portia was not lazy and displayed real leadership (unlike what J thinks), it wouldnt be so bad.

                However, when you put her gunnark past into it, really now, what kinda message yuh sending to young people?

                She should step aside. She had her chance and blew it.

                Waste of time flogging a dead horse, if we are serious about advancement.
                Last edited by Willi; November 6, 2011, 03:58 PM.


                • #23
                  Exile, if you have read J for a long time, EVERYTHING is better in America, so it stands to reason that their IVY league grads should be the best, no? Well now its not a guarantee of being leadership material, so is that not a slap?

                  So is America the be all end all, or not all that?

                  Of course I dont believe you have to be exceptionally well educated to be a good leader, BUT you MUST be pretty intelligent and confident and self aware.


                  • #24
                    Too funny! Bout sound like Lazie...good thing my back broad.

                    We may not always agree, but I do like reading your posts.

