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JLP's Holness 'insults' Blair

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  • JLP's Holness 'insults' Blair

    JLP's Holness 'insults' Blair

    KARYL WALKER, Observer staff reporter
    Thursday, September 28, 2006

    IN the clearest sign yet of trouble brewing on the political horizon, a symbolic effort at peace in troubled sections of West Central St Andrew yesterday drew insults and hostilities and a bitter complaint from the Political Ombudsman.
    "This is my worst reception. This is the mother of all walks. It (Andrew Holness' behaviour) is offensive, and it is destructive to the peace process. In my four years as head of the PMI, I have never been insulted like this by any politician," said an exasperated Bishop Herro Blair.
    Blair went into West Central St Andrew as head of the Peace Management Initiative (PMI) in hopes of quelling the emerging political violence which has been blamed for the gun killing of two persons and injuring of two others in one week in the Cockburn Gardens community.
    The police have blamed the killings on clashes between political factions.
    But Holness, the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) member of parliament for the constituency, refused to take part in the scheduled peace walk.
    As Blair along with People's National Party (PNP) caretaker for the area, Patrick Roberts and members of the PMI - accompanied by police and the media - walked through sections of Cling Cling Avenue, Swallow Road and Pelican Parade, Holness, flanked by placard-bearing supporters, kept his distance from peace marchers, remaining more than 100 feet away.
    "I will not be joining any peace walk if Patrick Roberts will be there," Holness insisted, and declined to shake hands with Blair.
    He had a change of mind later, exited his SUV and joined the group, but even then all was not well. The member of parliament accused Roberts of allegedly inciting the recent upsurge of violence in the community and reserved some harsh words for the PMI.
    "There are some serious breaches of the code of conduct in this area that are being glossed over," Holness declared. "There are people who associate with criminals and have criminals do their bidding and the PMI hugs them up."

    Blair, clearly embarrassed and offended by Holness' snub, accused the MP of insulting him and of attempting to derail the peace process in the volatile communities. The ombudsman was also upset that persons with placards, most of them unflattering to Roberts, had come to the peace march.
    "We have never had people demonstrating in this manner and it shows that there was some level of planned confrontation," said the PMI head.
    Roberts, in the meantime, said he participated in the walk to show that he was all for peace.
    "We came here with the intention to walk hand-in-hand with Andrew and call for peace among persons who are all supporters of the Jamaica Labour Party," Roberts said.
    Apart from a few residents who stood at their gates and watched as the touring party walked through their community, the streets were bare. One of the few signs of life were uniformed cops who carried out foot patrols while police vehicles patrolled
    the area.
    The police are also blaming political tension for the recent upsurge of violence in the community.
    According to the police, the tension in West Central St Andrew began to rise earlier this month when a brother and sister were shot and injured. Both are still hospitalised in serious but stable condition.
    A few days later, in what the police suspect to be a reprisal, two cousins - 19-year-old Marlon Creary and Clyde Tucker, 32 - were shot dead at a premises on Cling
    Cling Avenue.
    Police said a house was firebombed and two persons, including a five-year-old child were shot and injured two days later.
    Members of the constabulary and army have since been patrolling the area in an effort to keep a lid on the violence in the community.

  • #2
    "September 28, 2006"

    LOL .... the knives are out! Question for you Exile ... does the fact that Patrick Roberts has had run ins with the law since then say anything? Holness time and again, before there was any idea that Bruce was stepping down insisted he didn't refuse to walk with Blair ... he refused to walk with Roberts because of his 'character' (my word).

    Its certainly amusing watching unuh stoop to trivialities.
    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


    • #3
      Oh it's a New Day, It's a New Time, It's a New Feeling.... It's a New Sign...

      Oh What a New Day

      Are you picking up Now?

      Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

      D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


      • #4
        LAzie..I didn't see the date...saw the article on FB and thought it was smthing recent...I meant no ill-will sir and not involved in trivialities...and just stop this "unnu" stupidness....


        • #5
          Jah love...protect us!


          • #6
            I guess it's all moot then?


            • #7
              Originally posted by Exile View Post
              LAzie..I didn't see the date...saw the article on FB and thought it was smthing recent...I meant no ill-will sir and not involved in trivialities...and just stop this "unnu" stupidness....
              unnu is offensive? Sorry ... what about "Y'ALL"
              "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


              • #8
                That is old but there is a pending one where Holness was alleged to have attempted to box a female poll clerk and the matter is actually still on the court schedule or whatever they call it...dont know if this took place in 1930 or 1980 but it was on the news the other day

                as for Lazie's 'unnu' talk that is his way to showing he is above the lumpen proles and have bigger fish to fry and cant bother with unnu down there
                Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
                Che Guevara.


                • #9
                  YOU would probably me more comfortable with that. Just don't group me or label me with your fantasies.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Exile View Post
                    YOU would probably me more comfortable with that. Just don't group me or label me with your fantasies.
                    ... whats the purpose of digging up all these stories, some that are twisted to give a completely different meaning? Mi hear dem a fuss about the man being a 7th Day Adventist member .... what difference it mek? Majoring in minor!
                    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


                    • #11
                      For the same reason your party (yes you are a labourite, admit it and there is nothing wrong with it either) dug up the video of the PNP leader losing her cool at a political rally and ran with it, beat it to death really...

                      it is all for cheap political points...even you know that..
                      Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
                      Che Guevara.


                      • #12
                        he explained this recently, did you see it?

                        Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


                        • #13
                          How yu head so ******** tuff??? You hear mi tell yu mi JUSS see it on a FB page and post it!!! Mi nevva dig up nutten> But it look like sm digging needed...see it dey...him was really a 7-day?...mi sory fi de poor pig farmer dem...no more jerk pork a Jamaica House?


                          • #14
                            No. Never even KNEW about it before this morning. Is pro bono work yu doin?


                            • #15
                              Wha?? Im ah Seventh Day??

                              Fiya Bun!!

                              Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                              D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007

