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Don't compromise on truth!

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  • Don't compromise on truth!

    Don't compromise on truth!
    published: Sunday | February 11, 2007
    <DIV class=KonaBody OP1q9="true">

    Lambert Brown

    Last Thursday, five men were murdered execution style in Bog Walk, St. Catherine. There was no general outcry or condemnation from the society. The reality is, that despite the heinous nature of this crime, we are far from that 'tipping point' where, as a people, we declare 'enough is enough!' Then, we will, in unison, stand up decisively and face down the murderers among us.

    The truth is, we have become immune to the shock and horror of multiple killings; we have become desensitised to accepting savagery like Thursday morning's in Bog Walk, as the norm. After all, we put up with the recent Flower Hill quintuple murder and beheading, as we did with Braeton, Kraal and the numerous other cases which would outrage other societies.

    I grew up in a Jamaica when even the ordinary domestic murder would incense our people. Jamaica was not always like this, where multiple murders take place with only a whimper. There were better and safer days, and we need to find our way back to such times.

    Glorification of negativity

    I think all well-thinking Jamaicans need to pause and ponder the question: how did we get to this sordid state? As I suggested in my last column, it is our endorsement and descent into the glorification of negativity that have contributed significantly to the lawlessness that rules our land. We have compromised on tried and tested values such as respect and decency, sometimes, because of political expediency, other times in the name of freedom of speech, freedom of the press or simple license for cartoonists to demean our people and offices of state. Slowly and surely, we are paying the price of our choice. We are wallowing in the morass of irresponsibility and are stuck on the path of destruction of a law-abiding nation.

    The path to recovery must begin with the re-establishing of critical values which we know leads to good and order in the nation. We need national consensus on the moral principles that will guide ournation. I am confident this is possible. Let our leaders recognise that they have a big role to play here. They set good examples when they conduct themselves in ways that reveal that the pursuit of decency may mean a diminution of personal power, or the non-fulfilment of political ambitions - in other words, putting the nation above self and political parties.

    Truth is one such value that we should elevate and never compromise on. It is against this background that I am disappointed with recent comments by Leader of the Opposition Bruce Golding. He was reported as saying at a meeting on January 21 at the Jamaica Conference Centre in Kingston, the following: "As we speak, we are meeting here at the Conference Centre. they (PNP) are having a similar meeting at Dinthill High School. The purpose of the meeting, I understand, is to get feedback from the ground as to how it stay, how we look. And the blow-by-blow account that I've been getting as to what is happening at the meeting, indicates to me that some people want to go early and some people are saying no, we have to wait. The people who want to wait are saying, "things not pretty. we need to wait a little longer to try and get things looking better"; and the people who want to go early are saying, "if you think things not pretty now, later is going to be destruction". How that will pan out, which side will eventually carry the swing, I don't know. The decision as you know, is made by only one person: the Prime Minister."

    For these comments, Mr. Golding received thunderous applause from his party members. I have no doubt they believed Mr. Golding to be speaking th
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

  • #2
    RE: Don't compromise on truth!

    Is same way when Lazie an Ben

    dem come bout mi haff wonder more time, if ah drugs dem ah get ah di JLP rally dem :P Hallucigens galore LOL.


    • #3
      RE: Don't compromise on truth!

      Lambert Brown clearly has nothing to bother him.

      What the hell was the point of this article ?

      The country is sinking into an economic abyss of debt and non-productivity after 17 years of mis-management and this is what he finds to talk about ?

      Under whose watch has the murder rate spiralled out of control ? Under whose watch has debt spiraled out of control ? Under whose watch has consumption spiralled out of control ?

      Bwoy is election year for true.. silly season.


      • #4
        RE: Don't compromise on truth!

        I just watched CIN and saw Audley trying to

        justify the OLINT in terms of entreprenuership and global economy. What are these guys thinking? can't they see that this another road to destroying confidence in the banking sector? Oh I guess Lottery scammers are entreprenuers too. It's because the world is shrinking why Jakan who never left the island can scam people in the US. The Govt. did the right thing in closing them down. It would eventually threaten the remittance inflow. What if investors start pouring in cash from say Hong kong and Germany. How would these guys pay? Audley can't see this? Then we would be embarrased when the scotland yard or the feds call and say if you won't shut them down we will. TEN PERCENT A MONTH! and them an who is going to be finance minister sees this as entreprenuership. I give up.<P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt">


        • #5
          RE: Don't compromise on truth!

          #1. The Govt has not closed them down. Court Ruling is in March and all that the court has said is they must stop taking new members until March.

          #2. All the court has done is increased the profile and there is now a mad rush to get in via other channels (no one wants to miss the boat)

          So Jawge no need to panic, there are ways to get in.

          No one seemed to complain when David Smith was doing this for JMMB.. now that him gone out on him own (Entrepenuership)certain powers feel threatened.

          Why are you against this entrepenuership Jawge ?


          • #6
            RE: Don't compromise on truth!

            it may be that jmmb are licenced? that is what was said at the outset...smith's argument is that no licence is required based on the activities...has it gone beyond that?

            Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


            • #7
              RE: Don't compromise on truth!

              As far as I can determine OLINT is not breaking any Jamaican laws in providing the average 10% per month returns.

              I am sure some of the Who's Who list of members have done their own checks on the legality of the operations.

              What is probably occuring now is Omar trying to figure out what needs to be amended to be able to tax this activity..


              • #8
                RE: Don't compromise on truth!

                Jawge, yuh muss can allocate a percentage of you portfolio to 'high risk' investments.. not even a 5% ?

                The other option is to try the FOREX yourself.. but yuh nuh have time fi dat... better you leave it in the hands of an expert and tek a 10% per month...

                What yuh tink ?


                • #9
                  RE: Don't compromise on truth!

                  Ben mi nuh tell yuh say mi nuh haff nuh

                  luck aready? Dem tings deh is fi money people. Mi now go wid fi mi widow's mite, it gwaan. Cause by end ah month come, mi ah go waan fi mimoney. Yuh know it go wid mi. Unnuh haffi juss gwaan get rich and mi on di stands watching the train go by :P Is the lottery scammers entreprenuers too? Just asking because these days anything to weaken the JA economy is ligit.


                  • #10
                    RE: Don't compromise on truth!

                    do you still use your hotmail address? there is something I want to raise with you on this issue.

                    Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


                    • #11
                      RE: Don't compromise on truth!

                      I certainly do Sir.Gamma,always look

                      forward to a mail from you. :P


                      • #12
                        RE: Don't compromise on truth!

                        Don't regularly check it but it is still active.


                        • #13
                          RE: Don't compromise on truth!

                          check it.

                          Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


                          • #14
                            RE: Don't compromise on truth!

                            I responded


                            • #15
                              RE: Don't compromise on truth!

                              I don't think FOREX trading is illegal Jawge.

