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Amerkahs' highest paid CEO's

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  • Amerkahs' highest paid CEO's

    America's highest-paid CEOs

    Populists across the political spectrum decry the skyrocketing pay packages of corporate titans. Who is hauling in the most -- and how are their companies performing?

    By Christopher Helman, Forbes.com

    1 of 12

    The point of the pyramid

    If you're a billionaire or corporate fat cat, you may have noticed a crowd assembled near your headquarters or home. You may not know exactly what the activists are protesting; you might even joke that this might have something to do with why they are unemployed. But when it comes to one of their complaints -- that the rich have been getting richer while things keep getting worse for the downtrodden and unemployed -- you might have to admit they have a point.

    As you can see from the slide show that follows, a stagnant economy that continues to hurt those at the bottom hasn't harmed the 0.0001% at the top. Compensation for the nation's highest-paid chief executives -- including salary, bonuses, perks and the value of exercised stock options -- was up 28% (as of Sept. 6) from a year earlier, according to GovernanceMetrics International.

    But the "Occupy Wall Street" protesters might be in the wrong place to picket the titans on this list. No Wall Street representatives are among the 10 highest-paid CEOs.

    The highest-paid bank executive is Jamie Dimon of JPMorgan Chase (JPM), who comes in 12th, with compensation of $42 million. Laurence Fink of BlackRock (BLK) is 16th at $39.9 million. Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs (GS) pulled in $21.7 million in the period.
    Following are the nation's 10 highest-paid CEOs. (Sources of compensation figures are CompuStat ExecuComp and SEC filings.)
    The only time TRUTH will hurt you...is if you ignore it long enough


  • #2
    Wall street people mek dem money in undocumented trades.

    Way bigger than the monkey money in this article.

