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Unnu 'ear whe Oleness sey? Dawg nyam yu suppa.....

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  • #61
    Now that is a worthy discussion. Let me throw it back to you and others.


    • #62
      Dem have a problem too!


      • #63
        What of English in Jamaica? Any wishes?

        You perfectly master it. No empathy for those who struggle to?


        • #64
          Belgians live in a rich nation in the heart of Europe. They are multi-lingual. They dont have our problem, a tiny, isolated island stuggling with a low level of education and with low proficiency in a a national language that happens to be the most widely spoken on the planet.

          Looked from that point of view, our priorities should be clear. And its AND not OR. We keep both, but emphasize the one that will help us survive. When we cross it, we sure up the other.


          • #65
            of course continue to teach english in jamaica. i have NEVER advacoted abandoning english for patois in the curriculum.

            papiamento is taugh in curacao aruba etc and haitian creole appears on some documements in south florida ... nto sure how standardised it is however...

            Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


            • #66
              conclusion? did you see the question sign? it was a question breds ....

              and the fact that DUTCH is a dialect of flemish...helps my argument!

              finally belgium is rich because what? and the truth is if we conitnue to view ourselves as a likkle insignificant place so we will be ... thank god yuh nevah advise bob or garvey!!!

              why should a likkle insignificant place invest in a bobsled team?

              willi, i am not trying to convince you of anything we just have diametrically opposed viewpoints on this subject and i am cool with that.

              Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


              • #67
                We are likkle and insignificant in economic affairs, but that does not mean we are in most other areas and that dont mean we cant dream and plan to change that...which is my point.

                I did not see the ?, but still am puzzled that you would be motivated to ask. Did you see anything in my posts to suggest that? I am not offended, mind you, just curious. I respect your points as you are a serious thinker, so dont think I brush you off. However, my thing is that Financial independence comes FIRST (the foundation). After that you can exert your full freedom. Cant ever be truly free when others control the purse string. Marcus and Bob knew that. Neither allowed people to "own" dem or mek dem beholden.


                • #68
                  Dutch people are Flemish too. Politics separate dem.


                  • #69
                    i was motivated to ask because it was not clear to me exactly where you were going and so, i stepped back to ask if that was where you were going to properly understand the point of departure.

                    re marcus and bob, that is correct, they charted their own path...from nothing and made it something. same thing with the bobsledders .... we must take it and make it! somehow i don't think unesco (e.g.) would say "we will cut back your funding because you are wasting it on teaching patois" ...

                    Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


                    • #70
                      Not sure about that in today's world.

