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Digital Yard: How to Engineer a New Jamaica

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  • Digital Yard: How to Engineer a New Jamaica

    Why Science Must Take Priority In Schools
    Published: Tuesday | October 4, 2011
    Michael A. Dingwall, Contributor

    That story about our high-school students' lack of interest in the sciences should be a wake-up call to us, if we are a people serious about our future. However, what we need to understand is why these students think the sciences are not worth it.

    In many ways, these students are just mirroring our society. While it can be argued that science subjects, including mathematics, are more difficult than non-science subjects, there are other reasons why the sciences are being shunned.

    The truth of the matter is that in cultures like ours, science has never been a priority. Most students are shunning science largely because they don't see any future in it. Most of them cannot relate to science in any way. This is one of the major problems that I have with this culture of ours - our total lack of any serious interest in the sciences.

    Look at how we treat entertainment as compared to science, for example. We have convinced ourselves that our niche is agriculture and entertainment. For us, science is something for the advanced societies. That is why we continue to see tourism, music, athletics, preaching and other forms of entertainment as major economic priorities.

    Who to blame

    Therefore, who can blame our high-school students when they opt to ignore the sciences? They are not fools. They have looked around and they see no future in cultures like ours for scientists. One doesn't need to know science to be an entertainer.

    Other countries are experiencing similar challenges, but they are acting differently. The United States also recognises that the performance of their high-school students in the sciences is falling. However, unlike us, they understand the implications and have made the reversal of the decline a national priority. For them, leadership in the sciences will ensure continued global leadership.

    Notice how these advance countries, unlike us, continue to invest heavily in the sciences? Despite very difficult economic challenges, they have not shelved programmes like the international space station. The world's largest particle-collision machine, many kilometres long, in Europe, also continues to get funding. For them, these are not expensive adventures, but programmes that are vital.

    One reason why it is difficult to picture us, black people, and science together is that we haven't cultured ourselves to see science that way others have. For us, our primary role in this world is to provide entertainment. Who needs science for that?

    What we fail to recognise, unlike others, is that unless we begin to make science and technology number one, we will always remain a backward people. We have been working with an economy for many decades that is entertainment-focused. Our present state of poverty and backwardness is testament to the nonsense of continuing to use this model.

    The lack of interest by our students in the sciences is a cultural problem. Once we get the will to switch the priorities that we ascribe to entertainment and science, we will begin to see meaningful change.

    Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

    D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007

  • #2
    Oh yeah but first and foremost education in Ja needs serious reform. Early childhood ecucation (which was brought to the fore in 72) then the scrapping of GSAT.

    There should be a transition of all children from primary school to secondary schools. One should check the history records to see where the denying of a twelve year old entry to high school comes from (slavery' kids weren't allowed to go to school because they were needed as field hands).

    Ja needs to improve its quality in teaching with regards to mathematics. Why math? Mathematics will play a pivotal role in the info age. Mathematics will be the foudation of artifiicial intelligence (in terms of algorithms).

    Software will be needed more than hardware; seeing that most of the manual and dangerous jobs will be given to robotics. I must admit that I'm inspired by Assimov's foundation series. This way when I drive around NYC (yup the city's infrastucture is under repair) can't help but notice the huge tractors digging, then saying to myself "in the not to distant future a circuit board with embedded artificial intelligence will be inserted in these caterpillars/tractors hence relieving it of an operator. I also admire the way the bridges are being repaired with traffic flowing the same way (check out the bridge leading to the GW from the bronx and the work done on the willis avenue bridge. White stone and throgs neck too).

    Mathematicians will be the engineers of the info age (google can attest to that). Let's return to Ja: How many teachers are teaching A level math and writing the proof on the black board. If a teacher cannot write the proof or prove the theorem then they do not have grasp of the subject. This alone shows where Ja stands in the realm of mathematics. More this but I will pause for now.

    The question is this: Does the leadership of Ja want a literate society with strong analytical skills? They have no choice as economies are merging and competing across the globe. It's hard to see now but as time progresses and wealth is lost it will become more obvious. If one wants to look at the kingdom of Mali with mens Musa (aking at the time ) travelled to mecca in the 13th century (easy to check not sure) and gave away so much gold that for twelve years, yes twelve years gold was of no value in the middle east (yup see the folly of your foreparents). Look at Mongolia today. I could go on.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Jawge View Post
      Oh yeah but first and foremost education in Ja needs serious reform. Early childhood ecucation (which was brought to the fore in 72) then the scrapping of GSAT.

      There should be a transition of all children from primary school to secondary schools. One should check the history records to see where the denying of a twelve year old entry to high school comes from (slavery' kids weren't allowed to go to school because they were needed as field hands).

      Ja needs to improve its quality in teaching with regards to mathematics. Why math? Mathematics will play a pivotal role in the info age. Mathematics will be the foudation of artifiicial intelligence (in terms of algorithms).

      Software will be needed more than hardware; seeing that most of the manual and dangerous jobs will be given to robotics. I must admit that I'm inspired by Assimov's foundation series. This way when I drive around NYC (yup the city's infrastucture is under repair) can't help but notice the huge tractors digging, then saying to myself "in the not to distant future a circuit board with embedded artificial intelligence will be inserted in these caterpillars/tractors hence relieving it of an operator. I also admire the way the bridges are being repaired with traffic flowing the same way (check out the bridge leading to the GW from the bronx and the work done on the willis avenue bridge. White stone and throgs neck too).

      Mathematicians will be the engineers of the info age (google can attest to that). Let's return to Ja: How many teachers are teaching A level math and writing the proof on the black board. If a teacher cannot write the proof or prove the theorem then they do not have grasp of the subject. This alone shows where Ja stands in the realm of mathematics. More this but I will pause for now.

      The question is this: Does the leadership of Ja want a literate society with strong analytical skills? They have no choice as economies are merging and competing across the globe. It's hard to see now but as time progresses and wealth is lost it will become more obvious. If one wants to look at the kingdom of Mali with mens Musa (aking at the time ) travelled to mecca in the 13th century (easy to check not sure) and gave away so much gold that for twelve years, yes twelve years gold was of no value in the middle east (yup see the folly of your foreparents). Look at Mongolia today. I could go on.
      Chat is sometimes indicated to start to address problems but...The question is..What are YOU and I and John Q Publik willing to DO?

      Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

      D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


      • #4
        Dat too hard. LOL.
        "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


        • #5
          Originally posted by Islandman View Post
          Dat too hard. LOL.
          yep...di bag-ah-mout ting easyeasy.. juss ah few keystrokes an yuh job done... Information Age ting mi hear

          Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

          D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


          • #6
            btw...just heard from Erica...she was traveling as I suspected

            sent u email update


            Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

            D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


            • #7
              This only shows how "hard your head" is on matters. You keep harping about this "one, one cocoa mentality". It will not work in this scenario. Time and time again; I try to explain to you the relation of policies to a system and its inherent power (you refuse to listen). I even drew on the example of MLK and the civil rights movement of the 60s in order to bring the point home (the point still remains elusive to you).

              Going up to JC and helping with a robotics lab will have no effect on the education system in JA. It's the policy that's in place that needs serious reform. MLK and other stalwarts in the US were astute enough to know that it was the policy that needed reform (hence the amendment) which yeilded the Colin Powells, Condolezza Rices and the zenith Obama.

              Ja's education system met serious reformation in 72, since 1980 nothing has really been done except for the PNP's "graduality" approach. Listen to the present govt. What is their forecast in budget for education (the most important aspect for Ja right now)? Is there a commision set up to find the most suitable and adaptaple system of education for the 21st century? Have you ever heard Mr. Holness saying and demanding for more to be done towards Maths and science?

              I can answer the above. The answer is no to all. Why? Because it's not in the interest of the financial backers (who are very short sighted). At present Ja's economy is dominated by a service industry; on the surface it doesn't serm to need much in terms of education to garner profits (that's for now). What will happen down the road when central and south america (who are investing agressively in education) enters this market on a serious note? What of our neighbour Cuba? Won't digress but right now Ja's tourism is taken out of the hands of the people and concentrated in the hands of a few (with crime as the backdrop and excuse for this phenomena). Ja is not in a good position as we speak. I will stop for now but take a look at other nations and emerging economies
              (with their approach to education):

              The times are changing and the survival of nations will depend on human assets (a point lost on the present govt.) If takes march and demonstartions to bring education as number one proirity then so be it.


              • #8
                So in summary I take it your answer is "I will do NOTHING"
                "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


                • #9
                  Quote: "reading is over rated".


                  • #10
                    I just wish you gentlemen would stop the plagiarism....

                    Anyway, just find it hard to believe that here in 2011, Jamaica is still struggling over basic ideas for growth and development.

                    Jamaicans spend and waste lots of time over silly topics like who black from who brown and who chinese and who syrian....

                    Meanwhile other similar countries continue to make progress.

                    The biggest irony is that the educated among the population is not immune from this wasted past-time.
                    The only time TRUTH will hurt you...is if you ignore it long enough



                    • #11
                      Originally posted by HL View Post
                      Jamaicans spend and waste lots of time over silly topics like who black from who brown and who chinese and who syrian....
                      It should not mater one bit, but the fact that it matters to some and the vast majority of our people get screwed as a result, that is what makes it important.

                      I don't expect you to understand.

                      BLACK LIVES MATTER


                      • #12
                        ...carry on Sir!!
                        The only time TRUTH will hurt you...is if you ignore it long enough



                        • #13
                          Next time, I'll say HL 3:16. Good enough?


                          • #14
                            Jawge 3:16. (thanks in advance)

                            Hope you and family are doing well King Jawge.
                            The only time TRUTH will hurt you...is if you ignore it long enough



                            • #15
                              Just one of out of the many of us who made millions

                              as scientist.

                              Justin Miller - Rusea's and Munro College Old Boy
                              from the parish of Hanover - Great Valley.
                              Nanowave Technologies Inc Business Information

                              Annual Sales (Estimated)$25,822,720

                              Employees (Estimated)130
                              SIC Code3812,

                              Search, Detection, Navigation, Guidance, Aeronautical, and Nautical Systems and Instruments NAICS Code334511,

                              Search, Detection, Navigation, Guidance, Aeronautical, and Nautical System and Instrument Manufacturing Products, Services and Brands

                              Years in Business - 7

                              June 18, 2007 — Ottawa, Ontario

                              Hermetically sealed surface mount high-frequency microwave integrated circuit package, measuring 0.15" by 0.15"

                              Nanowave Technologies designs and builds microwave and millimetrewave equipment for widespread use in avionics- both defence and commercial. It supplies equipment to most of North America's defence industry. And its products are true to its name- nano meaning matter an extremely small scale.

                              One of Nanowave's well known product lines is solid state high power transmitters. It also supplied all amplifiers and other components on Canadian patrol frigates, which are considered the workhorses of the Canadian Navy. These solid state amplifiers and frequency converters offer an unsurpassed combination of low-noise, high-power efficiency and reliability.

                              In addition, Nanowave Technologies offers services for fabrication of thin film circuits for microwave and optoelectronics applications. By introducing this new technology at an initial stage of development, customers rest assured their products are designed and built with state of the art technology. This automated manufacturing also provides Nanowave with the flexibility to both turn around product quicker, as well as to handle unscheduled ramp-ups in production.

                              While most competitors operate at the macroscopic pre-packaged level, Nanowave Technologies operates at microscopic semi-conductor die (chip) level. It is able to achieve an optimum combination of the following critical parameters for aircraft equipment: small size, low weight, high efficiency, high reliability and low exposure to obsolescence. Microwave chips must be packaged in a hermetic atmosphere. This is to avoid condensation forming on the chips as aircraft climb from ground to 40 thousand feet. Since the company emphasizes on meeting the customer needs of manufacturability, scalability and quality, this hermetic sealing is performed on a substantial number of components found inside the nose of military aircraft.

                              Nanowave's new technology means microwave chips can operate in harsh environments.

                              And this is where NRC – IRAP comes in. Nanowave Technologies had worked with IRAP some years ago, and believed the partnership succeeded so well the first go around, it was worth going at it again.

                              "One advantage to Nanowave as a result of IRAP's assistance is that it's become possible to customize performance to specific applications. Our products are smaller, lighter and more efficient, resulting in increased reliability," said Dr. Justin Miller, President of Nanowave Technologies Inc. "IRAP personnel have been very effective at introduced us to a number of potential collaborators. They are magnificent at giving us connections to institutes and companies with areas of common interest."

                              Nanowave's extensive experience in microwave, millimeterwave and electro-optic components, system and subsystem design and manufacturing dates back to 1992. Nanowave has assembled a highly specialized team with considerable expertise in design and simulation of high frequency circuits and structures, communication and radar subsystem design, manufacturing engineering and high reliability manufacturing.

                              Nanowave Technologies is also developing components for VLJs- very light jets. There is a significant emerging market for these types of jets, which are usually owned by wealthy business people and sit three to six passengers. All the standard electronics are needed on the jets, but because of their small size, the electronics have to be ultra light and ultra small.

                              Over a two year period, IRAP's assistance helped Nanowave triple its orders. All of those orders are to first and second tier suppliers to the aviation and defence industry markets in North America and Europe. In the past year alone, Nanowave Technologies has grown by thirty per cent- a rate it expects to sustain over the next few years.

                              Nanowave's President Justin Miller is a subtle, if not reluctant, leader. "We seem to have developed a leadership position," explained Miller. "One hundred per cent of our business is exported. We win these contracts because we have managed to develop a unique position in the Canadian market." He pinpoints that posture. "If we are to keep high technology jobs in Canada, we cannot hope to compete on labour cost.. We made a decision to compete with technology, reliability and prudent automation. We always attempt to innovate. That's where IRAP has helped us."

                              And as the cliché goes, if you can't beat them, join them. Miller says a lot of people are applying to work at Nanowave Technologies. "We develop and rely on our superior personnel and technology. It's not easy to beat us."
                              "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

