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Who met at Brady's House - Bad Karma!

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  • Who met at Brady's House - Bad Karma!

    I knew nothing about meeting at Bradys' house — Shaw

    Jamaica Observer
    Tuesday, September 27, 2011

    FINANCE Minister Audley Shaw — who is considered to be one of the frontrunners for the post of leader of the ruling Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) in the face of the resignation of Prime Minister Bruce Golding — is flatly denying reports that he attended a meeting at the home of attorney Harold Brady minutes after Golding made his intention public.

    In a release to the media today, Shaw flatly denied attending any meeting with the lawyer.
    Shaw...I knew nothing about meeting at Brady's house.

    Shaw...I knew nothing about meeting at Brady's house.

    #slideshowtoggler, #slideshowtoggler a, #slideshowtoggler img {filter:none !important;zoom:normal !important}
    <A style="opacity: 0.4" class=prev href="http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/news/I-knew-nothing-about-meeting-at-Bradys--house---Shaw#">1/1 <A style="opacity: 0.4" class=next href="http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/news/I-knew-nothing-about-meeting-at-Bradys--house---Shaw#">

    "It has been brought to my attention that my name is being called in relation to a gathering of persons on Sunday night at the residence of Harold Brady hours after the leader Bruce Golding’s shock announcement at the JLP's Central Executive. I neither knew of the meeting, sanctioned the meeting nor would have attended or given any approvals for anyone to discuss any related issues on the matter at hand on my behalf," he said.
    Shaw also indicated that he had not made any decision whether or not he would enter the race for JLP leader.
    "As would be expected based on the surprise announcement, both myself and the party will need time in order to evaluate the best way forward. At the appropriate time I will indicate my decision as to whether I will run for the impending vacancy. Until such time no one is authorised to speak or act on my behalf. I had not intended to make any public comment but I have been forced to do so based on media reports in the last 24 hours," he said.
    Brady, the attorney at the heart of the Manatt, Phelps & Phillips saga that for months engulfed the JLP, has filed a defamation lawsuit against Golding in the Supreme Court. He did this over statements the prime minister made against him at the height of the saga, where it was alleged that he was instructed to engage Manatt on behalf of the JLP to deal with treaty issues surrounding the extradition of confessed drug runner Christopher 'Dudus' Coke.

    Read more: <A style="COLOR: rgb(0,51,153)" href="http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/news/I-knew-nothing-about-meeting-at-Bradys--house---Shaw#ixzz1ZBrjCmPg">http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/news/...#ixzz1ZBrjCmPg
    The same type of thinking that created a problem cannot be used to solve the problem.

  • #2
    Holness said he was there...meeting with friends
    Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
    Che Guevara.


    • #3
      Who needs two chins when you can have three: Audley.


      • #4

        That was a low blow under the chin!


        • #5
          The denials suggests that Golding wants to stay

          Originally posted by Sickko View Post
          Holness said he was there...meeting with friends


          'It wasn't me'
          Published: Wednesday | September 28, 20110 Comments

          Shaw: I didn't know about the meeting.

          1 2 >

          Holness, Shaw distance themselves from anti-Golding group

          Gary Spaulding, Senior Gleaner Writer

          Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) Deputy Leader Audley Shaw and Public Relations Chairman Andrew Holness are distancing themselves from a group of supporters who have allegedly started a movement to pave the way for their choice's ascendancy to the throne when Prime Minister Bruce Golding steps down.

          The group, which includes JLP Campaign Chairman Karl Samuda and other senior party members and financial backers, met at attorney-at-law Harold Brady's home on Sunday, hours after Golding announced his plan to quit.

          The meeting, reportedly to ensure Shaw is elected come November, took place even as the party's Central Executive rejected Golding's resignation plan and begged him to stay.

          As news of the confab of an alleged anti-Golding group swirled on Monday, it sparked a bust-up during the party's weekly meeting of its Standing Committee, and yesterday Shaw and the man expected to be his main rival, Holness, scrambled to clear their names.

          "It has been brought to my attention that my name is being called in relation to a gathering of persons on Sunday night at the residence of Harold Brady hours after the leader Bruce Golding's shock announcement at the JLP's Central Executive," Shaw said in a late afternoon release.

          "I neither knew of the meeting, sanctioned the meeting, nor would have attended or given any approvals for anyone to discuss any related issues on the matter at hand on my behalf," added Shaw.

          Holness had earlier taken to the airwaves claiming he was invited to the meeting where it was suggested that he should stay out of the race while endorsing Shaw.

          According to Holness, he told the persons present that he was not prepared to go that route, and left.

          That claim was supported by a senior JLP official who told The Gleaner that while the meeting was called to get backing for Shaw, there was no diabolical plan.

          "The truth is everybody had left the meeting wondering what would happen, so we called some senior members of the party, a number of members of parliament, as well as Holness and other backers of the party," the official claimed.

          "When he (Golding) announced that he intends to depart in November, it was obvious that there was going to be a hiatus. It became obvious that he was going to be a lame-duck prime minister and it was obvious that the party could descend into factions," a leading player at the meeting said.

          "When he (Golding) announced it without consultation with any of the senior persons, some persons gathered to say what is going to happen, we cannot allow the party to disintegrate," the source added.

          He said, with this in mind, the group decided to coalesce around one leader.

          "And the person who came to mind immediately was Audley Shaw," the insider said.

          "Because Holness had the popular support, we were trying to say to Holness, 'We know that popularity is on your side, but time is also on your side. Why don't you prepare to work with Audley during this interim so we have a smooth transition', and that is what it was all about."

          But that is far from the end of the matter, as Golding backers say the meeting brings back memories of the failed 'Gang of Five' and 'Gang of Eleven' conspiracies which were hatched to oust the party's former leader, Edward Seaga.

          The issue led to a near brawl during the weekly meeting of the party's Standing Committee.

          "The meeting ended in disarray as the quarrel reached a point where it appeared that blows would be thrown," a party insider told The Gleaner.

          "It started as a quarrel about Holness' presence at the meeting at Brady's house Sunday evening and ended as a clash between pro- and anti-Golding supporters," added the source.

          Daryl Vaz, Golding's confidant and the minister with responsibility for information, and Samuda led the two factions which clashed verbally, forcing a premature end to the Standing Committee meeting.

          The same type of thinking that created a problem cannot be used to solve the problem.


          • #6
            Ok, let mi get this straight - is this the same Brady who is no longer a member of the JLP because he had not paid his dues in how many years? The same one that was dissed by Bruce as having no standing in the party?

            Is him same one?



            • #7
              Goes to show that Brady can still pull strings and have lots of clout..mek Bruce gwaan chat fart
              Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
              Che Guevara.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
                Ok, let mi get this straight - is this the same Brady who is no longer a member of the JLP because he had not paid his dues in how many years? The same one that was dissed by Bruce as having no standing in the party?

                Is him same one?

                Brady the Attorney is NOT a member of the JLP

                Brady the Private Individual ..is

                What's so hard to ovatan??

                Sheesh!!.... Unnu too petty....

                Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


                • #9
                  Let me see if I understand this, the same person who tried to arrange the hiring of Manatt which led to the demise of the PM, is now involved in deciding who will be the next PM. Plus la change, Plus la memme chose. More new and different I see.


                  • #10
                    Meme, not memme. LoL


                    • #11
                      Leave my French creole alone elitist. You ma a talk you memMe one.


                      • #12

                        Is suh easy its is to tun elitists now. Not even a likkle posh accent and affected mannerisms? So-so grammar correction is all it tek. If mi did know lang time....


                        • #13
                          LOL. I hope you had your pinky out when you said that. But seriously what are your thoughts on the current machinations. I find it odd and ironic that Brady is now playing kingmaker. This is like a bad movie.


                          • #14
                            Ah suh pallyticians stay.

                            They have no other life!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Rudi View Post
                              LOL. I hope you had your pinky out when you said that. But seriously what are your thoughts on the current machinations. I find it odd and ironic that Brady is now playing kingmaker. This is like a bad movie.
                              It's a Great Movie!! From Dudus to Manatt to Bruce Bawlin to Tivoli Invasion to SOE to COE (nat to figget Mo TOE) to Driva Crash...

                              JLP ah di bes!! Who could ask for better entertainment??

                              PNP ah some boring Old Fogy by comparison

                              Dawg Nyam Wi Suppa wid dis joke JLPNP crew

                              Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                              D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007

