I knew nothing about meeting at Bradys' house — Shaw
Jamaica Observer
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
FINANCE Minister Audley Shaw — who is considered to be one of the frontrunners for the post of leader of the ruling Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) in the face of the resignation of Prime Minister Bruce Golding — is flatly denying reports that he attended a meeting at the home of attorney Harold Brady minutes after Golding made his intention public.
In a release to the media today, Shaw flatly denied attending any meeting with the lawyer.
Shaw...I knew nothing about meeting at Brady's house.

Shaw...I knew nothing about meeting at Brady's house.

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"It has been brought to my attention that my name is being called in relation to a gathering of persons on Sunday night at the residence of Harold Brady hours after the leader Bruce Golding’s shock announcement at the JLP's Central Executive. I neither knew of the meeting, sanctioned the meeting nor would have attended or given any approvals for anyone to discuss any related issues on the matter at hand on my behalf," he said.
Shaw also indicated that he had not made any decision whether or not he would enter the race for JLP leader.
"As would be expected based on the surprise announcement, both myself and the party will need time in order to evaluate the best way forward. At the appropriate time I will indicate my decision as to whether I will run for the impending vacancy. Until such time no one is authorised to speak or act on my behalf. I had not intended to make any public comment but I have been forced to do so based on media reports in the last 24 hours," he said.
Brady, the attorney at the heart of the Manatt, Phelps & Phillips saga that for months engulfed the JLP, has filed a defamation lawsuit against Golding in the Supreme Court. He did this over statements the prime minister made against him at the height of the saga, where it was alleged that he was instructed to engage Manatt on behalf of the JLP to deal with treaty issues surrounding the extradition of confessed drug runner Christopher 'Dudus' Coke.
Read more: <A style="COLOR: rgb(0,51,153)" href="http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/news/I-knew-nothing-about-meeting-at-Bradys--house---Shaw#ixzz1ZBrjCmPg">http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/news/...#ixzz1ZBrjCmPg
Jamaica Observer
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
FINANCE Minister Audley Shaw — who is considered to be one of the frontrunners for the post of leader of the ruling Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) in the face of the resignation of Prime Minister Bruce Golding — is flatly denying reports that he attended a meeting at the home of attorney Harold Brady minutes after Golding made his intention public.
In a release to the media today, Shaw flatly denied attending any meeting with the lawyer.
Shaw...I knew nothing about meeting at Brady's house.

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"It has been brought to my attention that my name is being called in relation to a gathering of persons on Sunday night at the residence of Harold Brady hours after the leader Bruce Golding’s shock announcement at the JLP's Central Executive. I neither knew of the meeting, sanctioned the meeting nor would have attended or given any approvals for anyone to discuss any related issues on the matter at hand on my behalf," he said.
Shaw also indicated that he had not made any decision whether or not he would enter the race for JLP leader.
"As would be expected based on the surprise announcement, both myself and the party will need time in order to evaluate the best way forward. At the appropriate time I will indicate my decision as to whether I will run for the impending vacancy. Until such time no one is authorised to speak or act on my behalf. I had not intended to make any public comment but I have been forced to do so based on media reports in the last 24 hours," he said.
Brady, the attorney at the heart of the Manatt, Phelps & Phillips saga that for months engulfed the JLP, has filed a defamation lawsuit against Golding in the Supreme Court. He did this over statements the prime minister made against him at the height of the saga, where it was alleged that he was instructed to engage Manatt on behalf of the JLP to deal with treaty issues surrounding the extradition of confessed drug runner Christopher 'Dudus' Coke.
Read more: <A style="COLOR: rgb(0,51,153)" href="http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/news/I-knew-nothing-about-meeting-at-Bradys--house---Shaw#ixzz1ZBrjCmPg">http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/news/...#ixzz1ZBrjCmPg