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'Dudus didn't squeal' - Speculation ‘disturbs’ Coke’s lawyer

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  • 'Dudus didn't squeal' - Speculation ‘disturbs’ Coke’s lawyer

    'Dudus didn't squeal' - Speculation ‘disturbs’ Coke’s lawyer
    Lawyer says former Tivoli don has no intention of calling names
    BY PAUL HENRY Crime/Court desk co-ordinator henryp@jamaicaobserver.com
    Thursday, September 22, 2011

    WHEN reputed Jamaican drug lord Christopher 'Dudus' coke pleaded guilty last month to reduced charges in a New York court, speculation was rife that he would call names.

    Yesterday, Coke's legal team insisted that he had not, and did not intend to co-operate with US prosecutors.

    COKE ... says his son is asking for his daddy, cries all the time

    The speculation, according to Coke's legal team, is putting the "innocent" lives of the family members of the former Tivoli Gardens don at risk.
    "He is not co-operating," Stephen H Rosen, Coke's Florida-based attorney, told the Observer in an interview.

    A few hours later Rosen, through Priya Levers, the legal consultant to Coke's local legal team, would elaborate on the matter: "I can assure you that Mr Coke has no intention whatsoever of calling any names. Certainly those are my instructions and those of Mr Rosen," said Levers.

    The attempt to set the record straight came on a day that was dominated by news that Coke had written to Judge Robert P Patterson Jr asking for leniency ahead of his December 8 sentencing.

    In his seven-page, hand written letter that was released to the media on Tuesday, Coke asked Patterson to use his discretion to sentence him "below the guideline range".

    The 42-year-old Coke, who had been on a list of the world's most dangerous drug traffickers, on August 31 pleaded guilty to one count of racketeering conspiracy and one count of conspiracy to commit assault with a dangerous weapon in aid of racketeering and faces a maximum prison sentence of 23 years.

    "Good day to you, Sir. I am humbly asking if you could be lenient on me...," Coke said in the letter to Patterson.

    Coke listed 13 reasons the judge should be lenient, including the recent loss of his mother, who had bemoaned his incarceration. "I was told that while she was on her deathbed, she was crying and kept calling my name," Coke wrote.

    He also asked for mercy for the sake of his son, aged eight, telling the judge: "I was told that he is constantly asking for his daddy. He cries all the time..."

    Coke was last year extradited to the United States to face guns and drug-running charges but eventually pleaded guilty after Patterson refused to throw out damning wiretap evidence against him. Also contributing to Coke's decision was the fact that 12 convicted men from Tivoli Gardens were set to testify about him committing no fewer than six murders in the furtherance of his alleged drug and gun-running operations.

    Coke was facing possible life in prison if convicted and his plea to the lesser charges quickly fuelled speculation that he had agreed to implicate others.
    Yesterday, Levers said that Rosen, whom she said "has done a terrific job on Coke's behalf, was "disturbed" about the speculation.

    "I don't know why people are saying that and I don't know on what basis people are saying that. Those of us who have worked closely with Mr Rosen... can't understand that malicious and damaging circulation," said Levers.

    She added: "People have to understand that the man has lost his mother, his family is here, and by saying these sorts of things you are putting an innocent family at risk. People really have to do better than that."

    Read more: http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/news/...#ixzz1YgwTKzNJ


  • #2
    Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
    She added: "People have to understand that the man has lost his mother, his family is here, and by saying these sorts of things you are putting an innocent family at risk. People really have to do better than that."
    They just don't get it! Why is it all about Dudus?!?!

    And why is his legal team acting so naive?!? There is a good reason why many people are praying that Dudus sings like a canary, not least of which, and my personal wish, is for Liad Bruce to be extradited.



    • #3
      more than that. IMHO there goes his appeal for leniency .. "he is not co-operating" ..... ah bowy!

      i guess at this juncture given the guilty plea it is accepted that he is a drug kingpin but it also put it even more outhere that the higherups are at large and nervous! what is to be done about that?

      Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


      • #4
        Originally posted by Gamma View Post
        more than that. IMHO there goes his appeal for leniency .. "he is not co-operating" ..... ah bowy!

        i guess at this juncture given the guilty plea it is accepted that he is a drug kingpin but it also put it even more outhere that the higherups are at large and nervous! what is to be done about that?
        They said it to make it clear to the public, proscecution and judge that the reason why he did not co-operate he that if he did the he and other would die.
        The same type of thinking that created a problem cannot be used to solve the problem.


        • #5
          uh huh .... they did it to tell those that are worried to ease up off his peeps!

          now if you are a judge, what is the greater good?

          Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


          • #6
            Who should it be about? He has not been charged with murder. He has been charged with drug and gun charges. Stay on topic...


            • #7
              I already told you, like a million times, that the judge can consider ALL, when it comes to sentencing, including the chainsaw episode.

              Further, do you remember when they threw some more charges on Buju's file? Well, it could happen here too. No?

              BLACK LIVES MATTER


              • #8
                So what does that have to do with the topic at hand? It is all about Dudus because he plead guilty to drug and gun running charges...it is now sentencing phase...who is being sentenced? so who should it be all about? the families of the people that he is not charged with killing?

                p.s. wasn't aware Buju plead guilty...


                • #9
                  him probably nah squeal like a pig
                  But him either a Bray like a donkey
                  May like a goat
                  or Mooo like a cow.

                  You think them put him inna solitary confindment fi so long and takd so long to bring his case to trial for no reason?

                  all him have to do is call a few names, friends or foes.
                  • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Gamma View Post
                    uh huh .... they did it to tell those that are worried to ease up off his peeps!

                    now if you are a judge, what is the greater good?

                    The greater good as seen by a judge is for him to sing like bird or get the maxium sentence. If he does not sing then his goose is cooked.
                    The same type of thinking that created a problem cannot be used to solve the problem.


                    • #11
                      What difference does it make? Are you saying it's ok to sell drugs and run guns?. Were these guns used as museum pieces? Sold to buy books for kids returning to school? Melted to make new chainsaw blades? What?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Exile View Post
                        What difference does it make? Are you saying it's ok to sell drugs and run guns?. Were these guns used as museum pieces? Sold to buy books for kids returning to school? Melted to make new chainsaw blades? What?
                        Did you miss his guilty plea? He has taken responsibility...we are on to the sentencing phase now...who is getting sentenced? So who should it be all about?


                        • #13
                          Then a series of decisions by the Supreme Court first weakened, then upended the system. In 2005, the court ruled in United States v. Booker that the federal sentencing guidelines could be constitutional only if “advisory” rather than mandatory. Appeals courts were to review sentences for “reasonableness,” the court said then. But the court did not say what it meant by either “advisory” or “reasonableness.” A ruling last June, in Rita v. United States, did little to end the confusion.

                          But in two rulings issued on Dec. 10, 2007, the court made clear, by a pair of 7 to 2 votes, that federal district judges have broad discretion to impose what they think are reasonable sentences, even if federal guidelines call for different sentences.

                          One decision was particularly emphatic in saying judges are free to disagree with guidelines that call for much longer sentences for offenses involving crack cocaine than for crimes involving an equivalent amount of cocaine in powdered form.

                          Judges still may not impose sentences above the range written into law by Congress or state legislatures. But the decision gives judges broad discretion to impose sentences higher or lower than the guidelines, and while the guidelines should be consulted, they are just one factor among others and do not carry any special weight.
                          from http://topics.nytimes.com/top/refere...%20Coke&st=cse


                          • #14
                            so this precludes any and all new charges?

                            BLACK LIVES MATTER


                            • #15
                              Where you gone now? The topic is "why is this all about Dudus"...where the "new charges" argument drop in?

