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High interest rate clubs

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  • High interest rate clubs

    High interest rate clubs
    published: Wednesday | February 7, 2007
    <DIV class=KonaBody PgAjQ="true">

    Delroy Chuck

    The current rage is to earn huge fortunes around town. High interest rate clubs have emerged, giving an average of 10 per cent per month, and sometimes as much as 18 per cent. Are you not an active member? </DIV>

    Many of my friends and colleagues boast of their monthly income and wonder how I am not investing. Well, fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Blind faith and vain hope are the usual downfall of reckless investors and perennial gamblers.

    Only time will tell if these high interest rate clubs are sustainable. One colleague informs that he has $10 million dollars invested and collects $1 million per month. Another informs that he leaves his money to turn over and every eight months the money doubles, which is correct, as a million dollars becomes $2 million when compounded over eight months.

    Others boast of collecting enough interest equivalent to their original investment and leaving the principal to earn even more, as money just keeps rolling in. At some of these high interest rate outlets, the operators do not have enough hands to collect from clients who are investing every dollar they can garner to increase their fortune.

    Well, I do not grudge anyone. Neither do I intend to stop people from believing what they want to believe. Actually, I cannot stop anyone from putting their money where they hope to earn huge returns. However, I am a cautious man, and if anything is too good to be true, it is probably not true. I doubt if what I consider to be high interest rate gambling clubs can continue indefinitely. At some time, they must crash - the only question is when. But while the going is good, as some argue, why not take advantage and earn well.

    Balance sheets

    Have any of these 'investors' ever asked for the balance sheets or the audited accounts of these operators? In fact, do any exist? For me, if there are no balance sheets or audited accounts, the operations are mere shams, con games, inducing the innocent, greedy and reckless to gamble their money in what are generally known as Ponzi schemes, in which, eventually, there are few winners and many losers.

    Gambling operations do not produce goods and provide very little new service, which means no new wealth is created. Gambling gives thrills and temporary hope to many while providing fortunes to a few. It allows money to circulate faster than any other activity but in the end, there is no new money. If there are winners, there must be many losers. Moreover, it is just impossible to win every time. Thus, if one gambles on foreign exchange operations, there must be times when one loses. If every time, the foreign exchange operator wins, then somewhere, somehow, others are always losing and, logically and prudently, why should they continue? Of course, it is possible to earn 10 per cent per month for a few months but it is impossible to do so continuously.

    Interestingly, if these high interest rate gambling clubs can provide 10 per cent average per month, how much are they earning for themselves? If they give 10 per cent per month, they must be earning at least 12 per cent to pay staff and meet overheads. I can think of no legitimate operations in which these returns are possible.

    In fact, if these operators have found a pot of gold from which they can earn such huge returns, why share it with so many others? In essence, if an investment strategy has been developed to earn huge profits steadily, I rather doubt the strategist would share the strategy or the benefits with all and sundry.

    Yet, at the end of th
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

  • #2
    RE: High interest rate clubs

    I'm only sorry I didn't get in sooner. Mek Delroy Chuck move and gwey. I don't believe anyone when they say they have not invested. And the rates of return are more than sustainable. Archive this!



    • #3
      RE: High interest rate clubs

      Is this good for Ja's economy in the

      long run? How long can these clubs maintain these high yeilds? sounds like another pyramid scheme to me. As soon as the masses start to make calls abroad and say send money come mi can double it in a month. BOOM. I think the govt. should keep a tight lid on this and watch it very carefully. Just my opinion. Why we don't want to work hard in Ja? We have this quick buck mentality that will doom us.


      • #4
        RE: High interest rate clubs

        Personally, I'd love to know how this thing works. People should be free to invest their money where they want, but if they lose, nuh bother looking fi nuh bailout. After, its a risk.
        "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


        • #5
          RE: High interest rate clubs

          These clubs (from my standpoint) would collaspe

          under the sheer weight of investors. If the investors grow exponetially (say the masses got in the game) can they keep paying these high yields monthly? Now when the meltdown occurs, it will damage Ja as an offshore investment brand. I see this working for a small pool of investors, if the pool gets larger; problems. Chuck can say what he wants but Ja brand as a"up and coming" offshore bank has to be protected. Quote: sight is of the eyes, vision is of the mind.


          • #6
            RE: High interest rate clubs

            Jawge (2/7/2007)Why we don't want to work hard in Ja? We have this quick buck mentality that will doom us.
            </DIV><DIV></DIV><DIV>You can talk. </DIV>



            • #7
              RE: High interest rate clubs

              Sounds really like a pyramid scheme to me. With my little luck, I would be the first to lose all my money(Tant)
              Life is a system of half-truths and lies, opportunistic, convenient evasion.”
              - Langston Hughes


              • #8
                RE: High interest rate clubs

                MdmeX (2/7/2007)Sounds really like a pyramid scheme to me. With my little luck, I would be the first to lose all my money(Tant)
                </DIV><DIV></DIV><DIV>I'll take my chances! If I lose my likkle money, chuss mi, mi nah go blame nuhbody! Not even misself!</DIV>

                BLACK LIVES MATTER


                • #9
                  RE: High interest rate clubs

                  This is what happens in a country that has no productive options and has had since a certain party took over.

                  Omar started the habit.. OLINT steps in to take over.

                  Non-productive gains.. no wealth creation.

                  Let us hope this distribution goes into the hands of those willing to re-invest locally, producing jobs and thereby tax dollars for the masses that don't have memebership.. unless everybody is going to move to Turks and Caicos like the principals of OLINT.

                  Turning Christian and buying goods for the poor and sponsoring Tennis Stars visitsis nice.. but how about some lessons in fishing ?

                  Hoping some substainablereal good comes of it before it dries up.


                  • #10
                    RE: High interest rate clubs

                    Didn't Audley say he would float

                    bonds when he comes in? I'd rather lend the Jakan govt. my money than these clubs. They should be regulated by the govt. before phone calls start going in abroad: send a hundred K come and mi mek it back innn ten months. peeple start put dem house pon di line fi these clowns down here. It will not go well in the long run for JA in the banking community.


                    • #11
                      RE: High interest rate clubs

                      On a serious note: the govt. should do something to prevent the

                      masses from joining these clubs. They will fold if the masses join. Why? It's fine when the elite make an investment because they only want to see a statement saying they have gained 10% interest (they won't pull their money) this way the clubs can continue to work the money in other markets (is the 10% really there) Now if the masses get involved they are just like these clubs they a barrowing from peter to paul (peter in this case would be relatives abroad) Guess what they will want to pull their money (or let's say the physical cash) to move to where they took it from initially. Can the clubs pay out to so many people? A very dangerous game. More like "draop hand" if you ask me. I hope the govt. is making moves to regulate these guys.


                      • #12
                        RE: High interest rate clubs

                        Jawge since the Govt does not generate a profit, who is losing on their Govt Bonds ?

                        Who pays the bill every year ?

                        The Govt cannot generate enough productivity to produce taxes to pay their annual bill so they borrow requiring more taxes.. all to pay your interest. Your are investing in a scheme that makes the country poorer every year. Interesting.

                        Why would you prefer that over a scheme where the losers are other gamblers.. not diligent tax-payers ?

                        Especially a scheme that has much higher returns than Omar can guarantee ?


                        • #13
                          RE: High interest rate clubs

                          What you should be doing is making sure you go in big and are not the last one in. The more yuh talk bout it the smaller the window of opportunity becomes.

                          Drop in a 100,000 for one year then tek the profits and further one of your causes.


                          • #14
                            RE: High interest rate clubs

                            Ben, let me tell you something; when it

                            comes to money, I use the bible as a guide. The Bible says; "even the litlle that you have shall be taken away" also "the fool and his money shall go separate ways" (may not be a genuis but mi nuh fool) Now the Master teacher tells you in aparable to build your house on a rock. I have to make solid and sound investment at this stage of my life, therfore when the storm comes I am prepared. I do not want to have sleepless nights amd become a nervous wreck. Over the years most things that happen I am prepared for it hence people would think I'm fortunate (is preparation). Arite cut a long story short: Four weeks ago I was meeting with a banker who casually mention that some guys out in Ja are giving high yeilds on money they trade in the Euro and Asian exchange. I paid no attention because no one was really interested. Now I see the same thing on the web. I don't believe in quick and easy money, I will invest and wait patiently for my yeild over time. I have seen what these get rich schemes have done to people. Boss my biggest guide in this world of money is the bible. Nuh worry all my ventures will bear fruit in time, trust me on that :P Those that want to join these clubs, the most I can do is offer words of prayer. Ben mi nuh gamble because luck an mi ah nuh fren, mi haffi werk hard fi all my spoils boss.


                            • #15
                              RE: High interest rate clubs

                              Look like seh you shoulda vote fi Delroy den.


