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Assasin, you wanted us to talk about the Palisadoes Project

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  • Assasin, you wanted us to talk about the Palisadoes Project

    Well, here goes:

    Palisadoes Subcontractors Label Sabotage Claim A Red Herring
    Published: Tuesday | September 13, 20111 Comment

    Tractors lay idle on the Palisadoes strip yesterday. - Norman Grindley/Chief Photographer
    Gary Spaulding, Senior Gleaner Writer

    The wrath of subcontractors associated with the troubled airport road project in east Kingston burned yesterday in the morning heat as they reacted to claims that work had been halted because of marauding extortionists running roughshod on the site.

    The subcontractors yesterday labelled as a "red herring", a charge by Transport and Works Minister Mike Henry that People's National Party (PNP) hoodlums were threatening to sabotage the project if they did not get their way.

    "The only reason that the site has been closed is because of non-payment," said one subcontractor.

    Efforts to contact the management of YP Seaton & Associates, the main subcontractor for the US$65-million project, failed. The principals of the company, including Seaton himself, were said to be out of office.

    Though furious, the workers spoke on condition of anonymity out of fear of being victimised.

    They claimed, however, that extortionists were common on the site and were paid a fee until the funds dried up.

    The extortionists then turned their attention to the Chinese who, being unfamiliar with their demands, rejected advances.

    The employees of China Harbour Engineering Company, which assumed one-third of the project because it was lagging behind schedule, coupled with a US$5-million discrepancy involving work already done, were targeted by the extortionists.

    No extortion payment since august

    A subcontractor told The Gleaner that when work started on the site in 2010, the extortionists got what he characterised as a "fee" from the subcontractors.

    "But no fee payment has been forthcoming since the first week of August," he added.

    The police were out in their numbers on the Palisadoes strip, monitoring activities when The Gleaner drove through the area yesterday.

    However, they clearly had little to do as heavy equipment lay idle beside huge boulders and workmen were almost non-existent.

    One of a small group who sat in a car parked on the site said he was just waiting hopefully, not knowing what else to do.

    The worker told The Gleaner that he was employed to a subcontractor, but saw no one when he arrived at the project site.

    Later, a group of men in another vehicle joined the waiting workmen.

    In stark contrast to the image of idleness being portrayed over the past three weeks, The Gleaner was told that the site has been a ticking time bomb.

    Millions owed

    YP Seaton & Associates reportedly owes trucking companies, subcontractors and suppliers approximately J$75 million, effectively crippling its efforts to have work done.

    A Gleaner probe revealed that one trucking company is owed J$27 million and one subcontractor owed nearly J$30 million, which was due in August.

    "Closure of the site has nothing to do with the extortion. The extortionists reacted to the non-payment when the funds to subcontractors dried up," a subcontractor asserted. "They started to issue threats, because they were not getting any money."

    He added: "Nobody knows why the truckers are not being paid. The only thing we know is that no trucker has been paid, no supplier has been paid, and no subcontractor has been paid."

    Henry said at the weekend that he had sent to Police Commissioner Owen Ellington a letter written by China Harbour complaining that its workers were the targets of threats to life and property.

    "Although the police were out in their numbers this morning at 5 o'clock, and I understand only about 15 are now left, none of YP workers, including the scale operator, the equipment officers, were on the job," the subcontractor said, signifying that extortionists were not the reason for the work stoppage.

    "They have all walked off the job - not one of them is working," he declared. "YP workers have all gone on strike, not the truckers, but his actual workers have withdrawn their services."

    Checks by The Gleaner confirmed that the scale and other equipment seemed abandoned.

    Asked whether any formal complaints were made to the Ministry of Transport and Works, the angry subcontractors said the ministry said it had nothing to do with the payments.

    "They told (us) ... (we) must go and talk with the contractor ... . They weren't getting involved," a subcontractor said. "So they have shifted the burden to China Harbour, which denied owing the contractor any money, and so the burden was shifted to YP."

    The project is being funded from a loan from the Chinese government. The problems started mid-August with work reduction as the funds dwindled and, by the end of the month, work ceased.



  • #2
    you have strenght now -

    Anyhow China Habour is the one who lodged the complain.

    Well this is of bigger concern to me that a story that is based on absolutely no facts but one source in HEART and no companies named.
    • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


    • #3
      And who are you to choose what we talk about, Sass? So what if we want to talk about "a story that is based on absolutely no facts but one source in HEART and no companies named."?

      Are you telling me you don't believe the story? It has taken on some wings of its own and becoming quite a story in Jamaica, whether you like it or not. Not hearing many people talk about the Palisadoes project. Then again, it could be my circles.

      Absolutely no facts?!?!? Yuh ever go FedEx office in Kingston?



      • #4
        Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
        And who are you to choose what we talk about, Sass? So what if we want to talk about "a story that is based on absolutely no facts but one source in HEART and no companies named."?

        Are you telling me you don't believe the story? It has taken on some wings of its own and becoming quite a story in Jamaica, whether you like it or not. Not hearing many people talk about the Palisadoes project. Then again, it could be my circles.

        Absolutely no facts?!?!? Yuh ever go FedEx office in Kingston?
        Yuh mean di RedEx office pon HWT Road?

        Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

        D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


        • #5
          Mosiah I have no doubt discrimination happens in Ja. What I am saying the Gleaner story is really careless. The need to put some facts to front page story like this. What is the offical word from HEART? How widespread is this?

          I have never been to a FedEX office in Kingston. If FedEx is making the request or is discriminating then call them out and punish them. It is incredible that people can write front page story based on one or two un-named sources and don't have to defend their writing. There is no data that accompany the writing whatsoever. Incredible.

          I am sure there is discrimination but this headline do NOTHING TO SOLVE IT or even expose the guilty parties. It make people suspects.
          • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


          • #6
            And how this story was written is different from how our journalists write their other stories?



            • #7
              So we run with every poor journalist story?

              The fact is there are some good pieces in some of our paper. Sickko might nuh like some of what me say but one thing you can say about his pieces(not opinion) that it is well reported and back by data and relevent information.

              This journalist could be talking about 1or two calls or he could be talking about 1 million. It could one or two companies or prank call or it could be majority of companies in Ja. What ratio are we talking? What companies are we accusing? It could be Brown man company that is guilty, it could be some man blacka than mi and you.

              I must however add that one such request is one too many. And that is why it must be treated seriously.
              Last edited by Assasin; September 13, 2011, 09:10 AM.
              • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


              • #8
                From now one, you better mek sure that every newspaper article you choose to highlight is one that could win the Pulitzer Prize!

                BLACK LIVES MATTER


                • #9
                  Mo the fact is that is a poorly written article with no data or substance behind it. There is more questions than answers.

                  His source could be a anybody at HEART. We are not even aware if the head of the institution is aware of these request.

                  I a sure if you head an entity you would appreciate if the writer even contacted you before going to the press with something he got from a source.
                  • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


                  • #10
                    Sass, is not di first time wi see dat in Jamaica. Stop gwaan like it is!!!

                    Jamaica is a small country, with an ignorant people who may do all sorts of things if certain things are exposed. I can understand when our stories seem a little lacking. But that does not mean there s no truth to it! You have chosen to kick the veracity of the story to the curb. Those of us who know better will not!

                    BLACK LIVES MATTER


                    • #11
                      I have no doubt that he might have happen and maybe too many times. That is not the point. The point is we have to get the guilty party and get people to be responsible. This only fuel suss-suss and everybody with a brown person in their front office is guilty until proven innocent.

                      If we are talking about a problem and solution then get info and hold people feet to the fire. Nothing will come out of it but political bickering until somebody do some real investigating. You notice the writer could run to Dr. so and so but couldn't get an offical quote from HEART? Him never even asked for one.
                      • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


                      • #12
                        While you are making your usual excuses explain why the people with this mindset always seem more comfortable expressing and acting on it (as per this story) when a certain gov't is in power.


                        • #13
                          Tell that to your labour minister! He says there is no evidence while his own agency is standing right in front of his face with the "facts"!

                          BLACK LIVES MATTER


                          • #14
                            I will make it whoever is in Power. What unnu can't do is point to anything concrete in the article. Who are the offenders here?????????????

                            We all have our opinion and suspect things happen but acting comes with responsibility, not likes and dislikes.
                            • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


                            • #15
                              yuh nuh haffi use di weapons dat work ?

                              wheh duh yuh ?

