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US$1B for region -from China....

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  • US$1B for region -from China....

    ANDRE BAGOO Tuesday, September 13 2011

    click on pic to zoom in

    SMILES ALL AROUND: Vice Premier of The People's Republic of China Wang Qishan (left) and Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar exchange smiles yesterd...
    IN A BOLD declaration of his country’s bold ambitions for the Caribbean region, China’s Vice Premier Wang Qishan yesterday unveiled a suite of measures including a $6.3 billion loan to regional governments, aimed at deepening cooperation between the People’s Republic and the Caribbean.

    In an opening address at the Third China-Caribbean Economic and Trade Cooperation Forum, the Vice Premier wasted little time unveiling a series of six concrete steps which his country will take to consolidate its already considerable influence in the region.

    Among measures announced to thousands at the Regency Ballroom, Wrightson Road, Port-of-Spain, were:

    • a US$1 billion ($6.3 billion) loan to Caribbean countries to support local economic development;

    • a $6.3 million (US $1 million) donation to the Caricom Development Fund;

    • measures to increase Caribbean exports to China;

    • support for the building of seismic and tsunami warning systems as well as 2,500 training opportunities;

    • training for doctors and nurses;

    • measures to increase tourism flow between the regions;

    • the provision of resources to boost agriculture and fisheries;

    • support for the development of alternative, small-scale energy projects such as solar power.

    The Vice Premier launched these initiatives amid the backdrop of the faltering US-led global economy.

    “The underlying impact of the international financial crisis is still lingering and the global economic situation is extremely complex and uncertain,” the Vice Premier told the delegates, which included local ministers and business officials, 13 Chinese ministers and 80 high-level Chinese business officials. “Against such a backdrop, enhancing cooperation in various fields between China and the Caribbean will go a long way in promoting economic development in our respective countries and ensuring world economic recovery.”

    Speaking with the aid of an interpreter, he declared the need for the world to embrace China’s rise.

    “China cannot develop itself in isolation of the world and the world needs China for its development,” he said. “The comprehensive economic and social development in China will not only benefit the Chinese people but also bring opportunities to the Caribbean and the larger world.”

    He assured that, “China will stay committed to the path of peaceful development and steadfastly follow the win-win strategy of opening-up. We will, as always, support Caribbean countries in promoting economic development, improving people’s livelihood, advancing regional integration and playing an active role in international affairs,” he said. Of the $6.3 billion loan, the Vice Premier said, “China encourages exchanges and cooperation between the commercial banks of the two sides.”

    “The China Development Bank will set aside US$1 billion to be used as special commercial loans for infrastructural development,” he said. Additionally, “China wants to discuss and sign an investment protection agreement with the Caribbean countries to promote two-way investment.”

    The loan and donation, he said, would be first among six areas of assistance.

    “Secondly, we will step up capacity building cooperation,” he said. “China will provide no less than 2,500 training opportunities for the Caribbean countries and 30 opportunities with master’s degrees for Caribbean professionals to study in China.” This would be in addition to the efforts to build seismic warning centres.

    A third area, he said, would be “exchanges and cooperation with Caribbean countries in such fields as environmental protection and new energies” including solar.

    “Fourthly, we will intensify cultural, educational and health cooperation,” he said. “China will build ‘friendship schools’ for Caribbean countries and provide assistance in terms of Chinese language teaching, teachers and textbooks. We will continue to provide scholarships to Caribbean countries and stand ready to negotiate the signing of agreements on mutual recognition of diploma and degrees with Caribbean countries.”

    “We encourage schools on both sides to forge sister relationships,” he said. “We will continue to send medical teams to Caribbean countries and provide training for your doctors and nurses.”

    Fifthly, he said, China would encourage Caribbean countries to increase their exports to China and diversifying the export mix.

    “We encourage Caribbean enterprises to come to China for important exhibitions and trade fairs to promote their products with competitive advantages. Likewise, we also encourage Chinese enterprises to go to Caribbean countries for exports expositions to increase their imports from Caribbean countries.”

    Tourism promotions between the regions would be bolstered, he said. In a sixth area, the Vice Premier said China would continue to send agricultural experts to run agricultural and fishery projects.

    “China’s Ministry of Agriculture will sign the Common Initiative on Agriculture and Fisheries Cooperation with the agricultural authorities of Caribbean countries and set-up the China-Caribbean Working Group on Agricultural and Fisheries Cooperation so as to promote cooperation.”

    Speaking at the same event, Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar announced that Trinidad and Tobago will set up a trade office at the Trinidad and Tobago Embassy in Beijing. “China’s willingness to tap into the Caribbean market should be seen as an indication of their confidence in this region,” she said. She asked participants to seek to “develop this relationship in a way that will be mutually beneficial for all of us.”

  • #2
    Memba mi tell unno there will be an economic war between the Bric nations and the Usa in 15 to 20 years in which jamaica will benefit.Well it has started already.

    "Good things come out of the garrisons" after his daughter won the 100m Gold For Jamaica.

    "It therefore is useless and pointless, unless it is for share malice and victimisation to arrest and charge a 92-year-old man for such a simple offence. There is nothing morally wrong with this man smoking a spliff; the only thing wrong is that it is still on the law books," said Chevannes.


    • #3
      Explain nuh...


      • #4
        Brazil will be the 5 th to 3rd strongest economy by itself in 20 25 years if you factor in the proposed south american economic union,russia, india and china are fighting for a right to be in that top 5 ,as we know they are all competing for the same resources, bauxite,ports, shipping lanes, agriculture.Jamaica can poaition itself to rise with these emerging markets esp s.america which would embrace us.No longer are we dealing with a western monopoly of markets to sell resources.Venezueala oil diplomacy is a prime example.China with its low interest loans,jamaica has ports and airports that need development and our tourisy market can service these new markets.

        If we have a pro active government willing to forray into these markets with trade mission,i have no doubt we will come out winners,i would be better if we did it as a caricom entity...a unified collective approach to get the best for the region._

        "Good things come out of the garrisons" after his daughter won the 100m Gold For Jamaica.

        "It therefore is useless and pointless, unless it is for share malice and victimisation to arrest and charge a 92-year-old man for such a simple offence. There is nothing morally wrong with this man smoking a spliff; the only thing wrong is that it is still on the law books," said Chevannes.


        • #5
          The only time TRUTH will hurt you...is if you ignore it long enough



          • #6
            So wait, ongly America must be licky-licky fi chiney money?


            • #7
              Latte and Dim Sum mi seh !!


              • #8


                • #9
                  lol !! woiie !!

                  Poor HL


                  • #10
                    ....juss axing bass.

                    Cause I know that not all can afford to borrow...'specially if you can't afford to.....

                    See 'ow many have lost their houses-- because they could not afford to borrow.

                    Jamaica is slowly slipping away from the grips of the "natives".

                    I'll leave this with yu'all. PLEASE take the time to read it:
                    Liberation Lyrics

                    Bunny Wailer

                    If you are living in a market place
                    and you're no buyer or seller.
                    You'll find yourself left in space
                    subject to be bought or sold.
                    If you are living in a tenant yard
                    and you are not the land owner.
                    You'll get a notice from your landlord
                    to leave sooner or later.

                    So what you need is liberation.
                    Everyone need it. Liberation.
                    The young and old they need liberation.
                    Lets come together for the liberation.
                    If you are in bondage. Liberation.
                    If you are not free you need liberation.
                    Lets unite for the liberation.
                    Everyone need it. Liberation.

                    If you are dwelling on a piece of land
                    and are not the land owner.
                    You can be sure that the government man
                    is gonna label you a squatter.
                    If you are an alien in a far country
                    and you are treated as a stranger.
                    You don't belong to that society
                    you could a end up in danger.

                    If you are caught between church and state
                    and you are feeling the pressure.
                    You got to get out before it's too late
                    or you got to work without pleasure.
                    And if you borrow and you can't pay
                    don't bother sit there and wonder.
                    Your revenue and budget could be taken away
                    and you belly could a end up with hunger.

                    If you are working on a plantation
                    and you are not the boss-man.
                    Don't ever rest from being tired
                    or you could get fired.
                    If you don't belong to one party
                    and you belong to another.
                    You are subversive to unity
                    and no man is your brother.
                    The only time TRUTH will hurt you...is if you ignore it long enough



                    • #11
                      it is not what you borrow but what you do with the money and the cost of the money..

                      start again..


                      • #12
                        >>>>>>....and in that same breath Maudib....what is Jamaica's history with borrowing? ...........Tripple A rating?
                        The only time TRUTH will hurt you...is if you ignore it long enough



                        • #13


                          • #14
                            Be more specific... Jamaica is a vague term..


                            • #15
                              hehehe....yuh slippery lik-a okra sah....geezaz chr....
                              The only time TRUTH will hurt you...is if you ignore it long enough


