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Three cheers for TVJ

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  • Three cheers for TVJ

    I read the aricle about the rejection of the pro-gay public service announcement by TVJ, and had to give them three cheers.

    While as Jamaicans, I think we should not hate, or encourage violence against our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters(after all they do an excellent job to each other themselves), I do strongly believe that it is not the place of any gay or lesbian group, or family(whether from uptown or downtown) to try and force the acceptance, or even the tolerance of that lifestyle down our throats, through the use PSAs. If J-FLAG wants to develop a family outreach program for their gay members, then they should do so in a targeted, and focused manner, one family at a time, not blanket our airways with ads. What they should be saturating our airways with are PSAs aimed at the verminous, gutter gays who occupy our parks, and New Kingston neighborhoods, with their lewd, and illegal bahaviour, to remind them that their behaviour is indeed illegal. If they would have done this way in advance, then the PSA they are trying to drive down our throats would have more credibility.

    One again, keep up the good work TVJ.

  • #2


    • #3
      Plus...did you see the ad? It's downright incestuous...


      • #4
        I am not surprised by anything these people do. Have they no parents who are ashamed of them?


        • #5
          Unfortunately advancement of society will require instilling tolerance.. it will also have to begin in early childhood and persist throughout.. basic sensitization logic.

          The interacial couples are still not totally accepted (still levels of discomfort in certain regions).. that shows how steep the hill is. Don't see how to overcome without an aggressive persistent inconvenient campaign.


          • #6
            'these people'...

            It's a long tough road.. prejudices and intolerance abounds...

            Advancement of the Human Condition is not an easy ting.. technology will bring even more 'challenges'.. I am hopeful for the Human Race.. but the heart of man is desperately wicked...


            • #7
              I agree, but this should not be a wholesale selling as if trying to force it down our throats. It should be done as an individual family outreach program. Also the tolerance of gays for the civic rights of families, especially of our children who are denied the use of our parks, and the ability to walk the streets of our city, New Kingston in particular, free from intimidation by those gutter rat, criminal gays and filthy lesbians ought to be emphasized by these tunnel visioned rights groups.


              • #8
                You sound like Hitler describing the Jews....

                By your logic all women are scum based on the presence of crack whores in New Kingston...

                Use more brain power, less irrational emotion..


                • #9
                  But the Bible says......!!

                  How long whore deh a New Kingston and me neva hear that the area " is unfit for our children"?
                  "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


                  • #10
                    What's your point Island?


                    • #11
                      dah point deh nuh need nuh name.. lol !


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Reggaedoc View Post
                        I agree, but this should not be a wholesale selling as if trying to force it down our throats. It should be done as an individual family outreach program. Also the tolerance of gays for the civic rights of families, especially of our children who are denied the use of our parks, and the ability to walk the streets of our city, New Kingston in particular, free from intimidation by those gutter rat, criminal gays and filthy lesbians ought to be emphasized by these tunnel visioned rights groups.
                        Dat mean fiya bun?

                        Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                        D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007

