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Mr Mullings it was n't asthma medication?

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  • Mr Mullings it was n't asthma medication?

    Hmm, so is he saying that its was contamination or does he expects that the masking agent will break down into other compounds by today?

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    Mullings 'B' test! - Athlete remains confident he'll beat drug rap

    BY PAUL A REID Observer writer reidp@jamaicaobserver.com
    Tuesday, August 16, 2011

    <A href="mailto:?subject="Mullings" B? test! Athlete remains confident he?ll beat drug rap?&body="Link:" http: www.jamaicaobserver.com sport Mullings--B--test-Athlete-remains-confident-he-ll-beat-drug-rap_9457102 | Jamaican News Online - JamaicaObserver.com?>

    Jamaican sprinter Steve Mullings' drug-testing saga continues today when the second portion (B Sample) of the urine sample he submitted following the men's 100m final at the JAAA/Supreme Ventures National Senior Trials on June 24, will be tested in the presence of his representatives at the IAAF/WADA accredited lab in Montréal, Canada.

    The lab, Doping Control Laboratory at the INRS-Institut Armand-Frappier Research Center in Quebec, is one of only two World Anti-Doping Agency-certified laboratories in North America and has been used by the Jamaica Athletics Administrative Association for many years as well as the US Major League Baseball.
    MULLINGS... says he will be smiling today

    MULLINGS... says he will be smiling today

    #slideshowtoggler { FILTER: none !important; ZOOM: normal !important}#slideshowtoggler A { FILTER: none !important; ZOOM: normal !important}#slideshowtoggler IMG { FILTER: none !important; ZOOM: normal !important}
    <A style="FILTER: alpha(opacity=40); ZOOM: 1" class=prev href="http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/sport/Mullings--B--test-Athlete-remains-confident-he-ll-beat-drug-rap_9457102#" jQuery1313492089875="26"> 1/1<A style="FILTER: alpha(opacity=40); ZOOM: 1" class=next href="http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/sport/Mullings--B--test-Athlete-remains-confident-he-ll-beat-drug-rap_9457102#" jQuery1313492089875="27">

    It was revealed last week that the first portion (A Sample) of Mullings sample had tested positive for the presence of a powerful diuretic Furosemide that has been used by athletes to mask the presence of anabolic steroids in their system.
    According to Medicinenet.com, Furosemide, which is dispensed under the brand name 'Lasix', is "a potent diuretic (water pill) that is used to eliminate water and salt from the body. In the kidneys, salt (composed of sodium and chloride), water, and other small molecules normally are filtered out of the blood and into the tubules of the kidney. The filtered fluid ultimately becomes urine".
    Mullings' agent John Regis told reporters last week that Mullings, who has the third fastest 100m time so far this season when he ran 9.80 seconds to win the event at the Pre-Fontaine Classic on July 4 in Eugene, Oregon, was notified last week Monday of the failed drug test.
    On Thursday last week the Jamaica Anti-Doping Commission (JADCO) confirmed through a press release that they were notified about "an Adverse Analytical Finding (AAF)" from the National Trials, but would not name the athlete.
    While obeying a muzzle order from his management team, Mullings however told the Observer last week from his central Florida base that he was confident he would beat the rap and clear his name.
    "I will be smiling on Tuesday (tomorrow)," he said then.
    Mullings, who it is understood, is still in training at his Clermont, Florida base up to yesterday, ran seven sub-10 seconds timing this season, including his personal best 9.80 seconds, third best this year behind Asafa Powell and Mullings' American training partner Tyson Gay.
    He was third in the 100m at Trials behind Powell and Yohan Blake, won the 200m and was expected in some quarters to leave the 13th IAAF World Championships in Daegu with up to three medals.
    The former Vere Technical runner was fifth in the 200m final two years ago at the IAAF World Championships in Berlin and was on the 4x100m relay team that won gold.
    He also has a silver medal from the 2007 World Championships in Osaka, Japan as part of the 4x100m relay team.

    Read more: <A style="COLOR: #003399" href="http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/sport/Mullings--B--test-Athlete-remains-confident-he-ll-beat-drug-rap_9457102#ixzz1VBjzATMd">http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/sport...#ixzz1VBjzATMd[/COLOR]
    The same type of thinking that created a problem cannot be used to solve the problem.