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Mi say war

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  • Mi say war

    Look at this link is it in every latin american country we ketching arse .....


    Until the philosophy which hold one race
    Superior and another inferior
    Is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned
    Everywhere is war, me say war

    That until there are no longer first class
    And second class citizens of any nation
    Until the colour of a man's skin
    Is of no more significance than the colour of his eyes
    Me say war

    That until the basic human rights are equally
    Guaranteed to all, without regard to race

    look at these people

  • #2
    RE: Mi say war

    <P class=MsoCaption>ECUADOR<P class=MsoNormal style="TEXT-ALIGN: center" align=center><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; mso-bidi-font-size: 12.0pt"></SPAN><P class=MsoNormal style="TEXT-ALIGN: center" align=center><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; mso-bidi-font-size: 12.0pt">2002 Black Population: App. 2,000,000<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comfficeffice" /><o></o></SPAN><P class=MsoNormal><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; mso-bidi-font-size: 12.0pt">Afro-Ecuadorians...yes, there are black people in Ecuador. Africans were brought over in boats from West Africa to work on the coastal areas and food plantations. The first ship, in 1553, that carried the slaves was stranded on the coast of Esmereldas. Then, the African fought off their white captors. 10% of the population is black. The other groups are mainly whites, mestizos, indigenous peoples and Asians. The blacks and the indigenous peoples are the poorest in the nation. According to some, Ecuador is one of the most racist countries in Latin America. Although slavery was abolished in 1821, it did not officially end until 1881. The profusion of racism with Ecuadorian society constrains blacks both in terms of labor and educational opportunities. Many are concentrated into informal labor markets with little to no job stability or security. If you need a comparison of the treatment of Afro-Ecuadorians, think of the way that the Indians are treated in the USA by the whites. Blacks are located in the major cities but are mostly concentrated in the Esmeraldas (La Capital Negra) and Imbabura. Ecuador does not deny the fact that it has a black population but the country tries their best to limit their exposure except when it comes to boosting national pride for Black athletic achievements or using them and Amerindians as tourists attractions
    Marimba is a trditional Afro-Latin art form from the Pacific coast of Ecuador and Colombia, consisting of music, dance and theatrical expressions. A perfoming group usually consists of musicians (marimba, drums, other percussion and vocal) and dancers (3 or more pairs of male and female). The once declining art of marimba is now reviving as the core of resurgent Afro-Ecuadorian culture.
    Papa Roncon is a legendary marimbero and a symbol of Afro-Ecuadorian music.
    1996 included an important milestone for Afro-Ecuadorians. <SPAN style="COLOR: windowtext; mso-bidi-font-size: 10.0pt">Monica Chala</SPAN> was the first ever Afro-Ecuadorian to win the Miss Ecuador beauty pageant. She currently fights for the rights for Afro-Ecuadorians and for all poor people in her native land.</SPAN>


    • #3
      RE: Mi say war

      <H1><P class=MsoBodyText2><SPAN>ARGENTINA<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comfficeffice" /><o></o></SPAN><P class=MsoBodyText2><SPAN style="mso-bidi-font-size: 10.0pt">2002 Black Population: App. 2,000,000<o></o></SPAN><P class=MsoBodyText2 style="TEXT-ALIGN: left" align=left><SPAN style="mso-bidi-font-size: 10.0pt">Afro-Argentinians are in danger. How you may ask? Well, the black population in Argentina are at risk of being erased from existence. Yes, Afro-Argentinians are an endangered species. How can a people be endangered? Blacks are not even included on the official cencus. Next to Ecuador, Argentina is very racist as well. Lets start at the beginning. Portugese colonizers brought Africans to Argentina around 1630 from Angola. Portugal could not hang onto the land and its slaves due to its conflict with Spain and to protect its claims in Brazil. Farming and servant duties were the primary jobs of black slaves in this territory. The population in the country in the 1700s was almost 50 percent. The decline would start in the 19th century.
      Abolition of slavery occured in 1851. However, there were two ways that a black person would be granted freedom before that. Either by manumission or, more frequently, by coartacisn (self-purchase). Most men participated in manumission while women paid for freedom.
      The reasons which contribute to the endangerment to Afro-Argentinians are as follows. First, black men were heavily involved in Argentina`s wars with Great Britain in 1806-1807, the wars for independence from 1810 to 1816 against Spain, the civil wars throughout the 1820s, and wars against Brazil and the Indian population. Looking to gain social and economic mobility promised by politicians Blacks fought in the Indian extermination campaigns of the 1830s and 1840s. Second, racial intermarriage was encouraged due to the deaths of black men in the wars and for possible social mobility for mixed kids. Third, Argentina`s desire to be a European nation in the western region. Aregntina has long been obsessed with the idea of modeling the country after Italy or Spain while making the land whiter while "wiping out" the Natives and the blacks. In Spain, Italy and France, however, there are sizable black communities, but Argentina is obsessed with being a totally White republic. Policies to attract European immigrants worked as a migration began from Europen nations Between 1869 and 1914. a large number of Afro-Argentine women married European immigrants, thereby losing their ethnic identity.
      Today, whites make up about 85 percent of the nation and mestizos make up about 15 percent. Blacks are more exoticized than stigmatized but are still kept below the poverty line. Due to the decline, Argentina can deny their African history and the fact they are one of Latin America`s most racist nations. A museum worker in Buenos Aires in an interview said "We can`t waste space putting things that don`t have any relevance to our history". That is a very bold statement when the Tango is a dance and music with such strong West African roots and adored in the country. One of the country`s newspapers, during the 1998 World Cup, ran a headline, "Bring on the monkeys" in reference to possible matches with Nigeria and Brazil.
      Africa Vive, a group to emerge from Argentina, has reached out to Afro-Argentine leaders with the aim of creating an organization that can battle poverty in Afro-Latino communities. To assist, I suggest a large migration of blacks of around 3 million from Nigeria and South Africa to Argentina. Would that make or break the population? If Europeans can do it, why can`t Africans?
      Maria Lamadrid is the president of Africa Vive, the Afro-Latin American organization based in Argentina. She calculated the first Black cencus in a long time and determined that there are approximately 2,000,00 people of African descent living in Argentina ranging in skin tones from "high yellow" to "jet black".<o></o></SPAN></H1>


      • #4
        RE: Mi say war

        Thanks man,ah learn

        suppen today.


        • #5
          RE: Mi say war

          wha not to support argentina


          • #6
            RE: Mi say war

            There is hope for you, Nyamdirt. At least you might be a conscious black man.



            • #7
              RE: Mi say war

              i rub some of on you mosiah a

