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    "Buju' Myrie 10
    David Smith 30
    Carlos Hill wondering how much.
    The big cheese Chris Coke mmm. Don't look too good for him. Uncle Sam nah play with our celebs.

    X6 gutter rat turned so-called businessman doesn't have anything to worry about. It occured in Jamaica. Or does he?.

    Movado even better off. He is telling the crown what charges he wants to be tried for.

    Developed-nation status when?

  • #2
    Movado telling the crown what to charge him for? Where you see that? I was in court yesterday and never saw that, wonder if it happened when he went to get finger printed.

    Mavado prefers malicious destruction of property
    — Assault case going to mediation
    BY PAUL A REID Observer writer
    Thursday, August 11, 2011


    MONTEGO BAY, St James — Dancehall artiste Mavado is seeking to avoid going to trial in his latest brush with the law as his lawyers yesterday asked that his case involving charges of malicious destruction of property and assault be sent to mediation.
    The deejay, whose real name is David Brooks, faced the Montego Bay Resident Magistrate's Court yesterday but was not asked to enter a plea.

    Attorney Martyn Thomas, who is appearing along with Christopher Tavares Finson for the entertainer, said while the accused man was disputing some of the allegations stemming from the July 22 incident in Belmont, St James, they would prefer if the case went to mediation instead of a trial.
    Resident Magistrate Carolin Tie ruled, however, that they should wait until the medical report was on the file before deciding what to do. She then ordered that Brooks be fingerprinted and return to court on September 29 when the case would be mentioned.
    The court heard that on July 22 about 7:00 pm, the complainant and his son were in a Toyota Camry along the Belmont main road when they came upon a long line of traffic and pulled off the road, which was dug up. It was alleged that a man went to the driver's door, slapped the man in his face and then kicked him in the groin.
    It was further alleged that Mavado then drove up in a black Range Rover SUV and told the complainant to move out of the way as he was not going to drive his vehicle over the stones, but the complainant refused. Mavado, it was alleged, used the wheel of his vehicle to squeeze the man between his car door and the car, causing swelling to his foot and a cut to his shoulder. Damaged to the vehicle was estimated at $25,000.
    Thomas told the court that it was not just his client who was involved in the incident but other men as well.
    Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
    Che Guevara.


    • #3
      Oh I see. I thought assault was a criminal offense. I mean like Movado vs the people of Jamaica kind of thing but he wants it to be a civil case like Movado vs abused wife divorce mediation. Sounds like a good precedent for your country?. Oh maybe he is a nice guy and mediate himself into prison, which is usually the potential for criminal charges. What a nice guy.


      • #4
        I think you are getting it wrong and you dont understand what mediation is, assault is a criminal offense but there is an option where the parties can go to mediation and a rained mediator will try to resolve the issues and if there is medical bills etc to be settled it can be settled 'out of court' but with the court's permission...if they settle no charges would be levelled.

        This is done especially when it involves neighbors who have to live with each others or family members etc.

        However if the parties fail to come to an understanding, they go to trial

        I should add that i too was surprised when the lawyer mentioned that option and if it were up to me I would tell the old man not to go to mediation but to go to trial.
        Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
        Che Guevara.


        • #5
          What is it when a foot is run over by a high ranking Government official??


          • #6
            Hold a minute . Can one mediate a feloniious assault involving bodily harm with the person who was assaulted.The case is not between the assailant and the assaulted. If it is a criminal case which felonies uasually are, then it is between the assailant and the people of the country or the municipality. If there is a civil component to it, and the assaulted files a civil suit, then I assume the lawyers can get together along with the court and come to a mediated settlement for damages. Now if the assaulted wants the assailant to get off the charges then I assume he or she can just simply not show up for court or testify for the prosecution in such a manner that the case becomes compromised. But how can an acused ask for mediation in a criminal case. The mediation has to be between the prosectuor and the person charged but not between the assailant and the victim. That would be a plea bargin. That sounds strange to me and I am not a legal scholar. What is happening here is that the person charged with a felony, if found guilty may or most likely will have his recently reinstated US visa revoked, as the USA makes it difficult for felons to enter their country, and so they are manipulating a system that is already corrupt to save his skin. You call that an effective crminal-justice system bro?.

            I would love to hear what the legal minds on the forum think. Sounds weird to me. Maybe thats why criminals simply laugh at our system. If I were a criminal I would laugh too.


            • #7
              Yeh what about it?


              • #8
                That is why the judge in her wisdom asked the to wait until the full medical was before the court.
                Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
                Che Guevara.


                • #9
                  hell! Bruce is still prime minister. imagine dat!

                  BLACK LIVES MATTER


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Exile View Post
                    What is it when a foot is run over by a high ranking Government official??

                    Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                    D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


                    • #11
                      Thank the Lord for our blessings..

