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Buchanan accounts for the PM's trips

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  • Buchanan accounts for the PM's trips

    Buchanan accounts for the PM's trips
    published: Sunday | February 4, 2007
    <DIV class=KonaBody L13eH="true">


    Buchanan accounts The following are excerpts from Information Minister, Donald Buchanan's response to last week's Sunday Gleaner articles - 'PM's $10m trips' and 'Costly breaches of travel rules'. <SMALL>

    Let me begin by saying that as minister with portfolio responsibility for the Information subject, I observe always with a sense of encouragement, articles generated by our journalists, which relate and ventilate issues of national import and interest.

    More so perhaps, those enabled by the use of the Access to Information (ATI) Act which was promulgated by this Government with the express intention of reinforcing and deepening our democracy, through the grant of a general right of access to official documents. Indeed, the act recites as part of its objective, giving further effect to the fundamental principles of government accountability, transparency and public participation in national decision making.

    That the act would be a ready tool for journalists, academics and other disciplines which rely on obtaining facts in satisfaction of the inherent need for knowledge, accuracy, excellence and survival has always been apparent, contemplated, desired and encouraged by policy makers and administrators of the regime. That the reading, viewing, and listening Jamaican citizenry would be the ultimate beneficiaries and participants is also the intention. That the legacy of a knowledge-based society and economy is desired and desirable is the Government's continued commitment.

    I now turn to my attempt to briefly capture, clarify and put in context some of the matters raised in the articles of Sunday last:

    PM's travel and total cost

    The selection of hotels for the Prime Minister is approached, among other things, with due consideration for the most economic cost and taking into account the following critical factors:

    Ensuring special requirements relative to infrastructure and security are met.

    Facilities befiting the office of the Prime Minister are in place, i.e. a suitable suite for high-level, confidential meetings with heads of state and officials. Departures from the usual modus operandi are occasioned from time to time by reason of:

    Unavailability of preferred accommodation;

    Choice of conference hotel;

    Security specifications of the host country;

    Fluctuations in hotel rates and other extenuating circumstances.

    The Prime Minister wishes for it to be known that she has personally expressed preferences for hotels where the cost was potentially lower. However, decisions are made on the considered advice of the host country and their agencies, as well as the recommendations of the Jamaican missions, whose knowledge of the local environment must be valued.

    The numbers comprising the Prime Minister's Delegation

    The record will show that the Prime Minister travels with the minimum of delegates to any of the meetings to which she has been invited.

    The details of the core delegation are as follows:

    Most Honourable Prime Ministe
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

  • #2
    RE: Buchanan accounts for the PM's trips

    This is a shame that the PM has to

    be detailing these petty expenses to the public (relative to others). I told Jakan yesterday that the big ting was that the PM spent over one hundred US dollars (in seven months) travelling and expenses. The guy laughed and said that's a steal, where did she stay. Maybe that's why she didn't go to Europe to meet the pope et al. Unnuh tink she could ah kotch ah smaddy yaad fi meet dem man deh? Furthermore as the article stated ststed that the host countries dictate certain places and standards if you are going to be in conference with their leaders. All in all it shows that a minority does not believe that AnnypP should even be in Jamaica house. The next cry will be for her to go live in her constituency. It also shows how some in Ja can easily manipulate the people via the media. Here a hundred odd US over seven months in travelling and accomodation? NONE ISSUE, NEXT.


    • #3
      RE: Buchanan accounts for the PM's trips

      The next cry will be for her to go live in her constituency (quoted from Jawge).

      Maybe all politrikans should live in their constituency - then and only then might the guns be silenced &amp; an awareness to the reality of CRIME. Likewise all policemen should live in the areas they have jurisdiciton over!!
      Life is a system of half-truths and lies, opportunistic, convenient evasion.”
      - Langston Hughes


      • #4
        RE: Buchanan accounts for the PM's trips

        You know that this is not realistically

        feasable. Imagine Delroy chuck, Ken Baugh et al living in their own constituency not gonna happen.


        • #5
          RE: Buchanan accounts for the PM's trips

          So why you only stop at those 2 - nuh 60 MPs the country have
          Life is a system of half-truths and lies, opportunistic, convenient evasion.”
          - Langston Hughes


          • #6
            RE: Buchanan accounts for the PM's trips

            Jawge (2/4/2007)This is a shame that the PM has to

            be detailing these petty expenses to the public (relative to others). NONE ISSUE, NEXT.
            Jawge, yuh aware Portia is spending taxpayers money? What? You don't believe in accountability?
            "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


            • #7
              RE: Buchanan accounts for the PM's trips

              True but I thought in this info age we would

              be thinking big and looking at the big picture. The PM has to travel and meet other world leaders. You were on theis board up in arms about her not meeting the Pope and Euro leaders, that costs tax payers money too. In case yuh don't know; yuh haffi spend money fi mek money. Whey Nanny P fi call conefernce with these leaders and their security deatail? Ho Jo? Again none issue. Never heard a peep about spending until people that look like populace of JA took leadership.

