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People talking about emancipation day

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  • People talking about emancipation day

    and relating to the Jews. First Judaism is a religion not a race. This religion had its foundation in Africa. Christianity has some mithraism sprinkled in but it's main tenets are from Africa. Matter of fact all the Greek gods were renamed and copied from Africa. Do your research.

    Yes Emaancipate yourself from mental slavery.

    Willi, you were uncomfortanle when I touched the indentured labourers from Asia but that's the truth. You have to face your history to understand where you are going. Boss the same way curry is a part of the Jakan diet it's the same waysome of the caste system came in too.

    More to come.

    BTW Nanny P is right; slavery ended in 1838.

  • #2
    Uncomfortable about what? I didnt read that. Must go check again.'

    You think Indians brought the caste system to Jamaica?

    Slavery partially ended in 1834 and full fre was 1838. Everybody knows this, no?


    • #3
      Except for Cuba where it existed for another 50 years at the very least..
      Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
      Che Guevara.


      • #4
        and Brazil.



        • #5
          Maybe they did not get the email...
          Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
          Che Guevara.


          • #6
            Fisrt paragraph is true;in fact some of the key parables in the bible are identical to those in a few religions that existed long before.
            Mind control or the only thing keeping bad (different) from becoming good today?
            I be


            • #7
              Yuh need fi gi up dis Portia fixation... she is juss one tribalist like di ress ah dem.... she an Seaga read fram di said script...or more accurately...the said Crypt

              Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

              D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


              • #8
                And the USA in 1865, BUT is JAMAICA mi a talk bout!
                The Brits had a different schedule than the Spanish and the rest.


                • #9
                  Let me clear up something before I go any further. When I post about indenture labourers it's not to degrade anyone. People of Indian descent are strong in my family (those who are close to me knows this) by marriage and direct lineage, the same holds true for caucasian. Chinese I don't really know of but I'm beyond race as I know for a fact that it's a social construct or shall we say a psychological trick.

                  The reason why i spoke of the indentured labourers is because most are happy to say yes blacks in Ja are descendants of slaves. We are all then comfortable to discuss slavery and its atrocities. When I speak of labourers who came from Asia (who were subjected to the same conditions) people get very ucomfortable. The truth stares us in the face as none of the aristocracy would leave Asia to cut cane in the colonies. Matter of fact none of the aristocray in Europe ever wanted to live in the colonies. I can give more truths but can the borad handle it? Okay for blacks, whites, Indians et al just go back a hundred or so years and seewho in you family line back then could read and write. This will reform a lot of thinking.

                  In short a man is weak if he is limited in thought by the pigmentation in his skin. It's sad to see Jakans bleaching when I have to pay so much to get some sun in the islands (check Vitam D as it relates to calcim in your body). I came in May (with allergies) lay on the beach, soaked up some sun, When I returned allergies was still gone. BTW I like just going to the frre beach it gives me a sense of freedom, no money, no worry no hassle just sun and sand.

                  It's sad to see Ja just destroying herself with no end in sight. Sad part it's for the illusion of material things.

                  Am I crystal now Willi?


                  • #10
                    The ghetto beaches are free...


                    • #11
                      Clear as mud...so what you sey you mixed race now too?
                      Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
                      Che Guevara.


                      • #12
                        Not really,

                        What in that is supposed to be controversial???


                        • #13
                          Bwoy unnuh nuh easy. Have heard of the Jame Elliot exercise? Well it's the same thing with you guys in Ja. Okay so the water from from the "uptown/risto tappa naris beach is different from the Ghetto?

                          I tell you this: there was this cliff with just water bouncing off the rocks (with sea moss and all) Butch and his son put a bar there cordoned off the water, then put a nice colorful float ,a water slide have some of the guests (caucasions) from the hotel to frolic there. Now you and other locals would pay top dollars (not to mention walk on heads) to go there. Jane elliot must be a friend of the family

                          Ben everyting ress inna yuh mind boss.


                          • #14
                            Arite thought it was to you. Respek.


                            • #15
                              Tourist nuh guh Ghetto beach..

                              It takes cash to care..

                              You should guh Manley grave and cuss him fi his 'geo bungling' him nuh deh pon di forum.

