What if Jamaica had a real system of democracy, and not the British, Wesminster garbage?. What if the candidates, for head of government, from both parties were elected through a truely democratic system of primaries(open or party specific) where the candidates are truely selected by the people rather than by a few party loyalists, and useful party idiots?. Do you think the JLP candidate for the next election, to occupy Jamaica House, would be someone like minister Tufton?. Now, I don't know the gentleman, not related to him, never attended his high school, never drank in the same bar and am not even a supporter of his party, but what I do know is that, after following him through the media, he seems to be the ideal person to steer Jamaica out of the mess we are in right now. He appears to be intelligent, affable, capable of making tough decisions, and as far as I know(I could be wrong) is scandal free. We have a system of "democracy" which will most likely prevent him from becoming the next PM. There is not even a vehicle in place for him to be drafted by concerned citizens. What democracy?. Instead, we have a system which, by default, is going to reward us with an incompetent, corrupt, garrison-preserving, violence-supporting, poverty-maintaining, third-world-thinking, British monarcy-loving fool. Heads or tails the people stand to lose, every time with this Westminster crap.
