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Tufton, a victim of Westminster?

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  • Tufton, a victim of Westminster?

    What if Jamaica had a real system of democracy, and not the British, Wesminster garbage?. What if the candidates, for head of government, from both parties were elected through a truely democratic system of primaries(open or party specific) where the candidates are truely selected by the people rather than by a few party loyalists, and useful party idiots?. Do you think the JLP candidate for the next election, to occupy Jamaica House, would be someone like minister Tufton?. Now, I don't know the gentleman, not related to him, never attended his high school, never drank in the same bar and am not even a supporter of his party, but what I do know is that, after following him through the media, he seems to be the ideal person to steer Jamaica out of the mess we are in right now. He appears to be intelligent, affable, capable of making tough decisions, and as far as I know(I could be wrong) is scandal free. We have a system of "democracy" which will most likely prevent him from becoming the next PM. There is not even a vehicle in place for him to be drafted by concerned citizens. What democracy?. Instead, we have a system which, by default, is going to reward us with an incompetent, corrupt, garrison-preserving, violence-supporting, poverty-maintaining, third-world-thinking, British monarcy-loving fool. Heads or tails the people stand to lose, every time with this Westminster crap.

  • #2

    But yuh a madman?

    What Canada, Australia, NZ, Barbados, Bahamas, et al have and it working for them?

    What you want, the latin American duplication of the yankee system? Look how that worked out. Even the Yankee System is now going to hell. Look at Tea Party and all that nonsense in the USA. And nuh di same party loyalists who choose candidates in Caucuses and primaries? Steeeuuups.

    Man, come betta dan dat.


    • #3
      ReggaeDoc you need to get over your issues with the British. Seek help.

      The failures in our democracy are OUR OWN, not the system. The idea that a US primary system by its nature produces better political leaders is naive at best.

      The US primary system of selecting a leader recently gave us G W Bush as the Republican nominee. I rest my case.
      "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


      • #4
        Thanks you. And thats not to say that we don't need any changes or look at other systems including the US and see what might work for us. Term limits for example would be a good thing.
        "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


        • #5
          Just need good characters and good minds! ...matters not if the system follows the example of England's or the USA's.
          "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


          • #6
            and some cash....

            try and keep them separate.. the road to hell is paved with 'good' intentions..


            • #7
              Canada, Australia, NZ, Barbados, Bahamas et al? What about Britain the mother of all things Westminster?. Are you impressed with Canada, and the Canadian leadership?. With all its resources Canada has managed to remain a glorified third-world country. Are you impressed with the Australian leadership?. You probably forget that the Australian govenment came close to being dissolved at one point. Which of the last set of half idiot British PMs impressed you?. Oh, maybe you are impressed with the joker Winston Churchill(please spare me the hype), the only PM to have won the Nobel Prize in literature. Guess what, it was for work plagiarized, word for word, from a lilltle, poor Jamaican writer named Claude Mckay. Look, these countries do not fall apart, not because of a transparent political system/governance system but simply for the fact that they have a critical mass of educated people. I submit to you that had it not been for the Westminster system, all of these countries would have elected better leaders over the years. Let me also add that Jamaica, with its critical mass of useful political idiots, and illiterates, and please dont get me wrong, we do have a small subset intelligent people, the voices of whom are drowned out by the likes of garrison partisans, and party operatives, to such an extent that the so called Wesminster system does not work. It does not work any where, let alone a place like Jamaica. Wake up man.

              ...and oh, Islandman, I am anti-British, and I make absolutely NO APOLOGIES. For over 5 centuries of reasons, I am simply not impressed by them, and never been impressed, since first form. You have to be able to read British history, and understand that the British have a peculiar way of telling lies. They have made telling lies into a science, and they still manage to fool some people, even today and maybe even you. Have you ever read a British account of the American War of Independence?. You would think the British won.

              Look, the British have been foisting mediocrity upon us for centuries. We stopped driving Bedford trucks, and now drive Isuzus, we stopped driving Vauxhalls and now drive Toyotas, we stopped building roads and bridges using idiot British engineering and we end up with better surfaces and contours, we study science and the arts using American texts rather than the poorly written British texts wre forced upon us for years, that is progress. We need to make the final move and get rid of the British edducational system and the so-called Westminster of democracy(talk about oxymoronism) system in their totality, without fear, once and for all, and for good reasons.


              • #8
                Canada, Australia, NZ, Barbados, Bahamas et al? What about Britain the mother of all things Westminster?. Are you impressed with Canada, and the Canadian leadership?. With all its resources Canada has managed to remain a glorified third-world country. Are you impressed with the Australian leadership?. You probably forget that the Australian govenment came close to being dissolved at one point. Which of the last set of half idiot British PMs impressed you?. Oh, maybe you are impressed with the joker Winston Churchill(please spare me the hype), the only PM to have won the Nobel Prize in literature. Guess what, it was for work plagiarized, word for word, from a lilltle, poor Jamaican writer named Claude Mckay. Look, these countries do not fall apart, not because of a transparent political system/governance system but simply for the fact that they have a critical mass of educated people. I submit to you that had it not been for the Westminster system, all of these countries would have elected better leaders over the years. Let me also add that Jamaica, with its critical mass of useful political idiots, and illiterates, and please dont get me wrong, we do have a small subset intelligent people, the voices of whom are drowned out by the likes of garrison partisans, and party operatives, to such an extent that the so called Wesminster system does not work. It does not work any where, let alone a place like Jamaica. Wake up man.

                ...and oh, Islandman, I am anti-British, and I make absolutely NO APOLOGIES. For over 5 centuries of reasons, I am simply not impressed by them, and never been impressed, since being able to thing independently, probably somewhere in the second form. You have to be able to read British history, and understand that the British have a peculiar way of telling lies. They have made telling lies into a science, and they still manage to fool some people, even today and maybe even you. Have you ever read a British account of the American War of Independence?. You would think the British won.

                Look, the British have been foisting mediocrity upon us for centuries. We stopped driving Bedford trucks, and now drive Isuzus, we stopped driving Vauxhalls and now drive Toyotas, we stopped building roads and bridges using idiot British engineering and we end up with better surfaces and contours, we study science and the arts using American texts rather than the poorly written British texts wre forced upon us for years, that is progress. We need to make the final move and get rid of the British edducational system and the so-called Westminster of democracy(talk about oxymoronism) system in their totality, without fear, once and for all, and for good reasons.


                • #9
                  cannot beat di British accent doh... gimme a girl wid a british accent everytime !


                  • #10
                    Being critical of the British role in modern history is one thing.

                    Convincing yourself that everything the British have done is below average and they are more to blame for the worlds problems than any other dominating power of thier era is quite another.
                    "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


                    • #11
                      Actually yes. I do want the Latin American duplication of the yankee system. Name me one Latin American country, with a duely elected leader, that does not have a better system of governance and transparency than Jamaica. I think you are confusing the so called yankee system with the dictatorships(military and nonmilitary) that some of these countries experienced in the past. Incidentally there were more dictators emerging from Westminster type countries than for yankee 'type' countries, and it took them longer to emerge from dictatorship, and slower to progress after emergence than are the latin american Yankee style countries. So come again bredren.

                      And yes we need Tea Party type vibrancy in our body politic. Thats true democracy. You may not agree with them, but that is how a true democracy works.


                      • #12
                        Well, name me something they have done above average, except stealing land, enslaving people, creating substandard education and infrastructure systems worldwide, and money laundering.


                        • #13
                          That would be a waste of both of our times don't you think?

                          If someone already believes that ....

                          ..Newton was a dunce to Physics, Adam Smith didn't have a clue about Economics, Cambridge and Oxford are and have always been joke universities, the Industrial Revolution was a lie, Darwin and his ideas on genetics were laughable, and Shakespeare should have gone to a liberal arts US college to learn how to write.....

                          then what is the point in to trying to convince them otherwise?
                          "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


                          • #14
                            Get over it already Islandman, we have had this discussion before, if my memory serves me right.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Muadib View Post

                              ...the road to hell is paved with 'good' intentions..
                              Yuh mean like defending and shielding Dudus?
                              "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

