thousand words.

Yes my sister weep, weep because the paradise in which you live; the rule of law is "foul is fair and fair is foul".
Weep because deep down you know there is no democracy, weep because deep down you know there is no truth. Weep because you know there lies about are lies and deceit. Weep because no matter how you vote there will be no justice. Weep, sister weep because you know there is no freedom.

Yes my sister weep, weep because the paradise in which you live; the rule of law is "foul is fair and fair is foul".
Weep because deep down you know there is no democracy, weep because deep down you know there is no truth. Weep because you know there lies about are lies and deceit. Weep because no matter how you vote there will be no justice. Weep, sister weep because you know there is no freedom.