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Rahtid ... another day and another Wikileaks cable

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  • #16
    They all lie - whether it is by commission or omission!

    We can only hope...put pressure on them to limit the lies - as a matter the practical, get them to consider the consequence(s) of "tek people fi fool" and being, as must happen...shall/will happen...found out!

    All lies eventually see the light of day. In the past it too often happened that the lies are exposed after the politican is out of office or at some time when the pain of being found out is not too damaging...now with the advances in communication devices and media it is becoming more and more 'egg on the face' in real time.

    As the ability to 'fool' the people for an appreciable time decreases the 'sons of a gun' will - (perhaps I should have used the 'mus an bound' "shall" here?) - be forced to move towards doing more and more good deeds....i.e. forced to consistently work in the citizens' interest.

    Example: Just look at the pressure put on Likle Brucie to do good after the exposure of his criminal behaviour - commission of crimes to delay extradition of Dudus - including his additional egregious behaviour in our parliament and outside of our parliament by lying to coverup his misdeeds.
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


    • #17
      Can you expand on this criminal behavior of 'Brucie' ?

      Are the police investigating ?

      Also if you can point to these lies that the enquiry failed to uncover..

      Thanks in advance.

