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A rare earth education in video
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Original URL: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/07/04/japan_discovers_rare_earths_under_pacific/
Pacific rare-earth discovery: Actually just gigatonnes of dirt
Take a lot of acid and it might seem valuable
By Tim Worstall
Posted in Science, 4th July 2011 15:19 GMT
There has been a lot of excitement over a recent paper [1] by Japanese researchers who have discovered billions – hundreds of billions – of tonnes of rare earths under the Pacific Ocean. Those rare earths, you will recall, are essential to so much of modern technology, from those sweet little earbuds of your iPod and the magnets in a hard drive, through to planet-saving windmills and the crystals that make an MRI machine work.
And yes, it's true, scientists have located vast deposits – hundreds of billions of tonnes of rare earths – at a depth of 5,000 metres under the ocean. The paper is here [2] and thanks to the miracles of people with full Nature access I've been able to read it. The basic problem is the difference between what is technically possible and what is economically possible.
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What they've found is that there are vast plains of silt in various parts of the ocean where there's a decent concentration of the rare earths: 1,000 to 2,000 ppm sorts of levels, a kilo or two per tonne, 0.1 to 0.2 per cent. They surmise that the cause is iron fumes that come out of the mid-ocean vents collecting and concentrating the rare earths from the seawater before falling to that ocean floor. Some of the beds of these silts are tens of metres high (up to 50 in places), according to their estimates. Yes, there's an awful lot of rare earths there.
But is it worthwhile to extract it?
However, the part that doesn't make sense, at least not to me, is how to then make this silt a worthwhile source of extraction. They're certainly correct that if you dredge it up then wash it in dilute acids then you'll get a nice concentrate of the mixed rare earths. Easy enough to cut the salts out of that and dump your old acid over the side along with the 99.9 per cent of the silt you don't want any more (hey, we're in mid-ocean here!).
However, a concentration of 1,000 to 2,000 ppm isn't actually anything all that much to write home about. That red mud which went splat over Hungary [3] has about the same sort of concentration. As does the other 40 to 80 million tonnes a year produced, including the 2 billion tonnes lying around in ponds. We've known for decades that we can extract the rare earths from this stuff: wash it in acid and get a nice solution of the metals. However – and here's the problem – you have to use so much acid that you can't make a profit doing this.
I say this not just on the Friedmanite basis that hundred dollar bills don't appear on pavements: for if they did someone would already have picked them up. It isn't that no one does this as yet, which would prove that it can't be done. It is that people have tried to do this (at least I have, in Greece, a couple of years back) and have found that the cost of getting the materials out is more than people will pay you for the materials you've got out. And this is a nice fine silt lying in ponds at ground level, silt which people will pay you to take away, not silt you've got to lift through 5,000 metres of salt water.
Yttrium and other rare earths are apparently nestling on the sea bed...
It is possible to make the red mud thing work: by taking out some of the other valuable metals first. In this way, the extractor shares overheads over multiple income streams, plus concentrating the rare earths further, reducing the acids and reagents needed and thus making it all cost effective. Send me $20m and I'll build a plant to do this. But our Japanese researchers are going to run into exactly the same problem. Extracting just the rare earths at such concentrations costs too much. So, what else can they extract to defray those costs?
I don't know – and having read their paper, I don't think they do yet either.
There's a linguistic distinction used in the mining industry, the one between dirt and ore. Your veg patch and the North Sea bed both contain gold and uranium, but they're still just dirt really. Extraction would cost more than the value of what is extracted. If we can extract the metals at less than the price we'll be paid for them, then, and only then, the dirt transforms into ore.
So far, at least as far as I can see, the researchers have just found a very large amount of rare earth containing dirt, not an ore. ®
- <LI sizcache="5" sizset="8">http://www.nature.com/ngeo/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/ngeo1185.html <LI sizcache="5" sizset="9">http://www.nature.com/ngeo/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/ngeo1185.html
- http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/10/08/hungary_sludge_fear/
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- <LI sizcache="5" sizset="11">Save the planet: Stop the Greens (27 April 2011) http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/04/27/climate_change_thorium/
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<LI sizcache="5" sizset="13">Danube sludge peril: Brown trouser time or not? (8 October 2010) http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/10/08/hungary_sludge_fear/
<LI sizcache="5" sizset="14">Tech resource woes won't be solved with Afghan minerals (18 June 2010) http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/06/18/afghanistan_mineral_report/ - China's doomed attempt to hold the world to ransom (15 January 2010) http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/01/15/rare_earth_metals/
Last edited by Willi; July 5, 2011, 11:01 AM.
Within less than a year after China implied it would reduce the export of rare earth minerals the stock price of Molycorp, the newly reopened California rare earth mine, increased in value by over 620% ( low$12.34 - high$77.54). It closed on July 1,2011 $59.84. It is reasonable to assume that it will continue to drop in light of the Japanese find. Unless the cost of mining on land is considerably less than mining on the ocean floor. The MolyCorp mine was closed in 2002 because of low level radioactive waste which is often created when mining for rare earth minerals. Incredibly the U.S. allowed this important mine to close because she trusted China to fulfill the U.S.'s need for these essential substances. China had promised it would never withhold the export of rare earth minerals for political reasons. But when about a year ago Japan,lawfully, detained a Chinese 'fishing boat captain' for ramming a Japanese patrol boat twice in one day , China forced Japan to release him by announcing it would review the amount of rare earth minerals exported to Japan.
Unfortunately I did not buy MolyCorp . What does the seeking alpha community think, is now the time to short
MolyCorp? If yes what is the least risky way of profiting from a fall in price? I am a novice so please explain your answers. What would those who disagree with your position argue? Is there a way to trade that balances both positions without canceling each other out and so make some profit with less risk?
Unless the cost of mining on land is considerably less than mining on the ocean floor.woiee mi belly!
Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.
D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007
Mi nuh tink suh...
The technology to cost effectively mine minerals at a mile or so below sea level doesn't even exist now...has to be developed... yuh know ow much dat aggo cost juss fi develop technology?
On the other hand mitigating radioactive material is understood and the technology is in use right this minuteTIVOLI: THE DESTRUCTION OF JAMAICA'S EVIL EMPIRE
Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.
D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007
China's mines are on land http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/arti...nium-mine.html
But mi juss read wich part di Jap dem claim dem cyan suck up di mud dung ah sea bottom an leach out di mineral dem.... thought they had to go subsurface which would be challenging
BTW the deposit are in intl waters so the issue may be dicussed or even decided by the ISA in downtown Kingston
Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.
D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007
The Daily Reckoning PresentsBeryllium...Still SexyByron KingThe market for Rare Earths is completely out of whack. It's due to distortions from the Chinese monopoly. The West has spent the past 20 years sitting on its collective butt not understanding the seriousness of this strategic resource-based issue. The chickens have come home to roost.
A few weeks back, I alerted the subscribers of my investment letter, Energy & Scarcity Investor, that the Chinese would be ramping up their stockpiling of Rare Earth products. The very next day, news hit the wires that Rare Earth prices are skyrocketing. Dysprosium oxide prices, for example, doubled in the first two weeks of June. Price and availability are going nuts.
Beryllium prices are not on a tear...yet. But I am very bullish about the long-term prospects for this "minor metal." The Daily Reckoning faithful may recall my column from June 7 entitled, "Beryllium...Even Sexier Than it Sounds." I mentioned a couple of beryllium plays, while also asserting, "The rare earths are one of the very few industries that possess robust long-term, growth potential, even if global economic activity continues to disappoint."
Well I'm back today to pound the drum again on this unique rare earth. Beryllium demand might receive a significant bump over the next few years, if a developmental nuclear energy technology takes hold. This one could be a game-changer.
Beryllium has phenomenal heat-flow characteristics. It cools off very quickly. So take that idea, and now mix beryllium with uranium. You can build fuel rods with much greater ability to transfer heat away. That is, you can heat up the fuel rods and they'll cool down a lot faster. In theory, therefore, if you exposed hot beryllium alloy fuel rods to air, they wouldn't melt down on you.
This is what did NOT happen at Fukushima, Japan, with the old- technology fuel rods that are zirconium-clad uranium. The Japanese rods – as with all fuel rods, everywhere across the world – held the heat and needed cooling water. When the system lost the cooling water, the Japanese plants experienced a series of catastrophic meltdowns. Big problems for a long time to come.
Researchers at Purdue University, Texas A&M and MIT are working on making the beryllium-uranium metallurgy work. It's not as easy as just adding a bit of beryllium to the uranium melt. It's a much more complex engineering process than that. There's a lot of research ahead. But at this stage, it's very promising. The research is yielding excellent data.
How long will it take to get the beryllium idea running in the nuclear field? It's hard to say just now. But the up-side is that if beryllium winds up in the nuclear fuel cycle, it'll increase global beryllium demand by an order of magnitude.
Materion (NYSE:MTRN), a company with large beryllium resources and extensive processing abilities, is one that stands to benefit from rising beryllium demand...and rising prices.
There's a lot of shaking going on throughout the Rare Earth space. For the longest time, the spotlight has been on the two companies closest to production. That's Lynas Corp. (ASX:LYC), with its mine in Australia and its plant in Malaysia. And Molycorp, which is rebuilding its facilities in California.
If you read the generalized reportage about Rare Earths in the mainstream business press, a lot of it is pretty uninformed. The reporters just don't get the Rare Earth business. Not long ago I saw an article under a globally-recognized news feed, along the lines that Lynas and Molycorp will produce a large volume of Rare Earths by 2013 and the currently-tight world markets will settle down. Ergo, Rare Earth prices will fall.
Oh really? That sort of analysis is entirely wrong.
Lynas is having problems with its plant in Malaysia, and will likely not make the deadline of November 2011 for first runs of RE product – mostly lower-priced "light" Rare Earths by the way.
And Molycorp's "new plant" in California is still a bare patch of ground where they're pouring concrete footers. There's no floor. There's no structural steel. There's no roof. There's no new equipment installed. Nothing is running, in any industrial sense. And it's halfway through 2011.
So neither Lynas nor Molycorp are close to producing a final product and selling it.
Furthermore, in a general, it's hard for any one company to be fully integrated in the Rare Earth space, from mines to final end product. Mining ore, crushing and concentrating is the first step. Then there are numerous intermediate steps to upgrade the concentrate. There's downstream refining. Then there's cranking out the final product.
Each one of these steps takes a high level of understanding about the Rare Earth chemistry and mineralogy. It requires high levels of technology, strong managerial competence and plenty of financial depth.
When I see the hype that has surfaced about Lynas and Molycorp, it seems ridiculous to believe that the new-design, new-build, new-process will work seamlessly. Somebody will just cut the ribbon on the front door of the factory and then start pouring ore into one end of a big, magic machine.
A lot of people in this world know how to drill an oil well, then refine and deliver refined products to the marketplace. But the Rare Earth business is different. It's relatively small, and the Chinese dominate 97% of it. Here in the West, we have to rebuild our intellectual capital in Rare Earths expertise, as well as new-build every facet of Rare Earths production – from mining to logistics to refining to end-product fabrication.
The Rare Earths business is not easy. The successful players will have to do many things right, with few glitches, and be really competent. At the same time, the early players stand to make a lot of money.
Keep a very close watch on this unique corner of the commodities markets.
Byron King,
for The Daily Reckoning
Joel's Note: As Addison mentioned above, you can get your name on Byron's exclusive mailing list at a discounted rate right now...but only for a few more days. Byron has been a step ahead of the crowd on both the Rare Earth story and the increasingly precarious energy scenario in the Middle East...both situations that have handed his readers a bevy of opportunities to realize real, triple-digit profits. Get the full low down here.
Tiny Rare Earth Mining Company Scoops:
“The $58 Billion Mining
Coup of the Century”
It’s a massive discovery that has the power to:- Save America from a green tech crash…
- Break what’s been called: “the world’s first MINEROPOLY”…
- Make early investors as much as 1,443% by March 31st
They’re the world’s scarcest and most politically charged metals.And this little miner just unearthed the biggest discovery of them in 83 years!
And it’s about to go public with the news…
The company found over 4.9 million tons of these metals (worth $58 billion) - atop two cold mountains…on the edge of no-mans-land…
For centuries this land (and its hidden treasures) have been trapped in a political and economic time warp.
Most Americans couldn’t even pinpoint it on a map – even fewer would know its proper name…
In fact, it only has a population of 57,000 people…and boasts just four traffic lights…
But now it’s in the throws of great change…
For 281 years it’s been locked under the rule of an ancient European Monarchy…
And so too has its vast mineral wealth.
But this year, the country made great strides in winning back its independence.
And even more importantly it won back full 100% rights to its mineral wealth. And it quickly enacted a new law to attract miners.
And the miners are sweeping in – both big and small – including Rio Tinto, Alcoa, and a slew of juniors too…
After being no more than a collection of fishing villages for centuries, now this economic backwater is about to be transformed into one of the world’s hottest new resource centers…
Many have begun hailing it as “one of the planet’s last great mineral frontiers.”
The New York Times has even reported on it, saying recently that the country “is now securing its place in the world.”
And major discoveries and multi-billion dollar projects are already under way…
But this one virtually unknown rare earth miner – that could soon make you as much as 14-times your money - got in early and scooped up what maybe remembered as:
“The Mining Coup of the Century!”
It’s a $58 billion discovery!
And it couldn’t have come at a more critical time.
It’s a discovery so big, and so important, that it’s one for the history books.
You see it’s very unusual that these specialty metals are ever found in dense concentrations.
In fact, the industry has only ever managed to find 7 such places on the entire planet today.
And only one other discovery compares to this find.
That’s how valuable it is.
As a geologist familiar with the find recently said it has the “potential to become the world’s largest specialty metals project.”
But it’s not just about the money.
The world needs these metals.
They’ve already sparked trade wars and civil wars.
One country has even attempted to create a mineral monopoly out of them (the world’s first!).
These minerals are called Rare Earth Metals.
They’re those weird-sounding elements near the bottom of the periodic table. And our modern civilization has quietly but assuredly become entirely addicted to them.
For example, without them, we couldn’t make batteries, Blackberries, electric cars, computer chips, computer monitors, Prius’s, rockets, jet engines, flat screen TVs, cell phones, photo cells, lasers or iPods…
Yet supply shocks are already occurring in these metals.
And the situation is only going to get worse…
In fact, the lack of them is one of the biggest concerns right now for many tech giants – including Apple, United Technologies, General Dynamics, GE, IBM, Cicso, Samsung, Sony, Microsoft, Panasonic, Hitachi and Siemens. Just to name a few.
And the problems are even greater for the fast emerging new green tech and alternative energy industries.
The Green Economy’s Unspoken Achilles’ Heal
One of the biggest reasons that demand for these metals is starting to shoot through the roof is that they are essential components in many of the new green and clean technologies we are trying to produce today. For example:- <LI style="MARGIN-BOTTOM: 10px">Windmills rely on the Rare Earth Metal, neodymium. And you need 656 pounds to generate just one megawatt of power. This year alone, we installed 40,000 megawatts of wind power worldwide – a green energy feat that has swallowed over 8,820 tons of neodymium (46% of global production). And the price spiked 533% in the past 12 months. But that’s nothing compared to what’s coming…The stimulus-driven green energy initiatives demand that another 200,000 megawatts of wind power be brought online by 2014. This “greenatopia” scenario will require an additional 44,100 tons of neodymium, yet we only produced 19,000 last year - less than half of what will be needed. And by 2030 wind farms will need 507,150 tons of the stuff. That’s 26 times what we produced last year. And that’s just for wind. We’ll also require thousands of tons more to make all the computer hard drives, electric motors and hydroelectricity the world will need. Clearly, we have a major supply problem. And prices are going to go ballistic. <LI style="MARGIN-BOTTOM: 10px">Today’s thin-film solar panels require the rarest earth element of them all: tellurium! This metal is quickly becoming one of the key elements keeping solar energy pioneers like FirstSolar shining. Thing is, we only produce a little over 100 tons of this metal each year, but we need about 10 times that amount to meet immediate future demand!
- Gallium is another darling of the mineral world that makes the solar industry shimmer, but we only produced 78 tons of this metal in 2009. But commercial solar applications will demand that we refine 1,600 metric tons of gallium to power just 15 million
That’s why the money to be made in these metals will be breathtaking.
That’s why they’ll be among the few sure bets in the years ahead.
Up 1,443% in 52 Weeks…
(But Did You Hear
About it?)
Supply shocks have already occurred in many of these metals in just the last decade…causing price spikes of as high as 325%, 461% and 1,433% in as little as 52 weeks!
For example, one of the biggest investment stories last year was in the Rare Earth Metal tantalum. Yet the media and the market completely missed it!
Tantalum is one of the most important metals used in capacitors, which is a fundamental component to many of the electronics we use today. It’s found in cell phones, iPods, computers, jet engines, pace makers, artificial hips and digital cameras…
Demand for it this year alone has soared 30%.
Yet last year the world produced absolutely no tantalum. Not one gram. Not even an ounce! Causing tantalum’s price to almost triple in a matter of months!
Yet this didn’t make the news. Few heard about it.
But it was BIG news. It was a big deal. We had an historic supply crunch in a commodity critical for today’s economy, and the worldwide output of it last year was zero!
Another supply crunch happened as far back as 2000.
The One That Sparked a Civil War!
Sony launched the PlayStation 2, and it quickly became the best-selling video game console in history. But in order to build the millions of units required, Sony needed a helluva lot of tantalum. This caused the price to spike from $49 a pound to $275 a pound in less than a year (a 461% increase!).
Demand was so hot, that the manufacturers had to go to the Congo for supplies, where slave labor and a militia government run rife.
Sony’s PlayStation 2 sparked a civil war.
But did you hear about it?
And just in the last year supply shocks in the Rare Earth Metal praseodymium (which is used in energy-efficient light bulbs) caused its price to spike 1,443%!
These metals played major roles in some of the most important stories that unfolded last decade. They also provided some of the greatest (yet most little-known) investment opportunities.
But if you think you missed out on them, don’t worry. It’s nothing to what’s coming!
The day for Rare Earths has just arrived.
Even if the world went into depression (they would still do well)…for they aren’t part of the Old Industrial Order…
On the contrary they are the essential raw materials for the New Industrial Order. That’s what makes them different. That’s what makes them so special. So important. So in demand.
Unfortunately the supply shocks coming in them will make the oil shocks of last decade look like a sunny day’s walk in the industrial park!
And it’s not just the exponential rise of green tech that will do it…
Nor is it the fact that Rare Earths rarely ever form in dense concentrations…
There’s also another reason why these metals are about to rock…
“The World’s First MINEROPOLY!”
For decades the market for Rare Earth Metals was tiny…insignificant…
Nobody paid much attention to them…
Base metals and industrial metals ruled the day…
But as the world grew more and more technologically driven, demand for them kept rising.- In the ‘80s no more than a few million dollars a year were traded.
- In the ‘90’s that figure leapt to tens of millions.
- In the 2000s hundreds of millions.
- Last year the market for these metals reached $1.4 billion.
But still nobody ever contemplated that they could one day be the catalyst for many trade and civil wars…and that they could one day be the cause of many major political and economic tensions…
Nobody that is, except one shrewd player…
China’s Next Great Wall
While it may have been obvious to everyone that the world was increasingly becoming more technological…what wasn’t obvious was that in order to keep this kind of exponential technological progress going it would require more and more of these unique and very rare metals…
China was the only one who saw this coming. In fact, they’ve been preparing for this day for over two decades.
And China was fortunate enough to be blessed with the world’s richest deposits of Rare Earths. Realizing the economic (and political) value such an inheritance could offer them they set about establishing themselves as the global leaders in Rare Earth Metal production…
They now boast a clutch of the biggest, most powerful, most profitable, cash-rich Rare Earth Metal corporations on the planet today…and with fistful’s of cash it enabled them to go on global shopping sprees buying up even greater chunks of this niche mineral market, so much so that they have now managed to steal a staggering 97% share of the global market place…creating the world’s first mineral monopoly…one whose strategic power – both politically and economically – has until very recently been completely underestimated.
And while global demand for these metals continues to escalate, Chinese exports are shrinking dramatically.
And in 2012, China may implement a complete embargo on the export of a number of these strategic metals…
Industry sources recently told The Independent that China could halt shipments of at least two metals as early as next year, and that by 2012 it is likely to be producing only enough Rare Earths “to satisfy its own booming domestic demand, creating a potential crisis as Western countries rush to find alternative supplies…”
This should cause violent disruptions in the industrial marketplace…
Just weeks ago, China (right out of the blue) initiated a total ban on exports to Japan, simply because a Japanese official arrested a Chinese fisherman after his boat collided with two Japanese coastguard vessels. Japan was left with just a 3-month supply of Rare Earth Metals…
Yes, my friend, the resource wars are heating up!It seems China has silently erected another Great Wall to keep its enemies out…but this one is NOT made out of bricks and mortar, it’s made out of Rare Earth Metals and trading embargoes…And it’s designed to keep China’s hi-tech corporations flourishing, while America’s, Japan’s and the rest of world’s will struggle under the sky-rocketing costs of these increasingly rare critical resources…
Most emerging green tech companies will fall by the wayside, either unable to pay the high premiums the global marketplace will demand for these unusual minerals, or simply unable to secure supplies of them at all.
America now is woefully unprepared for the Rare Earth Metal crisis ahead.
In fact, not a single rare earth miner operates in America today. Yet our need for these metals is greater than ever.
It’s why Molycorp (an old American Rare Earth miner) is racing right now to get an abandoned mine up and running. (In fact, their recent IPO was one of the 10 biggest this year.) But Molycorp’s mine is tiny. It only has 44,000 tons of Rare Earth Metals. Nowhere near enough to come along and save the day for America…or for Apple, or IBM, or Samsung or any of the hundreds of companies in the new green tech and alternative energy games.But the one little Rare Earth Mining stock I’m about to tell you about could do it. For it has made a discovery that is 100 times bigger than Molycorp’s!The Company that Will Crack this
My name is Jeff Opdyke.I am the investment research directorfor the Sovereign Society. And I’m writing to you today to tell you about this extraordinary discovery that this little penny stock miner has made…
In almost two decades of investment analysis, and working in offshore markets and commodity markets I’ve never seen an opportunity quite like this.
I’ve been watching this industry for some time, and I’ve noted the strong fundamentals arising in it. And in the past year it seemed that all the stars came into alignment for this one little penny stock.
While it hasn’t received much press yet, it’s about to.
In fact, just the other day they finally caught the attention of the big press, when the Dow Jones News Wire reported on its historic discovery.
But the truth is, they don’t want the world to know about it just yet….for they are busily getting everything in place for the perfect launch.
It’s a relatively new company that was created by a number of old mining legends. The founders and directors of this company have been around for decades, and have launched a number of extremely successful mining companies already, including ones whose stock prices (under their management) have leapt as much as:
9,500% in less than 4 years!
Can they do it again?
We think so!
Once they got wind of the historic developments going on in this far-off land, and the great strides this little-known country was making in winning back their independence and their mineral rights, they leapt at the chance to explore it.
And this year, it seems everything coalesced for this country, and this company.
Major discoveries have already been made by big mining giants like Rio Tinto, Alcoa and some big energy companies. But the real coup de temps was made by this littler rare earth miner.
It was one of the first miners to get in. And they began their search at an old abandoned uranium mine that was shut down in the ‘80s, when the government at the time enacted a zero tolerance policy on uranium mining - as a stand against nuclear proliferation. That policy is now being dismantled. But this company didn't go there looking for the uranium. Too much risk. They thought with all this new modern drilling technology, why not go poke around this old mine and see if there was anything else down there, things like the market's new little darlings: Rare Earth Metals.
And low and behold they found 4.9 million tons of the stuff. They hit the jackpot!
It's probably the biggest Rare Earth Metal deposit in the world.
There’s only one other place on the entire planet that has compared to this discovery. And that's in China of course. And the other half a dozen or so are tiny by comparison. But there’s enough from this one single mine to provide global industry with about 25% of its Rare Earth Metal needs for 23 years!!
And it's sitting right on top of 2 cold mountains just waiting to be mined!
It truly is a staggering discovery. One for the geopolitical, industrial and economic history books! The people should love it. The environmentalists should love it. Global industry desperately needs it. Green tech could turn gray without it. Everybody should love this one, except China, as it will break its monopoly on the market.
As Business News recently said this mine:
“Could rival the world’s largest
rare earth mines in China.”
The stock is only listed right now on a small foreign market. But that’s about to change. The company is getting all its cards in order, ready to launch on the big North American and European exchanges. And it hopes to do it at the beginning of 2011. Once the stock lists, the news will be out. And its stock price should go ballistic.
That’s why they’ve gathered together a prestigious board of directors.
For example, the former Prime Minister of the country now sits as Chairman of the company’s main subsidiary!
This man is considered a national hero by his people, as he was a pivotal figure in winning back the country’s independence, and winning back its full mineral rights. He’s also been given a string of prestigious national and international awards for his achievements and service to his country.
And now the former Premier of the country has also just agreed to join the board.
Not only that, the director of the London Metal Exchange – the largest commodity and futures trading platform in the world has also become a director. He holds one of the most important (and connected!) positions in the global metals trading game!
It is no wonder that institutional investors are lining up to get a piece of the pie!
In fact, even if by some freak event, the company’s new listing on the big exchanges falls on deaf ears, they would still be ok. For they have enough institutional funding to last them 5 years. But by then they should be on their way to extracting billions of dollars of this stuff out of the ground each year!
And you have a short window of opportunity to get in on this stock - while it’s still dirt cheap and virtually unknown. But with all these historic events converging, and with the stock expected to hit its first big exchange in January, you don’t have much time.
How high could this company’s share price go?
As we said, the founders have already launched mining companies whose share prices have soared as much as 9,500% in the past. We think they’re on the path to do it again!That’s why we’ve just completed an urgent investment alert on this company called The Mining Coup of the Century, and we’d like to e-mail you a copy of it to you right now – for FREE! All you need do is agree to take up a risk-free trial membership to The Sovereign Society.
Part 2:
Why We Have the Edge Over
Any Investment Advisory
The Sovereign Society is an investment research group that boasts one of the most extensive advisory boards in the business. It’s how we find out about extraordinary opportunities like the Rare Earth Metal miner I’ve described above. And it’s how we get to hear about opportunities and investments that ordinary American investors would rarely ever get the chance to hear about.
We have Swiss bankers, commodity experts, tax specialists, privacy gurus, and best-selling investment authors and analysts from Asia, Europe and North America, including names like:- John A. Pugsley - Co-founder of the Sovereign Society, and an accomplished economic forecaster and a New York Times best-selling investment author.
- Larry Grossman – The award-winning investment guru, who was one of the first American advisors to get the CIMA! (Wharton School’s prestigious designation of Certified Investment Management Analyst).
- Michael Checkan - One of the first foreign exchange traders ever to operate in America.
- Robert Vrijhof - Swiss Banker and Currency Guru. Robert has held senior positions at some of Europe’s oldest and most prestigious private investment banks.
- Marc-Andre Sola - Top Swiss Asset Protection Lawyer.
- Robert Bauman - Sovereign Society Legal Counsel and Former U.S. Congressman.
And it’s their extraordinary global reach that frankly gives us an edge over any investment advisory…
As a Society member, Charles Keternick from Lake Tahoe, NV recently said:"I’ve…read dozens of newsletters and I can’t get this kind of information anywhere else. "
And Dr. Martin Varley of Venice, Florida wrote us:"Thank you! You guys are first class. I've learned the essential knowledge not only for wealth protection but also wealth creation."
And Ken Levine from Australia said:“Thank you for all the good work that you are doing! The Society is awesome! Keep it up!”This is just a small sample of the hundreds of emails we get from our readers each month.
We enjoy hearing from members - especially when they tell us how much money they made on one of our recommendations, and when they tell us how much money they've saved because of one our offshore ideas…
Then again, it’s not surprising there are so many success stories considering our track record…
Astonishing Track Record Through a
Decade of Turmoil- Triple-Digit Gains on Gold through The Great Tech Wreck! When the Street was going mad buying up dotcoms with insane valuations, and everyone was dropping old economy stocks and real assets for fly-by-night Internet stocks, we were recommending gold and gold stocks. By betting on gold, real assets, and alternative offshore funds we flew through the Great Tech Wreck. Over the next decade we made 22 gold recommendations. Every one raked in for us double and triple-digit gains.
Just One Example of Profits and Protection Against Financial Chaos: The Sovereign Society Gold PortfolioHarmony Gold146%Durban Deep25%Newmont Mining78%Newmont Mining110%Newmont Mining67%Newmont Mining122%Placer Dome69%Placer Dome68%Placer Dome21%Placer Dome27%Tocqueville Gold-10%Iamgold-2%ASA188%Barrick Gold*237%Bema Gold484%Gold bullion*221%Kinross Gold21%iShares COMEX Gold Trust ETF*74%Canadian Maple Leaf 1 oz. coin*12%Goldcorp*210%Gold December 400 Calls185%Merrill Lynch Intl. Gold Fund188%Anglo American ADR194%All figures as of 10/14/10 (Includes all open and closed positions)- Big Profits as the Offshore Financial Revolution Erupted. Sovereign Society offers one of the only ways for mainstream investors to gain easy access to a whole range of offshore financial opportunities. Many of our analysts are actually natives of some of the world’s greatest and safest European, Asian, and offshore money havens. And through their reach and influence they have been able to introduce our members to benefits and privileges that simply aren’t available at home, including access to tax-advantaged funds and investments, private offshore bank accounts, asset protection devices, ultra-safe and ultra-profitable hedge funds and many other powerful financial devices and products (which for generations were reserved only for the super rich). All these benefits will be yours too, when you sign up for a risk-free trial subscription to the Sovereign Society today!
- 585% on the Great Resource Race…We were one of the first financial research groups to see the coming boom in things like gold and natural resources. It’s how we managed to help our members see double and triple-digit gains on literally dozens of natural resource investments over the past decade. For example, our recommendations made gains of 237% on Barrick Gold, 94% on palladium, 151% on ENI SpA, 536% on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, 284% on Valero puts, 210% on Goldcorp, 188% on Merrill Lynch International Gold Fund, 122% on Newmont Mining, 185% on Gold calls, 139% on Vestas Wind Systems, 88% on PrimeWest Energy Trust, 142% on Bonavista Energy Trust…just to name a few.
- Break-through Profits on the Rise of the East… Long before it became fashionable on Wall Street to start diversifying out of the lagging U.S. stock markets and into the booming new emerging markets of the East, Sovereign Society’s council of international experts were recommending ultra-safe, yet ground-breaking investments in Eastern Europe, China, India, Brazil and the Middle East, including little-known funds and stocks that even today you’d rarely find on the pages of the Wall Street Journal. We made 74% gains on India’s Tata Motors, 22% gains on Hungarian Government Bonds, 40% gains on Pall Corporation, 69% gains on China’s Mengniu Dair, 99% gains on the Korea Fund, 50% gains on iShares MSCI Turkey ETF, 65% gains on Cheung Kong Holdings, 81% gains on iShares Xinhua China 25 Index Fund, 70% gains on the Singapore Capital Mall Trust, 18% gains on the Arab Gateway Fund, 31% gains on Chinese bonds…
- 797% and 1794% on Dollar’s First Big Crash. In 2002 we made staggering gains of 1794% and 797% - with minimal risk – by encouraging readers to bet against the U.S. dollar. By anticipating the negative effects war and other economic disasters would have on the dollar…we decided to recommend that readers “rent” a number of hard currencies for far less than their real values. It basically allowed them to buy $21,312 of Euros at only $1250. The $1250 was all they had to risk – to give them the “right” to buy a large amount of Euros by a certain date in the future. Because the Euro appreciated greatly against the dollar we urged readers to exercise their right and buy $21,312 worth of Euros.Readers could have turned $1250 into $21,312 in just a few months and make a staggering 1794%. We did the same again with Swiss francs and helped readers to a further 797%. Once you join the Sovereign Society you’ll meet and have the opportunity to profit from our top team of global currency experts. In fact, in another FREE report we’ll e-mail you as soon as you sign up you’ll learn about some of our greatest currency investments. It’s called Ultra-Simple Currencies:The Secret To Harnessing The Power Of Foreign Currencies.
765% as Derivatives Debacle Levels Wall Street. When the derivatives disaster began to strike Wall Street, the Sovereign Society was well prepared. Below is a list of the gains on the investments we recommended in a report entitled “These 25 Banks Harbor Nuclear Secrets that are Could Vaporize Your Wealth”, which we originally sent out to over two million people as far back as 2004. This report set out to a T exactly how the derivatives-led credit crisis would unfold. It’s how we were well prepared when the bubble blew.
These gains are not cherry picked.- 765% Hang Seng H-Share Index.
- 536% on CME.
- 188% on ASA.
- 124% on Pioneer Momentum Emerald.
- 279% on Safety First Trust.
- 284% on Valero December 20 – puts.
- 188% on Mercury International Gold and General/Merrill Lynch Int Gold Fund.
- 185% on Gold Dec 400 Call.
120% off The Private Equity Shake Out. In April 2007, we sent out a report warning investors that the debt markets were about to spin out of control because of the trillions borrowed by Private Equity firms to buy up over 19,000 companies worldwide. Even though we were just starting to reel from the meltdown in our sub-prime mortgage markets, we warned people that this crisis “may merely be the warm up for what’s to come…” So we sent out another warning urging investors to pull out of the markets. I’m sure you know what happened next. But we didn’t just recommend selling everything, we revealed what we believed to be 4 crisis-proof investments. Each one of those investments ended up gliding through the worst financial crisis in history. Below is a list of the gains on every one of the four investments we recommended in that report entitled “Gluttons at the Gate.” Once again these gains are NOT cherry picked.
Investment Research Alliance for 13 Cents a Day!
Part 3:
As a member of The Sovereign Society you’ll get access to information from our unrivaled team of over 30 financial and professional researchers, many of who are masters in asset preservation.
Each month, the Society’s global network of contacts scour the globe for the finest opportunities the world can offer you…opportunities that can make your life richer, safer and better.
You’re probably thinking that access to these experts’ research is going to cost you a small fortune. But don’t worry. It’s not.
Through the Society’s special monthly research advisory letter (The Sovereign Individual) and the Society’s daily e-letter (The Sovereign Investor) you’ll learn from this unrivaled team of financial and professional researchers.
In The Sovereign Individual and The Sovereign Investor you’ll find out the latest updates from banking and financial insiders about what’s unfolding in the world’s global stock, bond and currency markets. Plus you’ll learn about global gold stocks, offshore funds, emerging market investments, foreign currency plays and precious metal investments.
You’ll also find out about private banking strategies, computer privacy techniques, offshore tax management, second passports, global business opportunities, offshore e-commerce strategies, asset protection techniques and many other things that can help protect you…your capital…your business…and your investments in the volatile times ahead.
And in addition to The Sovereign Individual and The Sovereign Investor, you’ll also get your FREE Rare Earth Metal Investment Alert, PLUS we’ll e-mail you:
3 More FREE Investment Alerts!
FREE REPORT: The Polar Shift Of Wealth and Power
In this report, you’ll learn:- How China is expanding its power and influence – and how to prepare yourself for the coming New Eastern Economic World Order.
- Why Greenspan is calling Treasury bonds “the Achilles heel” of our economy. And the one revolutionary new investment that you need to purchase right now in order to protect yourself and profit from the coming bond market collapse.
- The top 6 countries to invest in today. We’ll show you how to purchase over 80 of these market’s greatest companies with just 6 simple investments – all of which are available right now on U.S. exchanges!
- The safest and easiest ways to buy today’s hottest foreign currencies.
- How to collect low-risk, high-yields in a high-risk, low-yield world…
In this detailed report, you’ll discover:- How to acquire hassle-free access to the currency market starting today.
- An easy way to diversify your investments and “hedge” against the U.S. dollar’s long-term decline.
- A simple way to ride the long-term trend of various rising currencies.
- Why you’ll never have to worry about what happens with stocks or bonds again.
- How to start trading currencies with as little as $100.
- A simple way to use short-selling so you can play the markets when they go up or down.
- How to use leverage to increase your profit potential.
- Plus, you’ll learn how to create a diversified currency portfolio – just like the sophisticated institutional investors.
If you’re a gold bug, like us, then you’ll love the Sovereign Society’s gold portfolio. In this alert we reveal a collection of some of the market’s safest and most innovative ways to play gold, including:- The top five gold and gold-related investments to get started with today for long-term growth.
- A company that allows you to send and receive payments in gold – this will become vital as dollars become increasingly worthless.
- How to access a U.S. bank that allows you to pool gold – and silver, platinum, palladium, and rhodium with other investors.
- A simple way to tap into a gold investment that has a government-backed AAA-rating and is insured by Lloyd’s of London!
- Discover two ways to invest in gold coins that most people don’t know about.
The Best $49 Investment You’ll Ever Make!
Annual membership to the Sovereign Society usually costs just $98 a year. But because we are so excited by the staggering profits to be gained by the historic discovery of the little rare earth miner I told you about above, we’re going let you sign up today for just $49. That’s 50% off the normal price!
And here’s what you’ll get:- Top international stock, bond and commodity recommendations from an unrivalled team of more than 30 financial and professional experts.
- Introductions to safe, easy and revolutionary new ways to trade foreign currencies, including currency ETFs and many more innovative new kinds of currency funds.
- The Sovereign Individual. Your monthly exclusive research advisory letter – packed with alternative investment opportunities and strategies that you won’t find on the pages of Wall Street Journal or Barron’s…plus asset protection techniques, privacy strategies, offshore retirement havens, e-commerce opportunities, tax strategies and much more!
- The Sovereign Digest: You’ll get our weekly e-letter every Sunday. In it, you’ll discover little-known global strategies to grow your wealth… gain insights on what current events really mean to you and your money… and get a glimpse of what’s coming down the pike for the markets and inside The Sovereign Society in the weeks ahead.
- Instant Sovereign Portfolio Alerts: When news hits on one of the plays in our trading portfolio, you'll get an instant email update. So you'll know the precise action to take and exactly why you should make that move.
- Special Investor Reports: Occasionally, we unearth an opportunity that’s so potentially profitable that it warrants special attention (like the Rare Earth Miner I’ve told you about in this letter). When this happens, and it happens several times a year, we’ll rush you a special investor report. That way you can be the first to take advantage of the opportunity and profit from it right away.
- Private access to our members-only website. You’ll get a unique password so you can log-on to our private website when it’s convenient for you. Once inside, you'll find detailed analysis of our portfolio, expert market commentary, a complete listing of our current investment recommendations, and special reports.
- Access to The Sovereign Individual trading portfolio: You'll gain instant access to all of the recommendations in our members' only trading portfolio. Whether you’re looking for explosive growth from commodity stocks, need more income for retirement, interested in unusual currency plays, or want to discover opportunities in emerging markets… This portfolio tracks the hottest global plays to safely grow your wealth.
- The Sovereign Investor: The world’s most popular offshore e-letter keeps you informed with global events that can affect your wealth, privacy and safety. Six days a week you’ll get timely alerts from our team of global experts. You'll get a snapshot of the latest breaking economic, political, and financial developments… all designed to help you increase your wealth.
- PLUS Your 4 FREE Online Investment Alerts:
- The Mining Coup of the Century: How to Make Breakthrough Profits on the Little Rare Earth Miner That’s About to Crack the World’s First MINEROPOLY!
- The Polar Shift Of Wealth and Power
- Ultra-Simple Currencies: The Secret To Harnessing The Power Of Foreign Currencies
- Forbidden Profits: How To Rake In AAA-Rated Government Guaranteed Gains For The Rest Of Your Days
Don’t Risk a Penny – Until You Are Convinced!
I’m hoping our track record alone - has more than convinced you to join us.
But just in case you have any doubts, I want to give you a unique opportunity to take a risk-free look at us.
In other words – you won’t have to risk a penny until you are convinced that a Sovereign Society Membership is right for you.
If at any time you decide The Sovereign Society is not for you – just cancel your subscription – and we will give you a pro-rated refund on your fees (with full money back within the first 30 days). No questions asked. But you can still keep your free reports – whatever you decide. That’s our guarantee to you.
All you have to do is just click on the button below, and your membership will be activated!
But don’t delay…the news of this little Rare Earth Miner’s find is starting to get out. The Dow Jones Newswire reported on it just the other day, causing the company’s share price to rise from 36 cents to 64 cents in a single day! (That was a 75% increase!)
So much momentum is gathering about this one little stock right now.
And once it hits the big Exchanges, the huge gains to be made will be gone. But you still have a small window of opportunity to get it while it’s still dirt cheap and still virtually unknown.
Don’t miss out on one of those rare market moments to make what we believe will be truly breakthrough profits!
All you need to do is click here or call 1-888-856-1412. We'll rush you your special reports and our Welcome Kit right away.
I look forward to having you onboard as our newest member.
Jeff Opdyke
Investment Research Director
The Sovereign Society
P.S. Remember, I told you earlier that this Rare Earth Metal miner first went digging around in an old uranium mine. But that it wasn’t the uranium they were interested in (because of the risk). Well the government of the country is now dismantling their anti-uranium policies – essentially allowing the miner to exploit the rich uranium reserves that are also on the site. And the incredible thing is it turns out that the uranium deposits happen to be the 6th largest on the planet. In fact, the money to be made on the uranium alone is more than enough to pay for the costs of the entire mining operation. The Rare Earth Metals will just be pure profit on top! It truly is a staggering coup for this one little miner! But don’t delay. Get in on it today! The share price is about to go ballistic!
P.P.S. More breaking news! As we go to press, I’ve just learned that this tiny miner has made what could be yet another major discovery. Just a few miles from their original find, they’ve stumbled across the very same type of unique geology required for large-scale concentrations of these specialty metals. Drilling is underway…The results should be out soon. It seems that this historical find may be just the beginning!
Originally posted by Willi View PostPart 2:
Why We Have the Edge Over
Any Investment Advisory
The Sovereign Society is an investment research group that boasts one of the most extensive advisory boards in the business. It’s how we find out about extraordinary opportunities like the Rare Earth Metal miner I’ve described above. And it’s how we get to hear about opportunities and investments that ordinary American investors would rarely ever get the chance to hear about.
We have Swiss bankers, commodity experts, tax specialists, privacy gurus, and best-selling investment authors and analysts from Asia, Europe and North America, including names like:- John A. Pugsley - Co-founder of the Sovereign Society, and an accomplished economic forecaster and a New York Times best-selling investment author.
- Larry Grossman – The award-winning investment guru, who was one of the first American advisors to get the CIMA! (Wharton School’s prestigious designation of Certified Investment Management Analyst).
- Michael Checkan - One of the first foreign exchange traders ever to operate in America.
- Robert Vrijhof - Swiss Banker and Currency Guru. Robert has held senior positions at some of Europe’s oldest and most prestigious private investment banks.
- Marc-Andre Sola - Top Swiss Asset Protection Lawyer.
- Robert Bauman - Sovereign Society Legal Counsel and Former U.S. Congressman.
And it’s their extraordinary global reach that frankly gives us an edge over any investment advisory…
As a Society member, Charles Keternick from Lake Tahoe, NV recently said:"I’ve…read dozens of newsletters and I can’t get this kind of information anywhere else. "
And Dr. Martin Varley of Venice, Florida wrote us:"Thank you! You guys are first class. I've learned the essential knowledge not only for wealth protection but also wealth creation."
And Ken Levine from Australia said:“Thank you for all the good work that you are doing! The Society is awesome! Keep it up!”This is just a small sample of the hundreds of emails we get from our readers each month.
We enjoy hearing from members - especially when they tell us how much money they made on one of our recommendations, and when they tell us how much money they've saved because of one our offshore ideas…
Then again, it’s not surprising there are so many success stories considering our track record…
Astonishing Track Record Through a
Decade of Turmoil- Triple-Digit Gains on Gold through The Great Tech Wreck! When the Street was going mad buying up dotcoms with insane valuations, and everyone was dropping old economy stocks and real assets for fly-by-night Internet stocks, we were recommending gold and gold stocks. By betting on gold, real assets, and alternative offshore funds we flew through the Great Tech Wreck. Over the next decade we made 22 gold recommendations. Every one raked in for us double and triple-digit gains.
Just One Example of Profits and Protection Against Financial Chaos: The Sovereign Society Gold PortfolioHarmony Gold146%Durban Deep25%Newmont Mining78%Newmont Mining110%Newmont Mining67%Newmont Mining122%Placer Dome69%Placer Dome68%Placer Dome21%Placer Dome27%Tocqueville Gold-10%Iamgold-2%ASA188%Barrick Gold*237%Bema Gold484%Gold bullion*221%Kinross Gold21%iShares COMEX Gold Trust ETF*74%Canadian Maple Leaf 1 oz. coin*12%Goldcorp*210%Gold December 400 Calls185%Merrill Lynch Intl. Gold Fund188%Anglo American ADR194%All figures as of 10/14/10 (Includes all open and closed positions)- Big Profits as the Offshore Financial Revolution Erupted. Sovereign Society offers one of the only ways for mainstream investors to gain easy access to a whole range of offshore financial opportunities. Many of our analysts are actually natives of some of the world’s greatest and safest European, Asian, and offshore money havens. And through their reach and influence they have been able to introduce our members to benefits and privileges that simply aren’t available at home, including access to tax-advantaged funds and investments, private offshore bank accounts, asset protection devices, ultra-safe and ultra-profitable hedge funds and many other powerful financial devices and products (which for generations were reserved only for the super rich). All these benefits will be yours too, when you sign up for a risk-free trial subscription to the Sovereign Society today!
- 585% on the Great Resource Race…We were one of the first financial research groups to see the coming boom in things like gold and natural resources. It’s how we managed to help our members see double and triple-digit gains on literally dozens of natural resource investments over the past decade. For example, our recommendations made gains of 237% on Barrick Gold, 94% on palladium, 151% on ENI SpA, 536% on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, 284% on Valero puts, 210% on Goldcorp, 188% on Merrill Lynch International Gold Fund, 122% on Newmont Mining, 185% on Gold calls, 139% on Vestas Wind Systems, 88% on PrimeWest Energy Trust, 142% on Bonavista Energy Trust…just to name a few.
- Break-through Profits on the Rise of the East… Long before it became fashionable on Wall Street to start diversifying out of the lagging U.S. stock markets and into the booming new emerging markets of the East, Sovereign Society’s council of international experts were recommending ultra-safe, yet ground-breaking investments in Eastern Europe, China, India, Brazil and the Middle East, including little-known funds and stocks that even today you’d rarely find on the pages of the Wall Street Journal. We made 74% gains on India’s Tata Motors, 22% gains on Hungarian Government Bonds, 40% gains on Pall Corporation, 69% gains on China’s Mengniu Dair, 99% gains on the Korea Fund, 50% gains on iShares MSCI Turkey ETF, 65% gains on Cheung Kong Holdings, 81% gains on iShares Xinhua China 25 Index Fund, 70% gains on the Singapore Capital Mall Trust, 18% gains on the Arab Gateway Fund, 31% gains on Chinese bonds…
- 797% and 1794% on Dollar’s First Big Crash. In 2002 we made staggering gains of 1794% and 797% - with minimal risk – by encouraging readers to bet against the U.S. dollar. By anticipating the negative effects war and other economic disasters would have on the dollar…we decided to recommend that readers “rent” a number of hard currencies for far less than their real values. It basically allowed them to buy $21,312 of Euros at only $1250. The $1250 was all they had to risk – to give them the “right” to buy a large amount of Euros by a certain date in the future. Because the Euro appreciated greatly against the dollar we urged readers to exercise their right and buy $21,312 worth of Euros.Readers could have turned $1250 into $21,312 in just a few months and make a staggering 1794%. We did the same again with Swiss francs and helped readers to a further 797%. Once you join the Sovereign Society you’ll meet and have the opportunity to profit from our top team of global currency experts. In fact, in another FREE report we’ll e-mail you as soon as you sign up you’ll learn about some of our greatest currency investments. It’s called Ultra-Simple Currencies:The Secret To Harnessing The Power Of Foreign Currencies.
765% as Derivatives Debacle Levels Wall Street. When the derivatives disaster began to strike Wall Street, the Sovereign Society was well prepared. Below is a list of the gains on the investments we recommended in a report entitled “These 25 Banks Harbor Nuclear Secrets that are Could Vaporize Your Wealth”, which we originally sent out to over two million people as far back as 2004. This report set out to a T exactly how the derivatives-led credit crisis would unfold. It’s how we were well prepared when the bubble blew.
These gains are not cherry picked.- 765% Hang Seng H-Share Index.
- 536% on CME.
- 188% on ASA.
- 124% on Pioneer Momentum Emerald.
- 279% on Safety First Trust.
- 284% on Valero December 20 – puts.
- 188% on Mercury International Gold and General/Merrill Lynch Int Gold Fund.
- 185% on Gold Dec 400 Call.
120% off The Private Equity Shake Out. In April 2007, we sent out a report warning investors that the debt markets were about to spin out of control because of the trillions borrowed by Private Equity firms to buy up over 19,000 companies worldwide. Even though we were just starting to reel from the meltdown in our sub-prime mortgage markets, we warned people that this crisis “may merely be the warm up for what’s to come…” So we sent out another warning urging investors to pull out of the markets. I’m sure you know what happened next. But we didn’t just recommend selling everything, we revealed what we believed to be 4 crisis-proof investments. Each one of those investments ended up gliding through the worst financial crisis in history. Below is a list of the gains on every one of the four investments we recommended in that report entitled “Gluttons at the Gate.” Once again these gains are NOT cherry picked.
Investment Research Alliance for 13 Cents a Day!
Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.
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