.... Sass you seem to have missed this but I'm always ready to help out the positive cause
6.5% growth in tourism projected this year
Tourism Minister Edmund Bartlett says Jamaica could see a 6.5% growth in its tourism sector this year.
The projected figure is up from last year's 5% increase.
Mr. Bartlett, who was addressing Heads of Missions at a meeting in Kingston on Wednesday, June 28, said the ministry has adopted a number of initiatives, as part of the growth strategy to ensure this reality.
He said the Ministry has employed two key positions to ensure growth.
One is to diversify its market and the other is to broaden Jamaica’s partnerships with airlines.
Mr. Bartlett said he is confident that Jamaica’s tourism market remains viable and is on the threshold of further growth.

6.5% growth in tourism projected this year
Tourism Minister Edmund Bartlett says Jamaica could see a 6.5% growth in its tourism sector this year.
The projected figure is up from last year's 5% increase.
Mr. Bartlett, who was addressing Heads of Missions at a meeting in Kingston on Wednesday, June 28, said the ministry has adopted a number of initiatives, as part of the growth strategy to ensure this reality.
He said the Ministry has employed two key positions to ensure growth.
One is to diversify its market and the other is to broaden Jamaica’s partnerships with airlines.
Mr. Bartlett said he is confident that Jamaica’s tourism market remains viable and is on the threshold of further growth.