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China inflation at 34-month high on rising food prices

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  • China inflation at 34-month high on rising food prices

    China inflation at 34-month high on rising food prices

    The rise in food prices has hit a lot of Chinese shoppers in the pocket
    Continue reading the main story Global Economy

    Inflation in China hit its highest level in 34 months despite the government's efforts to rein in rising prices.
    Consumer prices in China rose by 5.5% in May, compared with the same month last year, according to the National Bureau of Statistics.
    Food prices continued to be the biggest factor as they surged by 11.7%
    The rising cost of food and commodities have pushed up the cost of living and become a hot political issue in China.
    Analysts warned that prices are likely to rise even further.
    "For now, it seems certain that China's CPI will hit 6% in June," said Xu Biao of China Merchants Bank.
    Rate rise
    Chinese authorities have said that fighting rising prices is a top priority for them.
    It has set a target of keeping the inflation rate at 4% for the year.
    The country's central bank has raised interest rates four times since October last year, in an effort to curb lending and rein in rising prices.
    Analysts said that the latest data is likely to force the bank to raise the cost of borrowing once again.
    "CPI reached a new record, increasing concerns of another interest rate rise," said Xian Fang Ren of IHS Global Insight
    "We expect the central bank to raise interest rates next week," Mr Ren added.
    Inflation is a particular concern in fast-growing economies across Asia. region.
    In India, the wholesale price index of inflation rose faster than expected in May to 9.05%, caused partly by an increase in the cost of manufactured goods.
    • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.

  • #2
    China's property rating downgraded on tightening credit

    China's strict credit policy is likely to hit new home sales, thus affecting property prices
    Continue reading the main story Related Stories

    Rating agency Standard & Poor's has downgraded its outlook for China's property market from stable to negative due to the country's tightening credit policy.
    The agency said as credit becomes more restricted there was a possibility of a downturn in the sector.
    The news comes as latest data showed that foreign direct investment (FDI) in to China slowed down in May.
    Rising property prices have become a hot political issue in China.
    Restrictive policy
    Beijing has been trying to rein in lending in an attempt to control surging property prices.
    On Tuesday, China's central bank raised the reserve requirement ratio for the banks to a record high of 21.5%, effectively reducing the amount of cash that they can lend.
    Government figures also showed that Chinese banks made fewer loans in May compared to April.
    The agency said that all these measure are likely to hit the sector hard.
    "We're likely to see more negative rating actions in the next six to 12 months," said Standard & Poor's credit analyst Bei Fu.
    "Tightened onshore credit conditions and increasingly restrictive government policy have deepened the market downturn," Ms Fu added.
    Slowing investment
    While authorities have been working towards restricting domestic credit, the rise in foreign investment in China has also slowed.
    According to the commerce ministry, FDI was $9.2bn (£5.6bn) in May, a rise of 13.4% compared with the same month last year.
    This was lower than April's 15.2% increase and less than half of March's 32.9% year-on-year surge.
    • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


    • #3
      Karl and others take note.
      • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.

