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Wikilicks not wikileaks

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  • Wikilicks not wikileaks

    Yeah and yuh figget this too. US is wi Friend!

    WikiLeaks: PNP paid dons not to protest

    2011-06-07 18:06:46 | (7 Comments)

    The People's National Party's logo

    There are claims this afternoon that just over five years ago the People’s National Party (PNP) paid area leaders not to participate in a national demonstration.

    The Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) which was in opposition at the time had called the island wide demonstration to protest against a wave of price hikes.

    But according to a confidential US Embassy cable, the PNP which was in Government at the time wanted was doing all it could to avoid the economic fallout that could come with a national protest.

    The diplomatic cable from the US Embassy reported that an executive member of the PNP explained that the party paid area leaders not to participate in the September 6, 2005 demonstration called by the then Opposition JLP.

    According to the cable the PNP executive said the party made that decision because it wanted to avoid a repeat of the widespread damage during the violent gas riot of 1999.

    The ‘99 riot was backed by supporters of the then governing PNP and the Opposition JLP.

    But the 2005 island wide protest was being instigated by the JLP.

    The cable said the PNP official claimed the party had discouraged its constituencies across the island from the lawless behavior.

    He said the party had sent its local representatives to communities to ‘lubricate’ influential community leaders or dons including handing out money.

    The PNP member further told a US embassy official that the party’s efforts were successful, implying that it was primarily JLP supporters who eventually carried out the protest.

    The Embassy further claimed that the PNP executive member accepted that the demonstration by the JLP was not irresponsible, but that the party was worried that certain aggressive elements in the then opposition could incite violence.

    Then opposition leader Bruce Golding had called the demonstration in what he said was a desire to protest against a series of price hikes which had left many Jamaicans fuming.

    But the US Embassy officials said days before the demonstration, a senior JLP member boasted that the party had planned the demonstration for the same day several regional leaders would be in Montego Bay to sign the PetroCaribe agreement.

    This was reportedly contradicted by another high ranking Labourite who denied that the PetroCaribe signing in Montego Bay was taken into consideration when the demonstration was planned.

    According to the cable, the high-ranking JLP member described the protest as a success even though, he did lament that some persons had become unruly.

    The senior JLP member insisted that the party only endorsed peaceful demonstration but admitted that protests in Jamaica seem to be inextricably linked with road blocks and lawlessness.
    Last edited by Karl; June 10, 2011, 04:08 PM.

  • #2
    who are the good guys again...??!!! NONE a dem!! not PNP not JLP! people talk about "core values"? yuh mean "corrupt values" .. .the behavious on both side is the same, why choose one over the other?! what rationale is there? IS there a rationale?

    Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


    • #3
      Notwithstanding the incidents that took place, Balfour Denniston, member of the People's National Party's (PNP) National Executive Committee (NEC), told Poloff at midday on September 6 that the demonstration appeared to be atypical in its moderation. He cited the country's violent gas riots in 1999, when both PNP and JLP supporters took to the streets. The PNP, said Denniston, had taken measures on Sunday, September 4, to avoid a similar scenario by discouraging its constituencies across the island from lawless behavior. He said that the party had sent its local representatives to communities to "lubricate" influential community leaders, including by "handing out money." Denniston said that the party's efforts had been successful, implying that primarily JLP supporters were causing trouble during the current demonstration. Denniston said that the JLP's call to action was not/not irresponsible, and that Golding had explicitly called for peaceful and lawful demonstrations. However, Denniston said he suspected that certain aggressive elements within the JLP, including Deputy Leader and MP James Robertson, could incite violence among demonstrators loyal to the JLP. In that case, Denniston said, volatile areas like Spanish Town and West Kingston could easily "blow up." --------
      Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else - Vince Lombardi


      • #4
        We have to keep an eye on Phillips,a sad pattern is developing;the one way street of intense intelligence gathering.
        It appears his equal exists in the JLP.


        • #5
          Maybe the consensus is a third party but the individual is unaware he or she is in viable company.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Rockman View Post
            We have to keep an eye on Phillips,a sad pattern is developing;the one way street of intense intelligence gathering.
            It appears his equal exists in the JLP.
            Keep an eye? The man is clearly a double agent ... dem always say a slave cyaan have 2 masters, we need to know where Phillips' loyalty deh.
            "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


            • #7
              Dats the point.

              However, on top, they are being played, just as they play the people.


              • #8
                The local WikiLeaks exposures
                Wednesday, June 08, 2011

                Dear Editor,
                I may be wrong, but my interpretation of the US State Department's attitude to Jamaica, based on the reports from the local WikiLeaks exposures is as follows:
                Dr Peter Phillips Christopher “Dudus” Coke Bruce Golding
                During its 19 years in power, the previous government, under former Prime Minister PJ Patterson, sought to build the best possible relationship with the United States, probably to heal the wounds created by Michael Manley's democratic socialist policies of the 1970s.
                In fulfilling this mandate, Mr Patterson's administration seemed to have bent so far backwards that the United States felt Jamaica had become a virtual minion state, and its State Department had come to accept this condition and expect this behaviour.
                However, there seemed to be a shift after former Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller took over in 2006, in which her administration tried to reassert its independence, especially in terms of who it would establish and maintain foreign relationships with, including Venezuela and Cuba, which raised some concerns within the State Department.
                However, there seems to be some assurance that as long as Dr Peter Phillips and Dr Omar Davies were members of Mrs Simpson Miller's administration, US interests were well protected, hence the worry over how both gentlemen would be treated by Mrs Simpson Miller, if either of them were unable to dislodge her as the leader of the party.
                Then in came Bruce Golding in 2007, expected to continue where Mr Patterson had left off. However, instead, Mr Golding tried to improve Jamaica's relationship with both Cuba and Venezuela, and expanded relationship with China, which raised even more concerns.
                Incidentally, I wonder if Mr Golding had cleared his decision to support ALBA prior to making the following announcement in 2008:
                "Jamaica is to show its support for the Bolivarian ALBA/PetroCaribe Fund, which is aimed at helping regional countries finance their own development projects, by contributing US$5 million ($360 million)," (Observer, July 16, 2008).
                Note the second paragraph of the same story:
                "The Government of Venezuela started the fund with a contribution of US$50 million and urged other member countries to make voluntary contributions to expand the fund. To date, no other country has made any contribution," Golding pointed out.
                Since then there was a noticeable deterioration in Jamaica's relationship with the US leading up to the exposures of the Dudus issue, in which, incidentally, Dr Phillips played a significant role initially.
                I hope that our major national newspapers understand that there are many Jamaicans who think outside their bellies and beyond the tip of their noses, who take these developments into consideration. The least the media can do is to help us dispel our fears, which are growing fast with these disclosures.
                Maybe they could start by letting us know, from the WikiLeaks files, what was the United States' response to Jamaica's relationship with Cuba, Venezuela and China, under the three most recent prime ministers — Mr Patterson, Mrs Simpson Miller and Mr Golding. Or is that a "no-no"?
                Rohan Levy

                Read more: http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/lette...#ixzz1OihLycEm


                • #9
                  Suh Bruce is one hero? Bruce stands on principle in dealing with the US? LOL

                  If ah laff tudeh

                  The writer is nonsensical and looks to be seeking political cover for One Liad. The Dudus extradition opposition by One Liad was no act of bravery or high principle... but one of cowardice, corruption & political stupidity.... the guy was more concerned with the impact of the extradition on his party and his political fortunes than any negative impact on Jamaica.

                  As to Patterson being particularly pro US... I seem to recall the Govt he led suspending the extradition treaty for a couple years well because of US misconduct. I also recall his Govt accepting Aristide in Jamaica when no one else in the region would...which the said US considered a huge slap in the face.
                  Portia did not establish or particularly improve relations with Cuba nor Venezuela ... the writer is confused...
                  Patterson was incompetent...an argument could be made for that...but there's no evidence of subservience

                  As to Phillips...tenk God fi im machinations behind the scenes... we reap the benefits today
                  Last edited by Don1; June 8, 2011, 05:20 PM.

                  Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                  D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


                  • #10
                    Oh ... suh because its the party you support, you phrase it as "US misconduct", but at the same time see the current gov't as corrupt for taking a similiar stance?

                    Do you people train to be such hypocrites?
                    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


                    • #11
                      Nope...but clearly you are trained to be a foolish sycophant

                      Remind me why One Liad appeared on TV bawlin an begging for forgiveness...please?

                      Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                      D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Don1 View Post
                        Nope...but clearly you are trained to be a foolish sycophant

                        Remind me why One Liad appeared on TV bawlin an begging for forgiveness...please?
                        the regular fall back line ... its a waste of server space going over the same thing every month. You've exposed yuhself as one of the biggest hypocrite round here. Didn't the stand off with PJ's gov't occur because they realized they made a mistake and wanted the US to send the fugitive back?
                        "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


                        • #13
                          I don't know of a standoff...I know the treaty was suspended.

                          If Golding thought an egregious error was made by the US he should not have allowed the extradition to happen... clearly that was not the case.

                          Now..please remind me why One Liad was bawling on TV... yuh figget ar yuh fraid ah self incrimination? LOL

                          Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                          D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


                          • #14
                            Hmmm - and I thought the PNP didn't have any DON's. Does that mean they have Garrisons too (Shady Pines theory)
                            Life is a system of half-truths and lies, opportunistic, convenient evasion.”
                            - Langston Hughes


                            • #15
                              JLP reaps the benefits fi real..

                              by next election crime should be down all 80%..

                              Tenk yuh Petah ! Pity him could not help himself when he had the chance..

                              or maybe Merica nevah chuss di PNP to act suh dem hold di tink back till di right leadership in place..

