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Govt agencies at odds over Christiana road estimates

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  • #16
    yuh seeit!



    • #17
      Dem cant understand single minded focus????



      • #18
        Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
        K. D. describes cost of Manchester road as a "monumental disgrace"

        Senator K. D. Knight, (Photo: The Gleaner).
        K.D. Knight, a People's National Party (PNP) Senator and former cabinet minister, has blasted the Bruce Golding-led Government for the hundreds of millions of dollars that he claims is being wasted on a road in Manchester.

        The expenditure on the controversial Christiana road, which is now the subject of an investigation by the Office of the Contractor General, is projected to cost $800 million.

        But Mr. Knight, who was addressing a PNP rally at Orange Bay in Hanover Sunday night, described the massive expenditure of funds on the one kilometre stretch of road as a "monumental disgrace".

        Mr. Knight did not mince words in expressing his disgust with the cost to construct the road.

        He demanded answers and asserted that the Golding Government will be hearing from him on the matter as soon as he gets more information.

        "I’d like to know who they bought the land from, I’d like to know who are the contractors (and) I’d like to know who approved the $800 million because the moment I hear who approved it, I am going to write that minister a letter and tell them that ‘Star Boy’ says pack your bags and go," Mr. Knight told party supporters.

        The PNP Senator believes that no amount of explanation can justify the exorbitant cost to fix that road.

        "(They’re) talking about that piece of road was needed and justifying (that) $800 million instead of being ashamed of themselves," Mr. Knight stated.

        He added that the amount of money said to have been spent to acquire land is unbelievable.

        According to Mr. Knight, he is anxiously awaiting the results of an investigation to be undertaken by the Contractor General.

        Hayles hits backs at the PM

        Ian Hayles, the PNP Member of Parliament (MP) for Western Hanover, has taken aim at Prime Minister Bruce Golding, who recently suggested that he was neglecting the constituency.

        At a function on Sunday, Mr. Hayles said he was constantly appealing for help to fix roads in the constituency, but the Government has not assisted.

        According to Mr. Hayles, the $80 million he received was over four years ago.

        Mr. Hayles claimed that others are given priority even though he is the MP.

        Anytime KD address the HEXPENSIVE IDLE white elephant in Sligoville, then me will take him seriously.
        Life is a system of half-truths and lies, opportunistic, convenient evasion.”
        - Langston Hughes

