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Ball of confusion

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  • Ball of confusion

    Ball of confusion

    James Moss-Solomon

    Sunday, May 29, 2011

    Like the song of the 1960s with the lyrics "That's what the world is today, hey hey", the recent happenings in Jamaica seem to bear testimony to the sentiments. We move from one tabloid-type scandal to the next, and I am wondering whether or not our country holds the intellectual property rights for "Suss", because we seem to have either invented or greatly improved on what was simple rumour.

    The resignation of James Robertson following the cancellation of his and his wife's US visas was certainly the hottest topic last week, having replaced the dead squib of the so-called "Rapture" the week before. Now, there are no allegations at this time about why the action has been taken, and therefore I will refrain from adding to the cocktail circuit histrionics of all those "in the know", but somehow the truth will eventually emerge. If it is other than something sensational then many persons will be disappointed, and will continue to hold views that support the rumour mills all in the furtherance of suss.

    ROBERTSON… resigned last week after his US visa was cancelled
    WARNER… summoned by FIFA’s Ethics Committee to answer alleged corruption charges

    I will say that some of those persons who are advancing some connection to the admitted scam of David Smith need to face the facts I advanced last year that the United States will be obligated to move to collect all ill-gotten gains from Olint payouts under their anti-racketeering laws. So perhaps the Finsac list of the forgiven needs to be published with the Olint lists. This will make thousands of persons very uncomfortable, but if you prefer truth to rumour it requires your support.

    As I previously wrote last year, LNG is next in the line after oil, and I warned about transparency in the dealings. This has now attracted some 600 pages of work from the Office of the Contractor General, and a response from the persons involved in the contract award that are defending the bidding procedure. The quest for transparency as a means of preventing corruption seemingly avoids national moral outrage and smoothes a path for a society built by "Anancyism".

    Then the Robertson resignation has prompted the speculation of a Cabinet reshuffle and I await the outcome. As could be predicted, the prime minister temporarily holds everything in his office, but this is pure nonsense as he has enough on his hands and the "Seaga copycat style" does not suit him. He is definitely not the "One Don" by any stretch of the imagination. He is really too intelligent to go down that mythical pathway.

    So if the PM is really a thinking man he would have been aware of all likely weak links in the Cabinet, either due to dual citizenship or US disapproval, and should have had a plan already done. If not, he is either much less bright than I credit him, or so political that he is willing to sacrifice intelligence to meet popular rumours or "judging the climate". Come on, sir, succession planning is a primary activity of any leader who accepts that fundamental view of mortality, that is, we all must die someday. PM, every hour that you wait sends a wrong signal.

    So in the current movements the leader of the opposition signals her changes in portfolio positions in her shadow cabinet. The announcement of the 19 is touted as a mix of experience and youth. Well, I can find about five or six persons who are younger than I am so I'm not really so sure about the youth aspect. Now, we could understand if in the usual exuberance of spiritual outpouring the Rapture of two weeks ago was confused with the word "Raptor", referring to a now extinct species of dinosaur.

    My view is that the collective performance during the 18 years in Government requires some more drastic action than the imposition of the supposedly "new wine in old wine skins". Really, to announce changes without the new policy directions promised in the much-vaunted new plan that is yet to emerge, is again, simply playing politics. Allegations of impropriety, further actions to be taken, and past misdeeds all reduce the viability of several candidates. It is as if duppy has taken a set on both parties' representatives, and all bones previously hidden in closets are walking the land freely!

    We are really seeing how justice works swiftly and I mention the case originating from the Cuban light bulb saga. With all the preliminary procedures, appeals and counter-appeals, it seems unlikely that many of us dinosaurs will live to see the end results, and by that time all the light bulbs would have also expired.

    It is perhaps in the best interest of the politicians on both sides to allow this to continue. If the case is won by the prosecution then a by-election will have to be called, and the signals sent will be unsettling to the outcome of the general elections. Neither party seems very interested in the calling of a general election too early as they want time for several scars to heal, especially the West Kingston saga, and the Finsac Commission to be forgotten by us the "stupid voters" who only vote by colour.

    Well, Minister Jack Warner has been summoned by FIFA to present himself before their Ethics Committee on alleged corruption charges this weekend and he is going. This seems to conflict with the reason given for absence of their prime minister from the Caricom meeting due to the one-year anniversary victory planning. I guess that goes to show you that the USA is not the only "Big Man", but even FIFA commands ministers.

    As a side note let us observe the voting power of the CONCACAF region in the power structure of World Football. If only we could put aside petty jealousies, imagine the impact of a fully united Caricom.

    In closing I must confess that it is becoming more difficult to write this column, as the amount of new crap that emerges each week in this small country would require that I get the entire Sunday paper to comment on the full range. There is no shortage of nonsense, but it is hard to choose nonetheless. I continue to use the finest gauge sieve in order to keep out the thick and smelly excrement that confronts us the citizens of the country. I continue to live in Hope but realise that I may yet die in Constant Spring. Truly, this is a ball of confusion!

    Remember to register to vote!

    Read more: http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/colum...#ixzz1O85FbowK
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