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One Turd's 2/3 Mile Road = US$9m.... Value for Money

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  • #31
    Shift? My argument against the road work boondoggle has been consistent. It is a project largely designed to help the current tribe win the upcoming election... the chief JLP tribalist on the forum agrees. There is an unacceptable opportunity cost to this project in my opinion.

    Jamaica has MUCH better uses for that US$400m or even a large chunk of it. If say US$200m of that was used to repair/build/properly equip schools...the ROI would be off the charts vs repairing roads to win elections...Can't see the nonsense in that analysis.

    You like most Jamaicans love nice roads.... nothing surprising here

    Pity that Jamaicans don't give education at least equal priority to roads..We're full of roads...and simultaneously full of ignorant people... with no end to this ridiculous equation in sight
    Last edited by Don1; June 6, 2011, 01:22 PM.

    Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

    D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


    • #32
      You have some major comprehension issues.

      Where did I say anything about loving nice roads? I do build roads. However, I stressed the economic vitality that improved roads bring. For example, allowing improved and lower cost access to schools, less adverse impact to motor vehicles, lower fuel usage and costs, lower cost passed on in many consumer items.

      Nothing in my posts indicated or suggested that I am ignorant of the facts here or that I just love roads. I pointed out two cases, this one and another where two leading ministers of opposing parties actually selected two expensive projects, rightly, though there would be cynics to attack them in each case.

      I can think of other issues to rightly challenge these ministers on. But here, based on my expertise, both men, neither of whom I am fond of, made the correct decisions. I am fair!
      "Jah Jah see dem a come, but I & I a Conqueror!"


      • #33
        Nope...the bad comprehension is yours. You have expertise in road building...I don't question that. Your expertise is not my concern.

        My concern in this issue is a principle of economics known as opportunity cost.... which is the value foregone by spending on one item versus another

        The evaluation & decision making regarding opportunity cost in development issues is where Jamaicans consistently fail... which is why we end up with one of the world's most dense road networks per square mile...and one of the region's most dense & ignorant populations

        Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

        D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


        • #34
          Well, well. Unlike road builders and designers in Ja, my training and experience is also in reviewing projects for their economic value. Cost/benefit analyses are routine. Based on my extensive experience, the current project, as well as the other I mentioned, though they might be expensive, and tough they have been subject to lots of negative critiques, are very well justified.

          As to other issues you mentioned, I have done extensive professional reviews of some of the subject matter which you speak as though you are an expert on, and I have, as have other experts, reached totally opposite conclusions. This is where I end this discussion with you.
          "Jah Jah see dem a come, but I & I a Conqueror!"


          • #35
            You are an expert on evaluating the opportunity cost of a vast road repair scheme versus spending on education? Somehow I think not. That is what I speak of as opportunity cost/benefit here.

            Unfortunately the high probability is that neither you nor your "experts" nor the politicians making the spending decisions do that kind of analysis.... so we end up with nuff roads and nuff ignorance
            Last edited by Don1; June 6, 2011, 02:41 PM.

            Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

            D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


            • #36
              The Govt turn down the Billions being offered by the Chinese for Education ?

              lol !

              Mi juss ah watch yuh play the fool.. is wheh di money coming fram ? Who dictate the use ?

              You are positing an either or... why ?


              • #37
                US$9m seems excessive for any half mile strip in the current Jakan context.

                No, I dont have any more facts than the article.


                • #38
                  PNP did worse for 18 years and not a peep from you...


                  • #39
                    Clearly, you the expert, don't know jack about the Bogue Road Project.

                    I suspect it's the same situation with the Christiana one. But since you work a farin, you must be the expert.

                    Go tru, mi boss!

                    BLACK LIVES MATTER


                    • #40
                      I am an expert in counting, adding and subtracting. I can tell 2 lanes when I see it, and I can tell where there are 4. I also know that 4 is twice as many as 2. So I am an expert in multiplication too!

                      Division now, that's where you'll stump me!

                      BLACK LIVES MATTER


                      • #41
                        Is that what I am saying? I made 6 posts prior to this one in this thread. Point out even one of them where I made that suggestion.


                        BLACK LIVES MATTER


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Westman View Post
                          Absolute non-sense. You have now decided to shift your argument.
                          What was his argument prior?!?


                          BLACK LIVES MATTER


                          • #43
                            You have it wrong...as usual

                            As I've told you before... China doesn't say I propose to lend you US400m to fix roads.... China will say...give me your PRIORITY project and I will consider it.

                            Our foolfool politicians choose roads..... every time. So we end up with lots of roads with lots of illiterates using them

                            Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                            D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


                            • #44
                              Why do you always come here with this bullshiit!

                              So you are an expert in road building and no one else is. Great!!! Who really gaf!

                              BLACK LIVES MATTER


                              • #45
                                I traverse both areas ever 6 to 8 weeks. I am very familiar with them.
                                "Jah Jah see dem a come, but I & I a Conqueror!"

