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Unease over Paulwell - US, UK, Canada signalled concerns

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  • Unease over Paulwell - US, UK, Canada signalled concerns

    Relationship with Venezuela, Cuba at root of negative attitude — Paulwell
    THE United States, Canadian and British governments had concerns about former energy minister Phillip Paulwell and expressed their unease to a former Cabinet colleague of his that he, and others like him who supported Portia Simpson Miller's presidential campaign for the then ruling People's National Party, "could hold sensitive positions or wield influence in her government".

    The concern was expressed to Ambassador Anthony Hylton, who had visited a Canadian official on March 16, 2006, a day after the then US ambassador to Jamaica met with Simpson Miller at Jamaica House and sent a signal, but with restraint, because of Paulwell's presence at the meeting

    According to a diplomatic cable filed by the US Embassy in Kingston and acquired by WikiLeaks, Hylton had visited the Canadian official to ask "whether the US ambassador and the British high commissioner had intended to convey a message to Simpson Miller".

    The Canadian official, the cable said, "bluntly confirmed" to Hylton that all three missions in Jamaica had concerns about Paulwell.

    In relation to the March 15 meeting at Jamaica House, the US Embassy said that "the ambassador encouraged Simpson Miller to select the best individuals possible for her Cabinet, but was constrained in how candid she could be about our concerns".

    "We are nevertheless confident that the message registered, as Hylton subsequently asked the Canadians, disingenuously in our view, whether the ambassador was trying to signal concern," the cable said.

    The ambassador was accompanied by two embassy officials, one of whom acted as notetaker.

    According to the cable, US and British officials met on March 13, two days before the Jamaica House meeting, "to discuss mutual concerns over the possible inclusion of Paulwell in the new Cabinet, and how best to raise the issue with Simpson Miller in their respective meetings".

    The British diplomat met with Simpson Miller on March 14 and subsequently briefed his American counterpart that "Paulwell and Hylton also sat in on that meeting... which similarly limited what he could say with Paulwell present".

    Yesterday, when the Observer contacted Paulwell for a comment, he said, "My lawyers have advised me not to comment in this matter, and any mention of my name in any publication or media house could be considered an actionable offence."

    However, he added: "I feel that any mention of my name in this matter stems from my relationship with the Venezuelan Government at the time."

    His reference was to the PetroCaribe agreement established in June 2005, which allows Caribbean countries to purchase oil from Venezuela on conditions of preferential payments. These include reduced upfront payments, while the remainder is paid through a 25-year financing agreement at one per cent interest.

    "I still maintain that PetroCaribe was good for Jamaica at the time and today," Paulwell said yesterday. "The allegations raised are ridiculous and nonsensical. Indeed, the test of time has proven them to be so, because there have been extensive investigations and witchhunting on behalf of the current Government which have found no shred of evidence of wrongdoing, because there is none. These people are engaged in rumour mongering.

    "It is also my understanding that there is a negative attitude because of my relationship with both the Venezuelan and Cuban governments," he said, adding, "I make no apologies for my admiration for the support for Jamaica created under PetroCaribe. Were it not for PetroCaribe, Jamaica would be in a worse economic state. I have had no problem travelling to either the US, UK or Canada and I am treated well when I travel to these countries, which I do frequently."

    The cable said that at the meeting with the US ambassador, "Simpson Miller indicated that she would not make wholesale changes until winning a popular mandate in a general election. She implied, but did not specifically state, that she would call early elections, noting that she did not want 'campaigning' to mar the March-April 2007 Cricket World Cup, and that she could not effect a number of Cabinet changes she hoped to make without an electoral mandate. Simpson Miller implied on several occasions that she would like to replace more ministers than was politically expedient, or possible".

    The diplomatic cable said that Simpson Miller indicated that whereas her campaign slogan was 'Team Portia', she emphasised that she intended to govern inclusively as 'Team Jamaica', and to continue her campaign practice of not answering some critics' vitriolic political attacks in kind.

    "Clearly with an eye on the general elections, she said she planned to spend as much time as her governing responsibilities allowed reaching out to Jamaicans on 'street corners and rural areas', and that she would require her ministers to maintain a more visible presence in the exercise of their portfolios," the cable said.

    Read more:
    Last edited by Karl; May 31, 2011, 04:50 AM.

  • #2

    Babylon release the chain...

    Past time for my peeps to unite against (own own cultivated) F-ry and against recolonialization.

    We makking this too easy for the outside world to play us. Time for circumspection. Time to rally round the table.
    Last edited by Willi; May 30, 2011, 10:01 AM.


    • #3
      Interesting. What seems to have been lost on some is that the foreign concern was that he was too close to Cuba and Venezuela (this sounds familiar) which doesnt suit them. The JLP slammed the PetroCaribe deal in opposition and was forced to eat monumental crow in gov't as the PetroCaribe deal saved Jamaica with regard to the oil shock.
      Now contrast this to the Robertson crime sydicate fiasco.


      • #4
        NB. the information is catered to protecting their interests ..... and should be processed as such.

        Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


        • #5
          Oh, is like yuh nuh see everything?


          • #6
            Is JUGGS dem ah allude to:

            ¶5. (C) Perhaps for effect, XXXXXXXXXXXX professed concern about
            support for Simpson Miller's campaign from notably
            unscrupulous figures such as Paul Burke, a 1970's-era
            radical-turned-businessman and backroom PNP operative.
            XXXXXXXXXXXX described Burke as being politically savvy and
            intellectually gifted, and therefore of great use to Simpson
            Miller's campaign. At the same time, he said, given Burke's
            past shady dealings and associations, Burke had attached
            himself to Simpson Miller's campaign because he is able to
            exercise greater influence with her, and because he hopes to
            benefit from a Simpson Miller victory. Minister of Commerce,
            Science, Technology, and Energy Phillip Paulwell is another
            PNP "politician with a past" who is backing Simpson Miller,
            said XXXXXXXXXXXX. (Note: Paulwell, reportedly a longtime
            associate of and close collaborator with Burke, was a rising
            political star until 2001, when he approved a USD 4 million
            loan to a private telecom company known to be in financial
            trouble, and which subsequently collapsed. End note.)


            • #7

              Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


              • #8
                Notwithstanding. My reading of the above indicates the primary concern being nationalist moves such as connections with Venezuela and Cuba. Still trying to the nationalist agenda of Robertson, Dudus et al.


                • #9
                  I can't understand Paulwell would start by saying under the advice of his lawyers ..and then go on to defy it,albeit I appreciate his response.
                  The Manley era never ended.
                  An election is not needed to give Portia the mandate,and what of her relentless support of Omar.Concessions have to be made for her sake.


                  • #10
                    Very good.


                    • #11
                      Based on the cables or Paulwell's response?

                      Was thinking the same as Rockman, Paulwell's lawyers tell him not to speak yet him lipping off to the papers.

                      Anyhow, I hope them push out Paulwell cause him and James Robertson is two people who team up behind the scenes and they don't do it for the sake of Jamaica.


                      • #12
                        Good talk.


                        • #13
                          Oh, so yuh figget bout the Don of the East arready (Danhai)? What is the Baby's area?

                          Dont U see what is going on?


                          • #14
                            Fact is Paulwell have done enough not to have a minister post position long time. If Portia had gotten rid of Omar, Paulding and a few others when she took over, she would have gotten my support. People want change from Portia.
                            • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


                            • #15
                              I am sure that is the angle Paulwell would like us to believe.

                              I suspect there are much more shady dealings involved here.
                              "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass

