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Don One N Who Did Want To See Who D US Cable did ATalk About

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  • Don One N Who Did Want To See Who D US Cable did ATalk About

    you can read more at http://wikileaks.fi/cable/2006/02/06KINGSTON230.html

    and http://wikileaks.fi/

    Corruption Concerns

    ΒΆ5. (C) Perhaps for effect, XXXXXXXXXXXX professed concern about
    support for Simpson Miller's campaign from notably
    unscrupulous figures such as Paul Burke, a 1970's-era
    radical-turned-businessman and backroom PNP operative.
    XXXXXXXXXXXX described Burke as being politically savvy and
    intellectually gifted, and therefore of great use to Simpson
    Miller's campaign. At the same time, he said, given Burke's
    past shady dealings and associations, Burke had attached
    himself to Simpson Miller's campaign because he is able to
    exercise greater influence with her, and because he hopes to
    benefit from a Simpson Miller victory. Minister of Commerce,
    Science, Technology, and Energy Phillip Paulwell is another
    PNP "politician with a past" who is backing Simpson Miller,
    said XXXXXXXXXXXX. (Note: Paulwell, reportedly a longtime
    associate of and close collaborator with Burke, was a rising
    political star until 2001, when he approved a USD 4 million
    loan to a private telecom company known to be in financial
    trouble, and which subsequently collapsed. End note.)

  • #2
    Davies and Blythe: XXXXXXXXXXXX's Also-Rans

    ¶6. (C) XXXXXXXXXXXX was entirely dismissive of Karl Blythe's
    low-profile campaign, saying that Phillips had won over key
    delegates from under Blythe's nose, in Blythe's own home
    constituency. He characterized Blythe as erratic and
    unpredictable, and observed that he seemed to be in the race
    "because of ego." (Note: Blythe was forced to resign as
    Water and Housing Minister in 2002 after he was found to have
    acted improperly in supervising a low-income housing grant
    program. End note.) Though more respectful of Finance
    Minister Omar Davies and his "Campaign for Prosperity",
    XXXXXXXXXXXX said that Davies has run his campaign badly thus
    far, causing private sector donors to lose faith and reduce
    considerably their funding for his effort. According to
    XXXXXXXXXXXX, Patterson persuaded Davies to enter the race to
    provide a more promising (and palatable) alternative than
    Blythe to Phillips and Simpson Miller, and because Patterson
    harbors long-standing grudges against both Phillips and
    Simpson Miller. Patterson, he explained, has never forgotten
    that it was Phillips who conveyed then-Prime Minister Michael
    Manley's 1991 request for Patterson's resignation as Finance
    Minister after Patterson was found to have improperly waived
    fuel import duties for a PNP crony who was also the local
    manager for a multinational petroleum company. As for
    Simpson Miller, she earned Patterson's ire by daring to run
    (unsuccessfully, as it turned out) against him to succeed
    Manley in 1992, and by frequently missing or arriving late to
    Cabinet meetings over the years, which Patterson viewed as a
    lack of respect for his authority.


    • #3
      seeit yah

      That said, the involvement of Paul Burke, Danhai Williams,
      Kenneth "Skeng Don" Black, and their ilk with the Simpson
      Miller campaign - or indeed any other - is cause for some


      • #4

        Now Peter P can get more respect from me.

        Go deh Peter drape up PJ, yes.


        • #5
          So these US operatives believed that Paul Burke would join a Portia administration?


          Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

          D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


          • #6
            Originally posted by Skeng D View Post
            seeit yah
            I agree those figures are a cause for concern...they must be watched

            Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

            D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


            • #7
              yuh nuh.. after him have surrogate fi dat !


              • #8
                Or is Paulwell dem a talk bout? Nuh him was the rising star!


                • #9
                  'No hidden agenda' - Paul Burke denies alliance with Finance Minister
                  published: Tuesday | February 1, 2005

                  By Omar Anderson, Gleaner Writer

                  Burke, Davies, Simpson Miller and Phillips

                  FORMER PEOPLE'S National Party (PNP) Region Three chairman Paul Burke yesterday dismissed suggestions that his candidacy for party vice-president was simply a ploy to further the political ambitions of Finance Minister Dr. Omar Davies.

                  Mr. Burke also confirmed a Sunday Gleaner article that he had officially withdrawn from the race to succeed Prime Minister P.J. Patterson as party president.

                  "I am not in any alliance with any other vice-presidential or presidential aspirant in my offering myself as a candidate, although I welcome and need the support from all of these comrades without exception, and which hopefully, I will receive," Mr. Burke said in a statement.

                  AGENDA WELL DOCUMENTED

                  "I have no agenda. The political agenda which has guided me over the past sixteen months, has been well documented. I can, therefore, truthfully and categorically state that there has been no intrigue, subterfuge, secret alliances or hidden agenda on my part."

                  Mr. Burke was responding to an article in The Sunday Gleaner by former North West St. Ann Member of Parliament Arnold 'Scree' Bertram, which alleged that Mr. Burke's 11th hour nomination was done to spark the struggling candidacy of presidential hopeful Dr. Davies.

                  "Paul Burke's eleventh-hour nomination for the PNP's vice-presidential race reflects a strategic decision by the political camp of presidential hopeful Omar Davies, to create an opening for their candidate who has so far failed to make an impression within the party," Mr. Bertram wrote.

                  CLOSE TIES TO DAVIES

                  "The reliance of Davies on Burke is not new since it was Burke who facilitated his elevation to the chairmanship of Region Three two years ago. It is this emerging alliance which provides the basis for the boast from the politically naive around Davies that after February 5 Dr. Peter Phillips' candidature will be sabotaged beyond recovery."

                  Responding further, Mr. Burke said he was pleasantly surprised at the allegation of a collusion between himself and Dr. Davies, declaring that the candidate of his choice to succeed Mr. Patterson was Minister of Local Government Portia Simpson Miller.

                  Mr. Burke's last minute entry as a candidate for vice-president almost brought the PNP's 66th annual conference at the National Arena more than a week to a standstill. So unprepared were party officials, including the secretariat for a vote, that it took the intervention of Mr. Patterson to get the situation under control. The vote is now set for Saturday where Mr. Burke will face Dr. Phillips, Dr. Davies, Mrs. Simpson Miller and Dr. Paul Robertson to decide on the party's four vice-presidents.

                  Mr. Burke added that his withdrawal from the PNP presidential race was based, among other reasons, on the fact that the other four vice-presidential aspirants have not supported his idea for a separation of the responsibilities of the party president and prime minister.


                  • #10
                    If dem wrong here, I wonder what else dem get wrong???

                    How reliable are the evaluations in these cables? Some of it seems clueless, like the quality of Omar's reign. ROTFLMAO

                    Does Babylon have our interest at heart?

                    It is time that the greens and the orange coalesce around common ground. We are being played.


                    • #11
                      Babylon is being swayed by stale salad lunches , if dem a complain bout di PM wife salad dem really serious ? Its like an idiot given an opinion about runnings after talking to man who a him friend.

                      Such is US espionage in the carribbean and to a latter extent central america.We are not that valued , they use gossip as fact.
                      THERE IS ONLY ONE ONANDI LOWE!

                      "Good things come out of the garrisons" after his daughter won the 100m Gold For Jamaica.

                      "It therefore is useless and pointless, unless it is for share malice and victimisation to arrest and charge a 92-year-old man for such a simple offence. There is nothing morally wrong with this man smoking a spliff; the only thing wrong is that it is still on the law books," said Chevannes.

