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US revokes Government minister's visa?

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  • US revokes Government minister's visa?

    A report that the United States Embassy here revoked the visitor's visas of a Government minister and his wife on Friday remained shrouded in mystery up to late yesterday evening, even as a highly placed authoritative Jamaican source insisted that the action was taken.
    The Sunday Observer made repeated attempts to contact the minister for a comment. However, calls to his cellphone went to voicemail and he did not respond to a message left.

    Efforts to get a comment from US Embassy officials in Kingston also proved unsuccessful and no one was available at the US State Department to speak on the issue.
    The highly placed source did not say whether the US authorities informed the Jamaican Government of the action. However, the source has received information that a news release on the matter has been crafted by the United States State Department for release this week.
    The source also confirmed to the Sunday Observer that the minister is under investigation by local law enforcement authorities, but declined to give details.
    Last year February, the US cancelled the visitor's visa issued to Wayne Chen, chairman of the state-run Urban Development Corporation.
    At the time, Chen, who found out about the measure on his way out of the island on a business trip, expressed shock and surprise at the action.
    Chen was eventually reissued with a visa six months later.

    Read more: http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/news/...#ixzz1N4jqolaO

  • #2
    A St. Thomas bath is in order. Troubling times ahead for the crime syndicate.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Rudi View Post
      A St. Thomas bath is in order. Troubling times ahead for the crime syndicate.
      St. Thomas


      u might be on to sumthing

