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thank you KingAlarm

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  • thank you KingAlarm

    Thank you, KingAlarm

    Published: Saturday | May 21, 2011 0 Comments

    THE EDITOR, Sir: I live in the United States and recently visited your beautiful island with my husband on our 50th anniversary.
    We journeyed to Kingston to pay a surprise visit to friends of ours who we had not seen for many years. While en route, we stopped on Red Hills Road to get food and somehow locked our keys inside the rental car. As darkness was approaching, we felt somewhat insecure and helpless in what was to us an unfamiliar [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]environment[/COLOR][/COLOR].
    We made telephone contact with our friends and explained the situation and they promised to send immediate assistance. Not more than three minutes later, we were in the esteemed company of two security officers from KingAlarm who immediately made us feel extremely relaxed and secure in their presence.
    amazing service
    They informed us that a locksmith affiliated with their company was less than 10 minutes away and would render the necessary assistance. They were there to ensure our safety until the locksmith's arrival.
    So said, so done, and less than 20 minutes after first calling our friends, we were on our way!
    What amazed us was [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]learning[/COLOR][/COLOR] that we were not being charged for this service and the persons in question would accept nothing from us aside from the satisfaction of knowing they had served us well.
    That is truly First-World customer service, and we were very impressed and grateful. To these men - Supervisor Smith and Williams - you are not only great [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]ambassadors[/COLOR][/COLOR] for your company, but also for your country, as your humane and professional approach speaks volumes about the nature of the Jamaican spirit and the warmth of its people.
    Having already penned a letter to the company, I ask that you publish my letter as we feel that service such as this should be otherwise emulated.
    We will be back!
    I am, etc.,
    [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]Maryland[/COLOR][/COLOR], USA

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    • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.