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Dr. Ken Baugh - Please Read & Respond

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  • Dr. Ken Baugh - Please Read & Respond

    Brain drain, my foot! Migration saved us!
    Franklin Johnston

    Friday, May 13, 2011

    MINISTER Baugh decries migration while Bruce announces 10,000 job losses and business closures. A Cabinet of contradictions? What are the jobless to do? Ken is a decent man - respect! But his call for developed nations to provide funds for training professionals makes no sense. We don't need to train more. We need to train fewer and retain them. From 1990-2009 we trained many and 55,000 of them migrated. Why? They had no jobs. Others hired them and they remit millions. From 1971-2009, among the one million non-professionals we exported were criminals and illiterates. Ken, will you compensate the UK or US for taking their burden off our budget? They send money so Jamaica can save billions on poor relief and use the FX.

    My friends from Halls Delight who migrated are well off. They have jobs, degrees; the family here gets money and robot taxi to run up the hill. Those who did not go just scratch the soil and can't afford a JPS meter - go figure! Migration helped them and JA. The greatest Jewish brains are abroad, leading lights in many nations, yet Israel asks for no compensation. Let's do the same! Why shake down developed countries?

    To get $5 million a head? Trus' me, a study will show we owe them money. Is this human trafficking? If the 55,000 were still here labour rates would fall and teachers, nurses would be paid peanuts. Will Minister Spencer and Minister Holness say how many doctors, nurses, teachers they will employ now? So why is Bruce firing 10k? Want to stop brain drain? Create jobs. Brain drain is our unemployed graduates in survival mode. Migration saved them and JA. Those in the diaspora are our accidental heroes! They have done there what they could not do here. Big up!

    Participants at a diaspora conference in Kingston. (Observer file photo)

    Why do we migrate? Do we jump, are we pulled or pushed? Why did your father, mother leave you alone to go to a cold, strange land? Crazy? No. For a better life. Consider this: they had no job, no future; were fearful, faced threats; someone they know was robbed, raped, murdered, the society was stifling them, so they sacrificed and left. Minister Ken, migration is a symptom of Cabinet failure to build prosperity. So why do we have surplus graduates? If we reform state-funded universities; if we leave student loans to loan experts and if loans are given to all students - state subsidised, using banks - for demand-driven degrees, we would have the professionals we need and no surplus to drain! Check these points:
    First, Cabinet has no projections of professional jobs to 2020 to guide the tertiary system on intake and output. So universities overproduce, graduates can't get jobs, salaries are pressed, older graduates despair and migrate! Second, campuses are predatory and admit students, whether a job is available or not - irresponsible! Some say their graduates get jobs.

    How come? Simple: bosses fire the senior and employ new ones to cut salary costs; the know-how migrates - we lose! Third, students are also to blame as most study easy courses, not what the market needs, and are not employable. Many at age 37 are living with parents. Cabinets and universities feed migration as they graduate more than the economy can absorb. Do you know their enrolment increases even as our economy declines? Don't laugh. To produce more in a glut is idiocy. Look in the mirror, Minister Holness.

    After the war our northern friends needed workers and we migrated. We were the white man's burden; we understood English even if we did not speak it. That's OK, our job was to take, not give orders. We produced graduates in the 60s and our surplus migrated to UK health and education services. Why not? They funded UWI! In the 70s rich people feared communism and migrated. But most could not survive in US meritocracy where class or family name has no traction and high-brown or beige is black! Many returned crestfallen. By the 80s graduates outstripped our economy's needs but as the UK was booming they took our surplus. The UK is now in crisis and cuts university funding. We too are in crisis but Cabinet has not turned off our degree factories. Minister Ken, funding for university capacity is not the shot! Minister Holness should rationalise state-funded universities. Too many graduates chasing too few jobs.

    When the coop gets crowded the fowls begin to peck each other and become cannibals - all suffer. Migration saved us up to now, but doors are closing and we may have bloody revolution unless we can head it off by voting in new people with vision and executive skills to build our own prosperity come 2012!

    Minister Ken opens a can of worms without a Red Stripe to wash it down. Did he survey our "brain-drained" abroad? Are they poor, fearful, unhappy? Cash for brain drain is a game politicians play when ideas run out. Is the diaspora OK with being sold (in absentia) to the white man - again? By our own black people - again? I can't hear you. Cabinet must publish the economic and social balance sheet of migration so we see the net benefit or loss. We gained more from migration than the US or UK - families at home and the nation - money, culture, acclaim, insight, FX. If those in the diaspora remit seven per cent of income, it means they earn US$50 - 70 billion - more than our budget. They could not do this here. The human capital gains are also massive. We exported crude lumps of clay; these were shaped by exposure, experience into incisive, creative tools - politicians, opera singers, academics, train drivers, welders all with a sense of social justice. Minister Baugh is on a slippery slope. If it backfires and results in curtailment of our travel options, remember that he started it! Put a price tag on our professional backs and we are once more in the moral maze. African slavers captured, warehoused and traded our ancestors. Will Cabinet take orders for our warm, professional bodies? Will they offset our one million non-professional migrants? Give the US a bulk price? In Ken's plan, will politicians decide who can or can't migrate, send off cronies and hold back others? Why not go into new markets - a sales office in Libya - as their black African semi-slaves are leaving? We will go, we are used to fighting. Will you sell our graduates? Just graduate farm-work! OK. Put us on eBay? With a doctorate, what is my list price? My heart bleeds! We have learnt nothing from history. Stay conscious, my friend!

    Dr Franklin Johnston is an international project manager with Teape-Johnston Consultants currently on asssignment in the UK.


    Last edited by Karl; May 13, 2011, 09:31 AM.

  • #2
    Thanks, T Dowl!

    ...let us hear for the tribalists and more rational thinkers on this strange idea - Damn wasn't it posted here yeeeeeeeeeeeeeears ago - on why we should train for exporting and not speak of the damn foolishness about we are suffering from a brain drain?

    Pity Franklyn could not give us more...e.g. figures our institutions churn out every year and the numbers of availble jobs, jobs needed to be created year over year to absorb all the graduates...etc., etc?
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


    • #3
      Franklyn drink mad puss ********.

      Some good points masked by some very bizzarre ones like how Israel dont complain about brain Drain. ROTFLMAO

      Israel IS the brain drainer! It is a recently manufactured state and cant compare to Jamaica in that sense.

      I am also wondering how him just find religion. Are these ills something recent? Why him never cuss out him bredrin PJ who keep up more of the same effry? is like dis man in fulkl election mode!

      While I dont believe that Baugh was sensible in his speech, as it would NEVER happen and so is a waste of time. it does not merit the panicked suggestions about Jamaican professionals being barred cause Babylon fraid fi pay back tax pon dem, or the ridiculous assertion about anyone selling the diaspora. The overreach is comical and spoiled what could have been a decent commentary.

      The fact is that we have an imbalance in the types (not quantities) of grads we produce. We also lack a coherent, synergistic long term plan. Thus, we have needless underemployment.

      Finally, if one thinks clearly, his piece is most damning against the PNP, so those are the tribalists that should be clamouring, but Franklyn packaged his piece politically to protect his PNP bredrin.

      I am still amazed he did not close off his column by saying vote PNP!


      • #4
        Other points, the UK was NOT booming in the first part of the 1980s when Thatcher was in power.

        Also, why dis man try conflate Uni grad brain drain with unskilled migration?


        • #5
          Um.. so we did NOT suffer from Brain Drain ?

          Is there a special school that you people go to that teaches warped logic ?

          Why were there not Jobs between 1990 and 2009 ?

          Could not be FINSAC since that did not affect businesses just the bad ones and many came to replace them.. right ???

          Step up Karl.


          • #6
            Willi it's better you said Baugh was quoted out of context (which I believe because no intelligent individual would make that statement).

            You seem to see right in every thing your party does. Franklyn has some very serious points. Franklyn's premise is that brain drain really helps Ja given the weakmess of its political and economic system. I would like to hear solid counter arguments from you on the above.

            What's next reparations? When Europe was under the shackle (please dig in history) were they crying out to Africa and Asia for reparations? At times you can't blame them for feeling superior.

            BTW what are your thoughts of relying on self? Thanks.


            • #7
              'Brain Drain' does not help a country.. it is by definition a net negative phenomenon and you either have it or you don't.

              There is no doubt that Jamaica suffers massive 'Brain Drain'.

              If remittance is the only upside of your Diaspora then you are at a net loss given the investment (training) put into the resource.

              My good friend Claudette Crooks highlighted this in her caution of how Govt money is allocated... no point on an education spend if your only upside is remittance.. you must also put in place an environment that will allow a take up of the developed resource..


              • #8
                First let's look at football. Brasil spends money to train players and coaches. These players and coaches are the most dominant professionals in football around the world. There is a huge influx of money coming into Brasil due to the above.

                Franklyn is going by the same concept. You may seem to forget that Ja is a population of 2.7 mil. Creating a highly educated workforce/population will only benefit the island immensely, Brain drain will transform into the export of human capital (a concept being explored and taken advantage of by asia). Ja is not suffering from Brain drain; it's just an elite few that had access to quality education that island was hingeing its hopes on ( a concept that dates to the days of slavery).
                At present we are now at the epoch of the info age. May I digress a little? I was in a conversation with someone about I saac Newton and his contribution to physics. Person turned and said "Imagine a society where everyone is on the same page in terms of newton's mind?" I said wow that would be an interesting society. I hope you see the point I'm driving towards.

                Ja has to discard the slavery/colonial mentality of educating an elite few then pinning th island's hopes on them. Ja has to discard the fear of losing votes and control of the people if they are being exposed to quality education. The island needs quality education badly. As we speak Castro is Ja's best friend, but for how long is another question all together.


                • #9
                  Reading is required, as is comprehension:

                  Some good points masked by some very bizzarre ones like how Israel dont complain about brain Drain. ROTFLMAO

                  And no, JLP is not "my" party.

                  The article needed less editorializing and camp[aigning and should have stuck to ARGUMENT and truth. Jamaica's probs wont be solved by obvious hypocrites with columns.


                  • #10
                    Willi come on now, do better. Dispute the man with facts and counter arguments. or yuh busy?


                    • #11
                      First off Univ education is waaaay more expensive than training ballers. 2nd is that the ballers who make it are a small percentage and have short sports career. Third, a few ball millionaires cant make a dent in Brazils economy...Brazil is a GIANT.

                      Muadibs point is that if we combine opportunity and creativity with high level tertiary education, we can do wonders, real transformation of the country and in less time that is commonly thought.

                      Finally, mi nuh waan hear nutten bout the overated Rosicrucian Newton. When yuh start dig real deep with yuh third eye, you will understand that his celebrity is a result of politics. His "side" won. Kepler was more brilliant for sure.

                      When everybody is on the same page as the Buddah\krishna\Christ, etc, THEN yuh will something. Whe we stop try solve problems, but start to invent\create new realities, then we will have broken the cycle.


                      • #12
                        I already have.
                        I showed where my objection to his piece are and how he ruined awhat could have been a decent column.

                        He should have stuck to what we almost all say here...focus education where there is real national need.


                        • #13
                          okay but he is also saying once being educated becomes common place in Ja, brain drain will become the exportation of human capital. Your claim is that there are some masks around. Why don't you unmask it for me, thanks.


                          • #14
                            The man is a wingnut...plain for ll who want to see, to see.


                            • #15
                              Export of Human Capital ?

                              What are the returns.. ?

