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One Liad lauds Vaz: He who doesn't take NO for an answer

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  • #16
    what wrong with the bus park? it move or them burn it down?
    • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


    • #17
      Look,parties need a Heather Robinson,and Mr. Vaz clearly is not of that mold.He was the pitch man for Bruce,and the method of delivery was to shove it down our throats.What Seaga has done for the folks of TG is unparallel BUT...


      • #18
        Heather Robinson?? Now that's change I could believe in

        Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

        D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


        • #19
          It's one thing to know theory but another to apply it. Many can quote dates, and cite various books in history but it's the application. It's the ability to see why things are being played out over and over.

          History has shpwn us that it's breakdown why systems such as feudalism emerges :Feudalism traditionally emerges as a result of the decentralization of an empire. This was particularly the case within the Japanese and Carolingian (European) empires which both lacked the bureaucratic infrastructure necessary to support cavalry without the ability to allocate land to these mounted troops. Mounted soldiers began to secure a system of hereditary rule over their allocated land and their power over the territory came to encompass the social, political, judicial, and economic spheres as well. These acquired powers significantly reduced the presence of centralized power in these empires. Only when the infrastructure existed to maintain centralized power—as with the European monarchies—did Feudalism begin to yield to this new organized power and eventually disappear. (courtesy of Wikipedia)

          It plain to see that Ja's political system is in decline (regardless of party).At the same time you hear clamour for fresh and young minds in Ja's political system. How can this be? If a bright but not monied and connected individual tries to enter the system. Is it that Ja is reaching the point where each Baron or Lord will take care of his/her constituent/fiefdom? (all this is happening in the 21st century). What of the serfs/peasants in the fiefdom? What are their level of education? Are they able to be gainfully employed? Do they know ld rearing and family planning?

          You reap what you sew. Jakans do not understand that their actions today will account for generations to come (an underpinning of studying history). They took Joshua's work on education for granted and now their grandchildren are paying for it (being mere serfs in a fiefdom).

          My words will will come to past; as the info age progresses, look for more regression in JA. The regresson will reach the small industries that the island possess. In the 21st century Ja is still fighting with sugar (as if it's the main stay as it was 300 years ago). Other nations are fighting to harness knowledge to master certain niche in technology whilst we live in the past. I know why they are scared to open the people to top notch education (don't be fooled the money is here to do it). Well Ja won't publish so I guess she will perish (and this is not a joke).


          • #20
            Pity she removed herself from selection...

