Spanish Town excited about train service
2011-04-12 17:28:47 | (4 Comments)

Workmen paint one of the trains. photos by Norman Grindley/Chief Photographer
Rasbert Turner, Gleaner Writer
It was an exciting time for a number of persons, who witnessed the Jamaica [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]Railway[/COLOR][/COLOR] Corporation's first set of coaches rolling into Spanish Town this afternoon.
"I never believe sey I woulda live to see passenger train come back a Spanish Town. I can remember when mi used to [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]travel[/COLOR][/COLOR] pon it," Millicent Campbell, 65, a St. Catherine resident said.
Campbell was one of many who turned out to view the train's coach, which was parked at the refurbished Spanish Town station.
"I have never driven on a train. Therefore, it will be of some historical benefit to me, " Michelle Raymond, 17, said.
Meanwhile, Barry Bonitto, chairman of the Jamaica Railway said, the train would assist with the movement of passengers from Spanish Town to Linstead.
"We intend to start operations from Spanish Town to Linstead within a month. We are going to have a test run from May Pen to Linstead on Saturday, with the Transport Minister and others," Bonitto said.
He noted, a total of 68 passengers can be seated in each of the six coaches.
According to Bonitto, 40 individuals will gain direct employment as brakesmen, ticketing agents and engineers, when the train restarts, " Bonitto reasoned.
Many people said they were looking forward to see how the train will improve [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]travelling[/COLOR][/COLOR] for the public.
Meanwhile, a number of taxi operators on the Linstead to Spanish Town route, have expressed concern about the new development.
The [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]train [COLOR=blue !important]services[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] started in Jamaica in 1845, and underwent several changes before coming to a halt in 1992.
Spanish Town excited about train service
2011-04-12 17:28:47 | (4 Comments)

Workmen paint one of the trains. photos by Norman Grindley/Chief Photographer
Rasbert Turner, Gleaner Writer
It was an exciting time for a number of persons, who witnessed the Jamaica [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]Railway[/COLOR][/COLOR] Corporation's first set of coaches rolling into Spanish Town this afternoon.
"I never believe sey I woulda live to see passenger train come back a Spanish Town. I can remember when mi used to [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]travel[/COLOR][/COLOR] pon it," Millicent Campbell, 65, a St. Catherine resident said.
Campbell was one of many who turned out to view the train's coach, which was parked at the refurbished Spanish Town station.
"I have never driven on a train. Therefore, it will be of some historical benefit to me, " Michelle Raymond, 17, said.
Meanwhile, Barry Bonitto, chairman of the Jamaica Railway said, the train would assist with the movement of passengers from Spanish Town to Linstead.
"We intend to start operations from Spanish Town to Linstead within a month. We are going to have a test run from May Pen to Linstead on Saturday, with the Transport Minister and others," Bonitto said.
He noted, a total of 68 passengers can be seated in each of the six coaches.
According to Bonitto, 40 individuals will gain direct employment as brakesmen, ticketing agents and engineers, when the train restarts, " Bonitto reasoned.
Many people said they were looking forward to see how the train will improve [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]travelling[/COLOR][/COLOR] for the public.
Meanwhile, a number of taxi operators on the Linstead to Spanish Town route, have expressed concern about the new development.
The [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]train [COLOR=blue !important]services[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] started in Jamaica in 1845, and underwent several changes before coming to a halt in 1992.