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I thought this 'story' was a fabrication?

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  • I thought this 'story' was a fabrication?

    Bajan cop accused of sexually abusing J'can woman out on bail

    BARBADIAN police yesterday charged two of their colleagues who have been accused of sexually assaulting a Jamaican woman while in their custody in late February.

    The two — Constable Jonathan Barrow, 32, of Pasture Road, Haggatt Hall, St Michael, and Woman Constable Melanie Denny, 25, of No 40 Golden Mile, St Peter — were pointed out in identification parades earlier this week.

    Barrow is charged with serious indecency, while Denny is facing a charge of aiding and abetting. The two, members of the Royal Barbados Police Force, were charged on Wednesday night and brought before the District "A" Magistrate's Court yesterday. Both were granted bail in the sum of Bd$5,000 and were ordered to return to court on September 1.
    Another policeman who allegedly raped the woman is still to be arrested.
    Yesterday, the father of the 27-year-old complainant greeted news of the arrest with indifference. "That can't bring back my daughter's dignity which they defiled. I would like things to move forward so what can be done, be done," the man, his voice trembling with rage, said.
    The woman's mother told the Observer that her relatives had no idea what had become of their daughter and was taken aback when weeks later they got a 'mysterious call' informing them that her daughter was jailed in Barbados. "We reported her missing on February 27. We never know what was what," she said.
    The complainant's mother, who requested anonymity to protect the identity of her daughter, said prison officials in Barbados confirmed that her daughter was indeed in custody but never allowed her to speak to her child.
    She said she only spoke to her child briefly on April 1, more than a month after she had been locked up.
    "They allowed us to talk to her only once and she cried out over the phone that she had been raped," the woman said.
    The complainant was arrested at the Grantley Adams International Airport after customs officials allegedly found about four pounds of ganja in a secret compartment in her luggage. She was found guilty and sentenced to 15 months in prison.
    The alleged sexual abuse happened while the woman was being held in lock-up on the night of her arrest. She accused Barrow of forcing her to perform oral sex on him and Denny of opening the lock to the cell she occupied and allowing another cop, who is yet to be identified, and Barrow of having their way with her.
    Jamaica's Public Defender Earl Witter said news of the charges against the Barbadian cops were not surprising but expressed concern for the welfare of the complainant, whom he said could face victimisation while serving her sentence.
    "It would not be inappropriate for the Jamaican Government to explore the possibility of her serving out her sentence in Jamaica because having regard to her allegations there is reasonable fear that she will be victimised while doing time there. I would hope that she is allowed regular visits by Jamaican consulate representatives so that her treatment can be closely monitored," Witter told the Observer.

    Read more: http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/news/...#ixzz1J1nhLxak
    "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)

  • #2
    Well, we have to say congrats to the Barbados police force for doing the right thing... whether they (policemen charged) will be successfully prosecuted is another thing. Hopefullly, the facts will come out in court.

    As for the young woman, I hope when she finishes serving her time she will find a proper job.
    Peter R


    • #3
      This is a different incident though, not the one which has been in the news recently .

      What is does show is that the Bdos govt minister was way out of line by suggesting that this kind of thing could never possibly happen in Bdos. Clearly they have police abuse issues which they are downplaying.
      "‎It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men" - Frederick Douglass


      • #4
        Thereb is a new one today that surfaced...though it goes way back to 2004.


        • #5
          And one ugly policeman involved

          On the matter of the Myrie case, I read where she will be asked to go to Barbados and identify the officers involved.

          Don't know if I agree with that. Is it so difficulty to go through the records to see which officers worked that day and who processed her?
          Life is a system of half-truths and lies, opportunistic, convenient evasion.”
          - Langston Hughes

