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The Last Will & Testament of Charles Drax

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  • The Last Will & Testament of Charles Drax


    Libro of Wills 16 Folio 15.- dated 7th July, 1721, Executors - William Parrott of London, Merchant & Capt. Robert Toublay:

    In the name of God Amen. I recommend my soul to God. It is my desire that I be buryed at the Church of St. Mary's. I will, order and direct, that the new House which I erected and built on my land in Jamaica, called Shelton, shall from and immediately after my decease be applyed, appropriated and used as a free school or hospital for ever for the support, maintenance and education of eight poor boys and four poor girls belonging to the inhabitants of St. Ann in the island aforesaid and my will is, that they be all taught reading, writing and arithmetick and for that purpose some sober learned and discreet man be nominated and appointed by my Exrs., and the survivors of them in Jamaica so long as they or either of them shall live and by, the majority of the Justices of the said Parish after their decease to whom there shall be yearly paid by four equal quarterly payments £40 current money of Jamaica, for his pains and trouble and also have the full use, and benefit of the said free school or hospital during his continuance of a master thereof - it being my intention that such person and all others appointed for the management said service of the said free school or hospital shall be liable to be turned out by the majority of the said Justices as often as they may see fit.

    I will also that a sober careful woman be appointed to look after and nurse the said poor boys and girls and to teach the girls to say and to do plain work and other housewifely things and that there be yearly paid to her by quarterly payments £20 per annum current money of Jamaica. I will that there be a Good cherurgeon or apothecary appointed to from time to time visit and administer physics or other helps and assistance and for his care in that affair there be yearly paid to him by half yearly payments the sum or £13 current money of Jamaica at Michaelmas and lady day.

    I order that two of my negro women slaves as shall be thought most capable shall from time to time be taken off my plantation in the island aforesaid and kept constantly employed in the said free school or hospital to keep the said hospital, clean and neat and to dress the victuals and otherwise attend on the said boys and girls.

    I will that each boy shall upon his admission be supplied with 6 shirts, 4 warm waistcoats, 4 pairs breeches, 6 pairs hose, 4 pair shoes and 2 hats and each boy shall be yearly during his continuance there be provided with the like quantity of clothes and each girl shall he provided for in proportion with the boys.

    No girl or boy shall be admitted to the school or hospital until he or she shall be 6 years old and each boy attaining the age of 15 years shall be placed out to such manual trade by my Exrs. or the majority of the Justices aforesaid shall think proper and every boy that faithfully serves out his apprenticeship shall be paid at the end of his term £5 of current money of Jamaica to buy him tools, and each girl shall he placed out as aforesaid apprentice upon attaining the age of 14 years, and my will and mind is that if Sarah Murphew of the Parish of St. Mary hath any child fit to be admitted and provided for in the manner aforesaid that such child or children be admitted and that Catherine the daughter of John Lush Esq. deceased be immediately admitted and given £51 at 21. I give Catherine Lush a negro woman slave named Bisstole which is in possession of her mother.

    I will that Joseph Gibbs a poor boy born and bred in my family, be admitted to the said free school. My will and mind is that my slave Robinson be admitted into the free School or hospital and be brought up and placed out as one of them. All boys and girls admitted to the said free school or hospital stall be instructed in the principles and the doctrines of the Church of England and that the boys and girls be constantly supplied on every vacancy.

    They shall be supplied with good bedding and sheets two to lye on one bed and that they eat fresh meat every Sunday and Thursday with good bread and wholesome liquor and every Friday with fresh fish if to be had; if not with saltfish on Monday, beef and pudding on Tuesdays, pork and peas and on Saturday with what can can be most easily procured.

    I make my estate at Shelton liable and chargeable for ever with the several payments expenses and disbursements to be made or laid out in or about the said free school or hospital and desire it may be supported and kept up decently and in good order and that the house now appointed for it may be enlarged if necessary at any time.

    If at any time there shall prove a deficiency I make my other estates in Jamaica subject to make good such deficiency. I will that £500 be given to build a Church where the old Church stood which was built by Peter Martyr Bishop of the West Indies, £200 to be kept back till the work is complete.... Here follows several bequests of money (e.g. Frances Palmer £20 a year, Susanna £20 a year, Elizabeth Ekin £10, Dorothy Willdon £40) and several slaves made free. To Sarah Murphew £10 per annum during her life and permitted to live at Rio Nova in the Parish of St. Mary.

    Witness.-Jno. Twogood, Parl Mansfield and William Pearse.
    Gleaner 10.1.28

    Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

    D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007

  • #2
    The rest of the story
    In actuality, the money had to be recovered by a long drawn-out lawsuit from a member of the Becford family who had managed to get hold of Mr Drax's property. The school was eventually started in 1795 in the old St Ann court house and later moved to Walton where it was called the Jamaica Free School. It was then moved to the Barbican Great House and then in 1885 moved to its present site on Hope road, where it became known as Jamaica College

    One of the earliest school fund was that of Raines Waite in 1694. His trust was called the Vere Scholarship Fund, and it was used to start both the Alley School and Manchester High School.

    Wolmer's School, which was started in 1736, got its start from the benevolence of a Kingston Goldsmith (Mr Wolmer), who left 2,360 English pounds in his will for the establishment of a free school.

    Manning's, named after its founder, was established in 1738 in Savanna-la-mar.

    Rusea's, started out in 1777 through a grant from Martin Rusea.

    Two wills by Messrs Beckford and Smith were combined to establish the Beckford and Smith high School in Spanish Town. This school was later renamed St Jago High school.

    Both Munro College and Hampton High for girls were originally underwritten by the Munro & Dickenson Trust.

    Titchfield High, though originally started in 1781, benefitted from the Titchfield Fund which in 1870 came with a 350-acre parcel of land.

    The original idea behind the above schools was that of providing free education for the poor. I am assuming that any such idea would've included the freed slaves too. However, in the climate of the era not many (if any at all) blacks or coloured were allowed into these institutions.

    Some other High Schools which I have to mention are:

    St Georges College was established in 1850 by 21 Spanish Jesuits who were expelled from Colombia. They were given 9 hours to leave Colombia but their stay was extended to 48 hours so that they could find passage. The only way out was a ship which was sailing to Jamaica. The started the school at 26 North Street and a few years later turned over to some English Jesuits. The school produced many brilliant students over the years, including many Rhode scholars.

    Cornwall College was established at Barracks road in 1896, by a government grant. It was originally known as Montego Bay Government Secondary school. In 1910/11 34 acres of land was purchased at Pleasant Hill in Montego Bay and the school was relocated there. In 1922 its name was oficially changed to Cornwall College.

    One of the Rhode scholars of StGC, Percival William Gibson, went on to carve his name in the annals of Jamaica and Kingston College. The Right Rev. Percival William Gibson who was the Anglican Bishop of Jamaica from 1955 until 1967, founded Kingston College in 1925. No doubt, KC has remained one of Jamaica's most outstanding instintutions over the years.

    Excelsior High School (Age, Aggi, or XLCR) was the product of the brilliant visionary, Aston Wesley Powell, who "believed that age, poverty, social class or skin color should not be impediments to securing a formal education." The school began its existence on January 19, 1931 at 9 Hampton Street, in Kingston Jamaica, which was the residence of the parents of the founder. It was later moved to 137 1/2 Mountain View Avenue where it has produced many stalwarts in the field of politics, the arts, cricket, soccer, medicine etc.

    NB: Other schools (Calabar, Immaculate, Alpha, Holy Childhood, Vere Tech, York Castle, Camperdown, Knox, William Knibb, Holmwood, Dinthill, STETHS, STATHS, KTHS, Campion College etc.) deserve their honourable mention too but I am leaving that task to other posters.
    Last edited by Farmah; April 6, 2011, 11:40 AM.
    "The contribution of forumites and others who visit shouldn’t be discounted, and offending people shouldn’t be the first thing on our minds. Most of us are educated and can do better." Mi bredrin Sass Jan. 29,2011


    • #3
      OK...I'm familiar with the story...an important point omitted is that when the school moved from Barbican to Hope estate...an outpost of the University of London was co-located on the Hope site...the University outpost eventually merging with the Jamaica High School to become Jamaica College.

      The larger point I'm trying to make is that we need to examine the colonial roots of our school system...which has changed in form but not SUBSTANCE from those times.

      We need a fundamental reform in that system to progress.

      Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

      D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


      • #4
        maybe we should copy Barbados...


        • #5
          Yes... A laser focus on education and 100% literacy would be very useful

          Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

          D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


          • #6
            Hmmmnnn! Didn't really know about the site as an outpost for the London University. Interesting piece of info.

            I agree totally that we need to examine where we are now relative to the Colonial roots of our education system. Some tweaking is needed for us to move forward. But also, a restitching of the moral fibre may be needed so that we may easily adapt to changes within a new educational system.
            "The contribution of forumites and others who visit shouldn’t be discounted, and offending people shouldn’t be the first thing on our minds. Most of us are educated and can do better." Mi bredrin Sass Jan. 29,2011


            • #7
              wi soon rationalize di govament... haffi time it right doh suh wi nuh get vote before it can tek root..

              Centralized Procurement system going in.. supposed to can save bout 30% easy..

              Brown Man Time a gwaan good...


              • #8
                True dat....

                btw...yuh did guh deh?

                Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


                • #9
                  "The contribution of forumites and others who visit shouldn’t be discounted, and offending people shouldn’t be the first thing on our minds. Most of us are educated and can do better." Mi bredrin Sass Jan. 29,2011


                  • #10

                    Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                    D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


                    • #11
                      Did it mention that Drax had roots in Barbados? Yes, that country that is bent on giving Jamaicans a hard time!

                      BLACK LIVES MATTER


                      • #12
                        an sta't tun out dem kin' a immigration offisah dem?
                        Peter R


                        • #13
                          dat ah true... bad mind ah kill dem...LOL

                          Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                          D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007

